Email received, thank you. I've sent you a reply.
152 2019-07-15 12:52:16
Re: upgrade to Pro failed [SOLVED] (6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Please post the URL to your Showkase site so that I can take a look at your galleries and files for myself.
I might see something that will help.
Otherwise, it would help if I had access to both your Showkase site and web server so, if you are agreeable to this, please send me your Showkase login details (admin URL, username and password) and FTP login details (host, username and password) and I'll investigate further and hopefully figure out what's going wrong. (You already have my email address.)
153 2019-07-15 11:08:04
Re: upgrade to Pro failed [SOLVED] (6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
The instructions for Upgrading to Pro should work fine so please try again.
Here's an expanded set of instructions:
(1) Extract the file to your hard drive and you'll find the Pro jbcore folder in this location: juicebox_pro_1.5.1/web/jbcore (Please double-check that you are using the Juicebox-Pro zip file and not the Juicebox-Lite zip file.)
(2) Navigate to the showkase/admin/plugins/juicebox/master/ directory on your web server and delete the existing jbcore folder there (showkase/admin/plugins/juicebox/master/jbcore). (This saves you from having to check if your FTP program is set to overwrite existing files in Step #3 below.)
(3) Upload the jbcore folder from Step #1 above (juicebox_pro_1.5.1/web/jbcore) to the showkase/admin/plugins/juicebox/master/ directory on your web server.
(4) Republish your site (click the 'Publish' button). (Juicebox galleries within a Showkase site are not updated until the site is republished.)
(5) Clear your browser's cache before reloading your gallery pages. (This will ensure that your browser is not still using older cached files from prior to the republishing.)
Incidentally, if you are not already using the current version of Showkase (v1.7.4), then please upgrade. There was a bug (which was fixed in v1.7.4) which prevented the correct version of Juicebox being displayed in 'Site -> Customize Viewers' and 'Site -> Change Viewers'. (This did not affect any functionality but could be confusing.)
Full instructions can be found on the Upgrading Showkase support page.
For reference, a list of changes between version can be found on the Version History page.
I hope this helps.
154 2019-07-06 09:27:00
Re: The "Start Upload" button doesn't run [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome!
I'm glad to hear that everything is working OK now.
Thank you for letting me know.
155 2019-07-03 22:39:36
Re: The "Start Upload" button doesn't run [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
That's odd. I've not encountered this problem myself and, as far as I can recall, no-one else has reported such a problem before (non-functioning 'Start Upload' button) so I'm not sure what might be causing your problem.
However, here are some troubleshooting tips which might help.
(1) Upload Mode
Try using a different upload mode. The default upload mode is 'HTML 5'. Try changing it to 'Basic' to see if this makes a difference.
You can toggle between upload modes via the blue link at the bottom-right corner of the upload module.
(2) Different Images and Resize Settings
Try uploading images from a difference source (perhaps just some sample images from the internet) to see if they upload OK (and to determine if the problem is somehow unique to the images that you are using).
Try also using different resize settings to see if this makes a difference.
(3) Clear Browser Cache or Try Different Browser
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your site's dashboard or access your Showkase site using a different browser. This is a bit of a long shot but in the absence of knowing exactly what is causing your problem, I would not rule anything out yet and this is a quick and easy thing to try (and it might make a difference).
(4) Run the Showkase Server Compatibility Test
Try running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to see if any of the tests fail.
Even if you ran the test before initially installing Showkase, please try again in case your web host has made any changes recently which might be contributing to your problem. The results of the tests might point us in the right direction.
There are troubleshooting tips for any tests that fail on the compatibility test's support page (in the link above).
(5) Upgrade (or Reinstall) Showkase
If you are not already using the latest version of Showkase (v1.7.4), then try upgrading following the Upgrading Showkase instructions.
Even if you are already using the latest version, try reinstalling it (just follow the upgrading instructions but with your currently installed version) to ensure that all core Showkase files are present and correct on your web server (in case something happened during the initial upload resulting in an incomplete or corrupt installation).
