Topic: offline gallery

is it possible to use showkase offline? i would like you produce a cd/dvd which runs offline on the browser.

thanks and regards :-)

Re: offline gallery

Showkase was designed to be installed and run on a web server through a browser interface.
It is not a desktop application and cannot be used as such.

Even though Showkase creates static pages, it would not be possible to copy a Showkase site from a web server onto a CD or DVD due to the paths that Showkase uses to refer to resource files.

Re: offline gallery

thank you for your reply.

what are the requirements of the server?

Re: offline gallery

System Requirements for Showkase can be found here.

Also, please install and run the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to check that your web server has all the features that Showkase needs.
The Showkase Server Compatibility Test can be downloaded from here.
Instructions for 'Installing the Server Compatibility Test' and 'Troubleshooting Error Messages' can be found on the same page.