Topic: Does "repair site" fix path errors in Update/Publish?
I made a site, then moved it to a different directory with different name. Domain name transfer required resetting all the internal addressing code to use the domain name address, rather than the server machine address. All working fine, until I go into admin to edit and publish. When I do, the index.html file in the folder named for the site with hyphens, inserts an extra element in all the paths on that page (it's the folder that the site was housed in before moving) Without going into detail here, I'd like to know whether I can expect that the "Repair Site" option in admin is likely to fix this glitch. Not inclined to rebuild the entire site if there's danger that the site, now online, would be trashed, requiring a complete reinstall, and a day or two offline.
Has your use of "Repair" worked for this sort of problem? Thanks for any input. (I suppose I need to set up a local Wamp server on my home machine, or some such to be able to test changes to the site out of the public eye.)
It seems to me that this could be fixed by simply editing the paths contained in showkaseconfig.ini Correct?