(6) Upgrade PHP
I do not know what version of PHP your web server has installed (please let me know) but, if possible, upgrade to the latest version available to you in case this helps (current version is PHP 7.3.6). You might be able to change the version of PHP that your web site uses via your web host's online control panel.
(7) Run Showkase in Debug Mode
Try running Showkase in debug mode to see if any error messages or warnings are displayed in the application's status bar which might help to pinpoint the cause of the problem.
Open your 'showkase/admin/settings/constants.php' file in a plain text editor and change line 12 from:
define('DEBUG', false);
... to:
define('DEBUG', true);
Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase (v1.7.4).
(8) Check in with your Web Host
If the problem has only started to happen recently and you have not changed anything yourself, then this suggests that something might have changed on your web server.
Please ask your web host to see if they have made any changes recently which might be affecting your hosting account (and, subsequently, Showkase's functionality).
I hope these suggestions point you in the right direction.
Please let me know how you get on and if I can be of any further assistance.
I would be happy to help further but I'd really need access to your web server in order to investigate the problem.
If you are agreeable to this (and my suggestions above do not help), then please let me know (post back here) and I'll send you an email address which you can use to forward your FTP login details to me. Thank you.
Just another thought...
Is there any chance you could please provide your PHP settings?
You should be able to check your PHP settings using phpinfo() as follows:
(1) Create a new file in a plain text editor with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
(2) Save the file with a .php file extension (for example, 'phpinfo.php').
(3) Upload the file to your web server and open it in a browser. Please also post the file's URL here in the forum so that I can check your PHP settings myself.
With the above in mind, please check that your PHP post_max_size is at least as large as your PHP upload_max_filesize and that your PHP memory_limit is at least as large as your PHP post_max_size.
Here's a quote from the PHP documentation regarding post_max_size.
post_max_size integer
Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize. Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size.
156 2019-06-07 11:37:27
Re: Text layout [SOLVED] (5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome!
157 2019-06-07 11:18:01
Re: Text layout [SOLVED] (5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Sorry, I missed that part of your query.
The 'Base font size (px)' can be set only for the entire site in the 'Site -> Customize Theme -> Fonts' section.
There is only one setting for consistency throughout the site.
If you want to change the font size for one page only, then you'll need to do so via CSS (by adding custom CSS to your theme's 'custom.css' file).
First of all, you'll need to find the page number for the page whose font size you'd like to change.
Open the source of the page in a browser, scroll down to the opening <body> tag and check the 'page-xxx' CSS class.
In your case, your page's body tag is as follows:
<body class="light type-basic page-10 group-0 body-arial headings-helvetica ">
... and the page number is 'page-10'.
Now you can target the page using this CSS class.
Next, open your '/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file and add the following CSS to change the font size of the body text (changing the font size value as appropriate).
.page-10 {
font-size: 24px;
If you want the font size to be applied to only the body content text (and not the 'Page title' or footer), then use the following CSS instead:
.page-10 .body-content {
font-size: 24px;
Incidentally, if you use a theme other than Kosel, then to find the location of the 'custom.css' file, just replace 'kosel' with the lower-case name of the theme you use (e.g. 'boma', 'maribo') in the path '/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css'.
I hope this helps.
158 2019-06-06 18:50:02
Re: Text layout [SOLVED] (5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
The default 'Body text layout' for all Showkase pages is "1-column narrow".
Edit your page, scroll down to (and expand) the 'Override Site Options' section and change the 'Body text layout' from "1-column narrow" to "1-column wide". Now click 'Save' and 'Publish'.
Hopefully this will solve your problem.
159 2019-06-03 18:34:18
Re: Blank page at initial login [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
I'm glad you've got it working.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.
160 2019-06-01 19:07:48
Re: Blank page at initial login [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
When you see the blank page, what is the URL in the browser (what is the address of the blank page that you are viewing)?
What do you see when you view the source of the blank web page in your browser (maybe there is a clue to the nature of your problem hidden in the code of the blank page)?
