303 Mulitlanguage

by rufi62

304 Videos

by rufi62

305 Create gallery in subfolder?

by DarkAngelAzrael

309 Showkase Iphone 4s

by koe

311 "home" background image

by fkd2385

314 multi size image support

by dennis

315 Custom Palette colors [SOLVED]

by gustavocampos1

317 Unable to install Showkase

by gustavocampos1

318 Flickr loading problem

by gvdkooij

321 publish with new version

by xavier.colmer

324 Embed Vimeo Video [SOLVED]

by dcresswell

326 Site Heading Font Size [SOLVED]

by davidwatkins.1

327 logo doesn't show. [SOLVED]

by gustavocampos1

330 Reset juicebox galleries to default

by Pierre Lachaine