302 Showkase Iphone 4s

by koe

304 "home" background image

by fkd2385

307 multi size image support

by dennis

308 Custom Palette colors [SOLVED]

by gustavocampos1

310 Unable to install Showkase

by gustavocampos1

311 Flickr loading problem

by gvdkooij

314 publish with new version

by xavier.colmer

317 Embed Vimeo Video [SOLVED]

by dcresswell

319 Site Heading Font Size [SOLVED]

by davidwatkins.1

320 logo doesn't show. [SOLVED]

by gustavocampos1

323 Reset juicebox galleries to default

by Pierre Lachaine

324 Menu link issue?

by Pelle

329 how to include video properly

by rayfighter