The first thing I would try is re-uploading all the core Showkase to your web server in case something happened during the initial upload which has resulted in an incomplete site (maybe not all files were uploaded) or corrupt files.
Does your web server have any error logs that you can look into to see if you can figure out what went wrong?
If delving deeper into the origin of the blank page, re-uploading Showkase to your web server and checking your web servers error logs does not help, then it might help to know more about your web server.
Does your web server run Linux or Windows?
What version of PHP does your web server have installed (please check that it is installed and working correctly)?
What version of Showkase are you using?
Perhaps you could post a link to your Showkase Server Compatibility Test (so that I can take a look at the results for myself) and also post a link to your PHP settings (as noted below).
(1) Create a new file in a plain text editor with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
(2) Save the file with a .php file extension (for example, 'phpinfo.php').
(3) Upload the file to your web server and post its URL here in the forum so that I can check it out.
With a little more information, we should hopefully be able to determine the cause of your problem.
Thank you.
161 2019-05-24 09:35:55
Re: 1 column thumbnail layout (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome. Sorry it's not the response you were hoping for.
It still might be worth posting in the Feature Requests thread though.
162 2019-05-23 18:58:56
Re: 1 column thumbnail layout (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, there is no quick and easy way to create a gallery index page with a single column of thumbnails.
If I knew of a solution, I'd happily share it with you but the variable which handles the 'Max thumb columns' appears in seven different source files and I do not know the formulae that the author used to generate thumbnail dimensions and breakpoints.
It is probably much more complicated that it looks at first sight.
Perhaps you could post your suggestion in the Feature Requests forum thread.
This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
I do not know the likelihood of any ideas being implemented in future versions but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.
Thank you.
163 2019-05-23 18:30:45
Re: When create a new JuiceBox Gallery it doesn't appear in the grid (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
OK, thank you for the update. Please let me know how you get on.
(I still cannot replicate the problem you describe so it could be a server-specific problem such as some sort of caching issue.)
164 2019-05-19 20:45:02
Re: When create a new JuiceBox Gallery it doesn't appear in the grid (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
If you create a new Juicebox gallery page, it should appear on the gallery index page as soon as you drag and drop the Juicebox gallery page onto the gallery index page (on the 'Pages' tab) and click 'Save' and 'Publish', even if it is the only gallery page grouped under the gallery index page.
If you have not yet edited the Juicebox gallery page (for example to add images to the gallery), then the Juicebox gallery page will still be represented on the gallery index page but the gallery index page will just display a 'no images' icon (a white cross on a grey background) as a thumbnail image for the gallery.
If this does not seem to happen within your Showakse site, then maybe there's some kind of caching issue causing the problem (whether due to server-side caching on your web server or client-side caching in your web browser.)
Check with your web host to see if caching is used on your hosting account and try clearing your web browser's cache before previewing your gallery index page.
I can't be sure that this will solve your problem but I hope that it points you in the right direction.
Incidentally, I've tried unsuccessfully to replicate the problem you describe in a fresh Showakse v1.7.4 site.
A single Juicebox gallery page always appears on a gallery index page (whether I have uploaded images to the gallery or not) and without the need to add another gallery page to the gallery index page.
165 2019-05-10 10:25:41
Re: Thumbnail photo gallery? (7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
I notice that you currently set showSplashPage="NEVER".
If you use the default value of showSplashPage="AUTO", then the Splash Page will be displayed when the gallery is displayed in Small Screen Mode (on mobile devices) and when the gallery is expanded from the Splash Page, it will be displayed on a page of its own without the Showkase header or footer, giving more room for more thumbnails to be displayed.
For reference, more information about Juicebox Screen Modes and the Splash Page can be found here.
166 2019-05-09 18:36:55
Re: Thumbnail photo gallery? (7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Notice: Undefined offset: 166
It sounds like you have reached your current PHP max_input_vars limit.
Each image in a Showkase gallery page has 6 different variables associated with it and, in order to process a large gallery, you will need to ensure that max_input_vars is large enough to accommodate all the images. (It should be set to at least 6 x the number of images in your largest gallery.)
