Topic: Editing JuiceBox XML externally

I'm a new user working with JuiceBox/Showkase for the first time and am having a bit of trouble working with galleries created in JuiceBox and then imported into Showkase. 

I would like to be able to continue to edit/sort the slide info in the Juicebox app since the UI is much more user friendly.  But when you reload the gallery in Showkase (logout/clear cache) the changes are not recognized though if you preview the gallery the changes are all there. 

And of course saving from Showkase at that point clobbers all changes made in JuiceBox.  I also tried editing the config file directly, after being written out by Showkase, to see if I could add a title or change the order of a slide but no luck.  Gallery previews fine but no title information shows up.

There must be a way to have the UI in Showkase pick up changes made externally... at least by hand.  Is there some internal cache that needs to be cleared?

Re: Editing JuiceBox XML externally

Once a Juicebox gallery has been imported into Showkase, you should be able to edit the gallery in the Showkase interface (in the gallery's new page) and have the changes reflected in the gallery when you 'Update' and 'Publish' the page.

But when you reload the gallery in Showkase (logout/clear cache) the changes are not recognized though if you preview the gallery the changes are all there.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that you first import a gallery, then make changes in Showkase but that the changes do not appear in the gallery? Also, where exactly are you previewing the gallery? In JuiceboxBuilder-Pro? If you are editing the gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, then it might just be as easy to import the new version as a new page and delete the old version.
You should also be able to manually edit a gallery's XML file. If the modifications are not being used in your gallery, then it sounds like your browser might be caching an older version of the XML file. Double-check that you have cleared your browser's cache before reloading your web page to ensure that your browser is fetching and using the most recent version of your gallery files.
Perhaps you could post a URL to a gallery and let me know what you see, what you expect to see and exactly how you are editing the gallery. Hopefully I will be able to help further.

Re: Editing JuiceBox XML externally

Thanks for your response... I've been working with the software for the past several days and have a much better grasp on how things seem to be working under the hood.

The problem that I'm experiencing is that if you "import" a gallery and then make a change to the XML externally it is not recognized by ShowKase.  Additionally if you then "update" and "publish" in ShowKase then it clobbers your changes in the XML file.

In Juicebox, if you make changes to the XML externally and restart the juicebox editor or reload the gallery the changes are recognized.  I'm guessing that the only way to get ShowKase to recognize the changes is to delete/re-import the gallery?

Re: Editing JuiceBox XML externally

Configuration options for a Juicebox gallery within Showkase are stored in the gallery folder's 'page.xml' file (used by Showkase to populate the gallery settings page) as well as the 'config.xml' (used by Juicebox when displaying the gallery).
If you want to manually edit a Juicebox gallery's settings (rather than use the Showkase interface), then you will need to edit both the 'page.xml' and 'config.xml' files to keep them synchronized. Please note that each XML file has its own format. In the 'config.xml' file, configuration options are set as attributes to the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag whereas in the 'page.xml' file, each configuration option has its own tag (alongside other tags which refer to non-gallery-related Showkase page settings).
If you do not want to edit galleries within the Showkase interface, then it might be easier to just delete and re-import the gallery.