(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is there a way, when site is in 2 column layout, to put a "marker" somewhere in the body content which indicates where the column split should go?

This may be difficult to achieve. Even if you were to introduce the column-width CSS property (in your current theme's 'custom.css' file), its value "is not a absolute value but a mere hint". Please see this web page for details. It may not be easy to set all the required values to fix a column width without breaking the layout of the page.

Also, I've used bolded text in the content via editor on page, and the site ignores the bold when showing the content.

As long as you are in 'Source' input mode, either of the following should work fine:

This is <b>bold</b> text.
This is <span style="font-weight: bold;">bold</span> text.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The CSS you added to your 'custom.css' file has certainly taken effect and makes a noticeable difference when I now view your galleries. The gap between the bottom of the gallery and the footer has been significantly reduced.

If you want to reduce the gaps to the left and right of the gallery, you can go to 'Site -> Customize Theme -> Site Layout' and increase the 'Max site width (px)' value. Please note that this is a site-wide setting.

Showkase displays a Juicebox gallery so that the entire gallery is visible in the user's browser window, no matter what it's height.
Also, your gallery uses the default imageScaleMode ('SCALE_DOWN') so images are scaled to fit within the gallery's image area without cropping.
Unless your images have a similar aspect ratio to the gallery's image area (which is dynamic depending on the shape of the user's browser window), there may be gaps to the left and right (or top and bottom) of your images.
In your case, there will be more space to the left and right of your images in a browser window of limited height (try reducing the height of your browser window to see this effect).
The only ways to fill the image area more would be to either:
(1) Set imageScaleMode="FILL" (though this will crop images to fill the image area rather than scale them to fit).
... or:
(2) Increase the height of your gallery by going to 'Site -> Customize Theme -> Gallery Pages' and increasing the 'External fit px' value (though this will mean that users will have to scroll down to see your entire gallery).


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

For reference (and others reading this thread), instructions for moving a Showkase installation can be found here.

It looks like you have successfully moved your installation into your root directory. Your site seems to functions fine with all the files in their new location (other than the 'index.php' home page).

The problem seems to be with your web server's PHP installation.
Going to your 'index.php' home page or your 'admin/index.php' login page, your web server does not process the PHP page as expected but serves it up to the user's browser as a download instead (a default action for a file it does not know what to do with).
It looks like either PHP is not currently installed (or configured correctly) on your web server or there is perhaps an incorrect or missing MIME type for PHP files. In either case, your web host should be able to help you further with this.
Once this has been resolved, your Showkase installation should function completely.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is there any way to over-write col settings so the "image" on my homepage basic page would be the proper size?

If you want your home page to have a different number of columns than the 'Basic' page type would ordinarily have, then perhaps the best way to achieve this would be to manually edit the page itself (though any modifications would be lost if you updated the page through the Showkase interface).
Open the page in a plain text editor and change:

<section class="content columns-2">

... to:

<section class="content columns-1">

Well, I removed the <a> links from the images for now...explicit style didn't remove underlines.

Set border-style: none; on the link, e.g.:

<a href="http://www.example.com/" style="border-style: none;"><img src="image.jpg" width="200" height="100" alt="image" /></a>

The other thing I'd like to change is all the padding around the gallery viewer on the gallery pages.

The gap between your gallery and your footer is the body text for the page (which in your case is empty).
You can remove this gap in all Juicebox galleries within the Kosel theme by using the following code in your 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' page:

.type-juicebox section.page-body {
    display: none;

The images are still vertically offset a few px, but I can't see any reason causing it.

The text editor tends to enclose custom code in <p> tags.
Try editing your page and, in source input mode, change the <p> tags to <div> tags to see if this makes a difference.

The forum does not allow images to be posted.
If you want to share a screenshot, please upload it to your own web server or a file-sharing service such as Dropbox and post a link to it.

The forum also does not allow links to be included in a user's first post as an anti-spam measure.
If a user really needs to post a link in a first post, it can be disguised as follows:
http://www.example.com -> www (dot) example (dot) com

However, as this was not your first post, you should have been able to post links.
I have checked the forum settings and all looks to be OK.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is it possible to do this without affecting other pages of the site? The homepage is the only page with this issue.