It sounds like your max_input_vars might currently be set to 1000. A max_input_vars of 1000 will be able to handle 166 images. 166 images x 6 variables = 996 input variables. The next image, image #166 (starting at image #0), will trigger the error.
Try increasing your max_input_vars, perhaps to 2000 (or even larger to give yourself a buffer for very large galleries).
You should be able to check your current PHP settings in your web hosting Control Panel or by using phpinfo() as follows:
(1) Create a new file in a plain text editor with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
(2) Save the file with a .php file extension (for example, 'phpinfo.php').
(3) Upload the file to your web server and open it in a browser.
(4) Search the web page for max_input_vars.
You should be able to change PHP values using one of the following methods:
(1) Via a php.ini file.
(2) Via an .htaccess file.
(3) Via your web hosting account's online Control Panel.
If you have trouble changing your PHP max_input_vars value, your web host should be able to help you out.
Only one thumbnail displays and not rows and columns.
From your screenshot, it looks like this is due to your thumbnail dimensions (and the available screen size).
It looks like there is not enough room within the mobile device's browser to display more than one thumbnail.
The only solution to this (to allow more thumbnails to be displayed on the mobile device pictured) would be to reduce the thumbWidth and thumbHeight (in the 'Thumbnails (Pro)' section of your gallery page).
I notice you have increased both the thumbWidth and thumbHeight to 150 (from the default values of 85).
More thumbnails will be displayed per page if you revert to the default values of 85.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to use different thumbnail dimensions for Large Screen Mode and Small Screen Mode so a compromise may need to be made, especially if the majority of your target audience is likely to be viewing your galleries on small screen devices.
Can I edit the juicebox gallery so that I can have at least 3x5 rows of images?
You cannot specify the number of thumbnails to be displayed on each thumbnail page in Small Screen Mode.
The number of thumbnails displayed per page is determined by the thumbnail dimensions and the space available in the browser viewport.
If you load your gallery's thumbnail page in a desktop browser and then change the size of the browser window, you'll see the number of thumbnails dynamically change (and the number of thumbnail pages will also dynamically change).
I hope my notes above help.
Please let me know how you get on and if I can be of any further assistance.
167 2019-05-08 12:38:40
Re: Missing picture [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome!
I'm glad that you've been able to resolve your problem (and thanks for following us on Facebook).
Thank you for letting me know.
168 2019-05-08 09:26:33
Re: Missing picture [SOLVED] (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
A picture , which I have choose for a gallery Index doesn't displayed. It is visible as Album cover, but not as picture in the gallery..
Edit your gallery page (from the 'Pages' tab), scroll down to (and expand) the 'Override Site Options' section and make sure that the 'Show index image' checkbox is selected. (If it is not already selected, tick the box and click 'Save' and then 'Publish'.)
If you always want your index images to appear in the galleries themselves, go to 'Site -> Customize Theme -> Gallery Pages' and make sure that the 'Show index image' checkbox is selected here.
And another one question: How can understand about new versions of JuiceBox Pro and Showkase Pro ?
If you would like to be notified when new versions are released, then please join our mailing list, keep an eye on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our blog RSS feed.
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You can check what's new by visiting the Version History pages:
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169 2019-05-06 18:26:33
Re: Thumbnail photo gallery? (7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
The only way to do this would be to use a Juicebox gallery page and set screenMode="SMALL" (in the gallery page's 'General (Pro)' section).
Please note that screenMode is a Juicebox-Pro option which is not supported by Juicebox-Lite, the free version.
Small Screen Mode is intended to be used on mobile devices (thumbnails and main images are displayed on separate pages to give the main images as much room as possible) but you can display your gallery in Small Screen Mode (on all devices and in all browsers) by setting screenMode="SMALL".
When a gallery is initially displayed in Small Screen Mode, the site visitor is presented with a grid of thumbnails from which a main image can be selected. When an image is selected, the grid of thumbnails is replaced with the chosen image and the user can then navigate through the main images or return to the grid of thumbnails at any time via the Thumbnail Button on the gallery's Button Bar.
