Topic: Can't publish from admin dialog

When I try to publish from the admin system I get carried back to the original setup screen as though I am setting up for the first time. The path is the same as it is for other Showkase installations, Showkase is in a separate "showkase" folder under htdocs on my server.

I have repeated this problem. I had Showkase set up and deleted the folder when this problem kept cropping up. Now it's happening on the new installation. I can still edit my showkase files, but the convenience of the publish button is gone. I have to keep a couple of browser windows open, click the publish button, and refresh another browser window to see changes.


Re: Can't publish from admin dialog

First of all, please install and run the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to check that your web server has all the basic functionality that Showkase requires.
If any of the tests fail, this might give us a clue as to the cause of your problem and there are troubleshooting tips on the same page (link above) which may help.

I have to keep a couple of browser windows open, click the publish button, and refresh another browser window to see changes.

This sounds like a caching problem of some sort. Try completely clearing and then disabling your browser's cache to see if this helps. Also, please check with your web host to see if there is any server-side caching going on and, if so, ask if it can be disabled on your hosting account. Hopefully this will help.

Re: Can't publish from admin dialog

A support person at my host dogbark actually resolved this for me since I don't know my way around php.

Here's what he sent back to me:

"I changed the site to PHP 5.3 and it had the same problem
* I downloaded and installed the sktest script at and it shows no problems
* There is no server side caching

I went through the code in index.php and basically that temporary homepage shows UNLESS a page that meets all of these requirements is found:
1) Has 'show nav'
2) Is *not* a link
3) Has no parent

None of the pages in your gallery met that so the temporary page showed. I updated the gallery page and enabled the 'show in navigation' link and the site shows normally now."

I"m not sure how I got it tangled up in the beginning, but I thought this resolution might be of interest.


Re: Can't publish from admin dialog

I'm glad you have been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for taking the time to post your solution.