No, not through the interface. The 'External fit px' field is theme-wide and applied to all galleries.
Perhaps the easiest way would be to manually modify your home page.
Open the page in a plain text editor, search for fitGallery and increase the 'offset' parameter in the fitGallery function call.
This modification will be lost if you update your page within the Showkase interface but it is a quick and easy solution which you can implement if and when required.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The gap you refer to is the lower part of your Juicebox gallery.
If you set imageVAlign="CENTER" rather than imageVAlign="TOP", then the gap will be reduced (the main image will be vertically centered in the gallery's image area rather than aligned to the top, which leaves a noticeable gap at the bottom).
Your gallery also uses the default value for imageScaleMode ('SCALE_DOWN') so images smaller than the gallery's image area are not scaled up to fill it. Try either feeding your Juicebox gallery larger images (so that they are always large enough to have to be scaled down and fill the image area either left-to-right or top-to-bottom, depending on their aspect ratio) or set imageScaleMode="SCALE".
Another solution might be to reduce the height of your Juicebox gallery in 'Site -> Customize Theme -> Gallery Pages -> External Fit px'. Enter a negative value to reduce the height of the gallery.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

We are currently working on improved gallery and Splash Page sizing on mobile devices but, in the meantime, I have a couple of updates regarding your queries.

1. My site looks ok in vertical mode on an iPhone 5, but it doesn't fit the screen in landscape.

Try setting expandInNewPage="TRUE" (rather than the default value of "AUTO") in the 'General (Pro Viewers Only)' section of the Juicebox gallery page. For more information about this configuration option, please see here.

2. Is there a way to enable keyboard navigation immediately on page load?

This is possible but it requires the use of the Juicebox-Pro API and a modification to a Showkase file.
Depending on the theme you use, open the 'showkase\_themes\kosel\pagetypes\juicebox.tpl' file (changing 'kosel' to whatever theme you use) in a plain text editor and change the following code:

<script src="{$ss_pageUrl}/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
        containerId : 'juicebox-container',
        galleryWidth : '{$galleryWidth}',
        galleryHeight : '{$galleryHeight}',
        backgroundColor : '{$backgroundColor}',
        baseUrl : '{$ss_pageUrl}/'
<div id="juicebox-container">{$ss_SEOContent}</div>

... to:

<script src="{$ss_pageUrl}/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    jb = new juicebox({
        containerId : 'juicebox-container',
        galleryWidth : '{$galleryWidth}',
        galleryHeight : '{$galleryHeight}',
        backgroundColor : '{$backgroundColor}',
        baseUrl : '{$ss_pageUrl}/'
    jb.onInitComplete = function() {
<div id="juicebox-container">{$ss_SEOContent}</div>


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You could include your dynamic image into a Showkase 'Basic' page by loading its web page into an iframe.
For example, you could add code such as the following into a 'Basic' page's text editor in 'Source' input mode (adjusting the dimensions as necessary):

<iframe src="http://djphoto.com/work1/need_advice/ver4.html" width="800" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Alternatively, Juicebox displays animated GIFs so you could perhaps create an animated GIF out of the three frames of your dynamic image and include it in a Juicebox gallery.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

For some reason, my logo in the header is not displaying in the stock android web browser (Android 4.1.2, Jelly Bean).

I notice that the JPEG image you use for your header is in CMYK format.
Try re-saving the image without using CMYK. (A web search reveals that Android does not seem to like CMYK JPEGS.)

Also, is there a way to change what icon (3 horizontal bars) is displayed for mobile devices for the navigation menu drop down on the top right?

The mobile device 'menu' icon is a character in the 'meteocons' @font-face font family (installed in the 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/style.css' file).
If you like, you could install your own @font-face font following the instructions here (to use a different character from a different font).
You would then need to change the actual character used in each of the eight page type templates (ie. 'showkase\_themes\kosel\pagetypes\*.tpl') by replacing the data-icon="&#x23;" references.