The actual number of thumbnails displayed in the grid will depend on the dimensions of the thumbnails (set in the gallery page's 'Thumbnails (Pro)' section) and the space available in the site visitor's browser.
If there is not enough space to display all the thumbnails in a single page, then additional thumbnail pages are dynamically created and the visitor can navigate between them via thumbnail page navigation buttons (in desktop browsers) or by swiping (on mobile devices).
Here is a sample Juicebox-Pro gallery displayed in Small Screen Mode: … Mode=SMALL
I hope this helps.
170 2019-03-20 21:51:55
Re: Feature Requests (93 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
I expect you are referring to the navigation menu at the top of the web page you quoted (which stays at the top of the page when scrolling vertically).
Unfortunately, Showkase does not support such functionality but many thanks for making the suggestion.
(Incidentally, I've tried using some relatively simple CSS to try to achieve something similar (in the Kosel theme which has a top menu) but I've not found a nice clean solution that I'm happy with.)
171 2019-03-12 21:23:47
Re: jbcore folder changed during Import (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome!
Perhaps a note about it in the docs would help those of us who want to tidy up.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I'd encourage you to post suggestions (for Showkase itself or its website) in the Feature Requests forum thread.
This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they will be seen by the developers.
Thank you.
172 2019-03-11 21:28:29
Re: jbcore folder changed during Import (3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
All Juicebox galleries within a Showkase site (whether created within the Showkase interface or imported) use the 'jbcore' folder from the 'admin/plugins/juicebox/master/jbcore' location (which is copied to the '_viewers/juicebox/jbcore' location on publishing so that no admin files are used when the site is viewed).
Unfortunately, I can't tell you why the 'jbcore' folder is copied across to the imported gallery folder as I am not the author of Showkase and did not make such design choices.
I expect that the complete gallery folder is copied in case there are other custom files within it that you might want to retain.
It is probably much better for the program to copy the entire gallery folder than to assume that the user will no longer want certain files.
In any case, once the gallery has been imported, the 'jbcore' folder within the imported gallery folder is redundant and can safely be deleted as the gallery will now be using the Showkase 'jbcore' folder.
173 2019-02-23 20:16:27
Re: Juicebox pages not displayed after move to new host [SOLVED] (6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
You're welcome!
I'm glad to hear that everything is now working as it should.
Thank you for letting me know.
174 2019-02-20 20:57:03
Re: Juicebox pages not displayed after move to new host [SOLVED] (6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Likewise with the jQuery file here, too:
It's not exactly the same corruption (see below) but it's the same sequence that is affected.
if(b&&(d=c?°0˜=��°0˜=������������������®Œ˜=����������`¬Œ˜=��1˜=����������Ð0˜=���@������Ð0˜=����������b]:b.split(" "))
I'm seeing a similar thing with the 'juicebox.js' file on your site.
It looks like an encoding issue.
The stock 'jquery-min.js' file from the Showakse zip package is UTF-8 but the one I downloaded from your website is ISO 8859-1.
Make sure that your FTP program is not re-encoding the files on upload.
175 2019-02-20 20:48:10
Re: Juicebox pages not displayed after move to new host [SOLVED] (6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)
Many thanks for the link to your website.
It looks like at least one of the JavaScript files within your site did not make the transition unscathed and is now corrupt.
If you open your file directly in a browser and scroll down, you'll see a section which looks like this:
if(b&&(d=c?À.„˜=��À.„˜=������������������Pó‚˜=���������� ñ‚˜=��(/„˜=����������à.„˜=���@������à.„˜=����������b]:b.split(" "))
It should look like this:
if(b&&(d=c?g[h]:g[h].data)){n.isArray(b)?b=b.concat(,n.camelCase)):b in d?b=[b]:(b=n.camelCase(b),b=b in d?[b]:b.split(" "))
Try re-uploading a fresh version of this file to your site and re-publish (and repair if necessary) to see if this helps.
Hopefully this will resolve your problem but, if not, then we are at least one step closer to fixing the problem.