It sounds like your web host has set a resource limit (the maximum amount of memory that a script is allowed to allocate) of 16MB via the PHP 'memory_limit' configuration option (in your web server's 'php.ini' file).
If you have access to this file yourself, try increasing the 'memory_limit' value. If not, then contact your web host to ask if they can do this for you.
Otherwise, ensure that your images are less than 16MB each and try adding your images in smaller batches.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase supports Google Analytics.
You can add your Google Web Property ID into the 'Site -> Site Settings -> Google Analytics' section and the appropriate tracking code will automatically be added to all pages created by Showkase (and will remain when updating pages).

In answer to your question, if you wanted to do this manually, you would need to add the tracking code to each and every page you want to track (every 'index.html' page). If you updated a page (for example to change a gallery's configuration options), then the code would be lost and would need to be reinstated.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for the additional information.
With regard to the blinking thumbnails, I have notified the developers and we will investigate further.

Does the choppy swiping happen in standalone Juicebox galleries or only within Showkase pages, too?

You mentioned that you allow links in forum posts, but have you tested this in Safari on a Mac?

On further investigation, we have an anti-spam measure in place on the Showkase forum which does not allow a user to post a link in their first message. After posting your first message, you should be fine to post links.

What does "too more links" even mean?

I expect that whoever wrote this does not speak English as their first language. I have changed the text to read 'Too many links...'.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

In Safari 6.05, the row of thumbnails at the bottom of the screen has a rather annoying "blink" on load.  If you click the arrow left or right to advance the thumbnails, they load, then flash white, or blink.

I do not see the thumbnails blink in Safari 5.1.7 (latest version for Windows) or in any other browser.
In order to troubleshoot this further, could you please answer the following. Thank you.
Does this happen with all your galleries or just one?
Do you see this only in Safari or in other browsers (e.g. Chrome) too?
Try creating a similar gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to see if the problem occurs in all Juicebox galleries or only the ones embedded in your Showkase pages.
Please post the link to a gallery which exhibits this behavior so that we can investigate further.

Regarding choppy swiping on the iPad

There will certainly be a difference between swiping images in a native app and in a web page within a browser.
What generation of iPad do you have?


(93 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for the suggestions.

For the Kosel theme, it would be nice to have the option for rounded corners in the gallery index images.  I am using rounded corners on my thumbnails and main images...the index images have square corners, making them look out of place.

I realise that this is a request for the interface but it can be achieved manually by entering the following code into your 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' page:

.type-galleryindex .thumbs img {
    -moz-border-radius: 15px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 15px;
    border-radius: 15px;


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

We are currently investigating the layout issues you reported but, in the meantime, I have an update on another of your queries.

4. One thing that's not clear is whether I can upload images directly via FTP and have the site update automatically...if so, what directory do the images go in?

It is possible to add images to a gallery via FTP by uploading them directly to the gallery's 'images' folder (the gallery folder will be in the root Showkase folder and the 'images' folder will be inside the gallery folder) and then going to 'Edit (gallery page) -> Advanced (tab) -> Rebuild this Juicebox/SimpleViewer gallery'.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for providing further information and screenshots.

I'm not convinced the "View Gallery" page is even needed.  It's not used on the desktop version...

The Splash Page is used by default when a Juicebox gallery is displayed in Small Screen Mode.
For more information about Juicebox and Screen Modes, please see here.
If you like, you can disable the Splash Page by setting showSplashPage="NEVER" (in the Splash Page section).
Otherwise, you can force Juicebox to display your gallery in Large Screen Mode (which, by default, does not use the Splash Page) by setting screenMode="LARGE" (in the General section).

Your forum software seems to have links disabled.

You can use links. Just start your URL with http:// and the forum software will automatically convert it into a link.

When a gallery thumbnail is tapped and "View Gallery" appears, rotating to landscape causes the thumbnail to be cropped at the bottom, and when rotating back to vertical, the cropped thumbnail remains.

This is the view when rotated from vertical.

Because the showkase page is vertically static for mobile, the bottom toolbar in Safari doesn't hide itself, and the bottom of all main images are cut off in landscape mode, regardless of how or when the page is loaded.

Thank you for reporting these layout issues. I have notified the developers and they should hopefully be fixed in the next version.

I forgot to mention previously that swiping full images forward/back on the iPad (on iOS6) is somewhat laggy and not very smooth. I am using fade transitions. Tapping the nav buttons is very smooth, but swiping is delayed and jittery.

Try the suggestions in this forum post to see if any of them help.
Also, make sure that your images are not too large (file size). Try creating a test gallery with smaller images to see if this makes a difference.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

1. My site looks ok in vertical mode on an iPhone 5, but it doesn't fit the screen in landscape.

Does this happen only when rotating the device? Does it fit the screen when reloading the page?
Could you perhaps upload a screenshot somewhere so that I can see what you are seeing? Thank you.

2. Is there a way to enable keyboard navigation immediately on page load?  As it is now, the visitor must click a thumbnail or arrow button to go to the next image, and then they use the keyboard.  It would be nice if they could just use the arrow key immediately instead of having to click something.

It is necessary to click somewhere within the gallery itself to give the gallery focus (and to enable the keyboard controls within the gallery).

3. I have the nav buttons set to "stage" in the theme settings, but they still land on the main image, as does the screen mode button.  I prefer no buttons of any kind touching the photos.  What can I do?

When setting imageNavPosition="STAGE", the image nav buttons are relative to the stage area rather than the image and on a small screen device where the image is displayed close to the stage borders, the image nav buttons may overlap the image. It is not possible to ensure that the image nav buttons never overlap the image. You could, however, disable the main image nav buttons by setting showImageNav="FALSE" (in the Main Image Options section) and, instead, set showNavButtons="TRUE" (in the Button Bar Options section) to display image navigation buttons in the gallery's Button Bar.

4. One thing that's not clear is whether I can upload images directly via FTP and have the site update automatically...if so, what directory do the images go in?

This is not possible. New images for a gallery should be uploaded within the Showkase interface.
However, it is possible to upload a complete Juicebox gallery folder to your web server via FTP and then import it into your Showkase installation via the 'Site -> Import' functionality.

5. When editing the order of thumbnails for a page, it would be nice if the thumbnails appeared in the editor as they do in the actual page.  Arranging a long vertical list of thumbnails that live together on a page horizontally doesn't make much sense.  A grid editor would be much easier to work with.

Please post feature requests in this forum thread. It keeps them all together and ensures that they are not overlooked.

Otherwise, Showkase is fantastic.

Glad you like it!


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If you are referring to the horizontal separator between the gallery and the footer when using the Kosel theme, this can be removed by adding the following code to the '_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file (it cannot be removed from within the Showkase interface):

div.body-content {
    border-style: none;

If you are referring to something else, then please post the URL to your web page so that I can take a look and help further.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

On further investigation, the multi-column text is achieved using CSS3 columns which IE9 (and previous versions of Internet Explorer) does not support. In IE9, the text will always be displayed in a single column.
This will be made more clear in future versions of Showkase.
Sorry for any confusion.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I have viewed your gallery in IE9 and, for me, the page links looks the same as they do in IE10 (and in other browsers).
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading the web page to see if this makes a difference.

However, I can confirm that the text below your gallery displays in two columns in IE10 (and in Firefox 22.0, Chrome 28 and Safari 5.1.7) but not in IE9 (or any previous versions on Internet Explorer).
I will log a bug report with the developers and this should hopefully be fixed in the next version (although I do not know when it will be released).

In a future version of Showkase, we plan to introduce the ability to allow users to have control over the number of columns the text is displayed in via the interface.

In the meantime, you can set the text to be displayed in a single column in all Juicebox Gallery Pages within the Kosel theme by adding the following code to your '_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file:

div.gallery-intro  {
    -moz-column-count: 1;
    -webkit-column-count: 1;
    column-count: 1;


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is it the WordPress plug-in and/or WordPress that is responsible for putting the things I am looking for together as a full package?

A Juicebox-Pro gallery will look and function the same no matter whether it is embedded in a Showkase page (having been created by Showkase) or in a WordPress page (having been created by WP-Juicebox).
Only you can decide whether you need or want other features that are available in Showkase or WordPress.

I would like it to appear similar to acquaphoto(dot)com where both Auto Play, and auto scaling to both large and small screen sizes works.

A Juicebox-Pro gallery will AutoPlay in both Small Screen and Large Screen modes as long as the AutoPlay configuration options have been set correctly.
Also, the Screen Mode will be automatically chosen depending on the user's device and screen size as long as screenMode="AUTO".
This is true of any Juicebox-Pro gallery in any web page.

Currently, your gallery uses imageScaleMode="NONE".
This is likely to be causing scaling issues on a small screen device as you have instructed Juicebox-Pro not to scale your main images to fit the image area within the gallery.
I would recommend using imageScaleMode="SCALE_DOWN" instead.


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

On acquaphoto(dot)com (not the demo, but the real site) the Kossel theme works fine on the Android phones I looked at it with.

acquaphoto.com was not created with Showkase. It is a WordPress site which uses the WP-Juicebox (the Juicebox plugin for WordPress).

is it possible to have just the gallery with the rotating images and the text block below (the other galleries and links are not needed)?

Yes. Create a Juicebox Gallery Page and add the text you require to be displayed below the gallery in the text editor.

On mine it is cropping the photo greatly and the images only auto rotate on a PC or tablet... not on the phone.

The photos in your gallery do not AutoPlay immediately on your home page because the gallery is displaying the Splash Page (and requires a click/tap from the user to open the actual gallery fullscreen).
If you would like the gallery to be embedded directly in place of the Splash Page, set showSplashPage="NEVER" (or screenMode="LARGE").
For more information on how Juicebox adapts to different devices and screen sizes, please see here.

I am not seeing "forceTouchMode".

The forceTouchMode configuration option was removed from Juicebox in v1.2.0. For a full list of changes, please see the Version History.
If you wish to force Juicebox to display the gallery in Small Screen Mode on all devices and in all browsers, it is now enough to just set screenMode="SMALL".
I have corrected the support page in question. Thank you for pointing this out.

how will it appear on a PC or larger tablet?

If you set screenMode="SMALL", the gallery will be displayed in desktop browsers in a similar manner to how it looks on a mobile device (i.e. an initial thumbnail page from which the visitor can select a main image to be displayed). The main difference is that there will be more thumbnails displayed per page in a desktop browser (due to the larger screen size). Try it in a sample gallery of your own.


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The image on the Sara Lee demo home page is not a Juicebox gallery's Splash Page but a single image in a ListViewer gallery.

In my site the photo is greatly cropped, but then when clicking on it I can view it smaller, but then the logo disappears.

When you click on your Juicebox gallery's Splash Page, the gallery opens in fullscreen mode (without the page header) to maximise the amount of space available for the gallery on small screen devices.
If you do not want this to happen, you can have the gallery embedded directly in place of the Splash Page by setting showSplashPage="NEVER" (or screenMode="LARGE").
For more information about Juicebox and Screen Modes, please see here.

Your own gallery's Splash Page image is cropped considerably due to it being panoramic/widescreen. It has a very different aspect ratio to the gallery area on a mobile device which results in cropping to the left and right.

Try creating a more square-shaped image and use it as your gallery's splashImageUrl or try using a ListViewer gallery to replicate the Sara Lee demo home page instead.


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Sorry. I just noticed the Showkase v1.0.1 installation on your web server.

Is it the Splash Page for the gallery (on your Showkase home page) that you are referring to?
If so, the Splash Page crops (rather than scales) the Splash Page image to fit.
You could perhaps define a smaller image to be used as your gallery's Splash Page image using the splashImageUrl configuration option.
For a list of all available Splash Page configuration options, please see here.