Here are a couple of things to try:
(1) Try running 'System -> Repairs -> Repair' to rebuild the page records.
(2) Edit each gallery page, go to the 'Advanced' tab and click 'Rebuild' to rebuild the gallery.

The suggestions above should hopefully help to resolve your problem (and certainly should not do any harm) but please be sure to make a full backup of your site before trying the suggestions, just in case anything goes wrong and you need to reinstate your original files at a later date.

If you continue to experience difficulties, then please post back with the URL to your Showkase site so that I can see the problem for myself and investigate further.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!
I hope you get on OK with my suggestions.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Here are some suggestions which may help.

I notice on your gallery page that there is no content in your page body (no page title or body text) and, as you have set 'Show gallery -> Above page content', there is an empty container (with a small height) below your gallery.

If you want to remove this empty container from your page, then you can do the following.

(1) Find the number of the page in question. View the page's source in a browser, scroll down to the opening <body> tag and you'll find the following:

<body class="light type-juicebox page-1 group-0  body-open-sans headings-open-sans ">

The page number in your case (in the line of code above) is 1.

(2) In your theme's 'custom.js' file (for example, in Maribo, use '_themes/maribo/js/custom.js'), add the following code:

$('.page-1 .page-title').remove(); // To delete the page title only

... or:

$('.page-1 .body-content').remove(); // To delete the body text only

... or:

$('.page-1 .page-body').remove(); // To delete the page title and the body text

... changing the page number as necessary.
(There is no need to republish your site after modifying a 'custom.js' file but you may need to clear your browser's cache before reloading your page.)

This will certainly remove some space between the bottom of the gallery and the footer but you may still need to scroll down to see the footer.

You can reduce the height of your gallery by editing your page, scrolling down to the 'Override Site Options' section and entering a negative value for 'External fit px' (and then clicking 'Save' and 'Publish'). This will reduce the height of your gallery by the number of pixels you enter (e.g. "-200") and your footer is more likely to be visible without the need for vertical scrolling.

But the best solution can me moving footer to the right-top edge of the page. Maybe is that possible??

This would not be easy. It is not a layout that can be chosen within the Showkase interface. The footer is always at the foot of each page. The navigation container spans the width of each page. You'd need to somehow add the footer content to the navigation container (without affecting Showkase's handling of the navigation) or change the layout of the page (neither of which would be quick or easy to achieve).

And one more question - can I change icons in the footer to the color ones?

As long as each icon has only one color associated with it, then perhaps the easiest way to change the footer icon colors would be to assign a color for each icon via CSS in the appropriate 'styles.css' file (depending on the theme you use).
For example, in Maribo, open the '_themes/maribo/css/styles.css' file in a plain text editor and, to change the color of the Facebook icon (for example),  change the following (starting on line 82) from:

.icon-facebook2:before {
  content: "\ea8d";

... to:

.icon-facebook2:before {
  content: "\ea8d";
  color: #3c5a99;

Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase-Pro (v1.7.4).

I hope this helps.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thanks for the comprehensive answer.

You're welcome!

But how to use "Max thumb columns" and "Max thumb rows" ?

maxThumbColumns and maxThumbRows are used in Large Screen Mode only (when the thumbnails and main images are displayed together on the same page).

When thumbsPosition is set to either LEFT or RIGHT, the number of thumbnail columns is fixed at the maxThumbColumns value whereas the number of thumbnail rows is variable (up to the maxThumbRows value) depending on the dimensions of the thumbnails and the space available in the user's browser.
Take a look at this demo gallery with 3 columns of thumbnails: … umbRows=10

When thumbsPosition is set to either TOP or BOTTOM, the number of thumbnail rows is fixed at the maxThumbRows value whereas the number of thumbnail columns is variable (up to the maxThumbColumns value) depending on the dimensions of the thumbnails and the space available in the user's browser.
Take a look at this demo gallery with 3 rows of thumbnails: … ion=CENTER

In Small Screen Mode, Juicebox simply displays as many thumbnails as possible on each thumbnail page, dependent on the thumbnail dimensions (thumbWidth and thumbHeight) and the space available within the gallery.

I hope this helps.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The closest that you would be able to get to your second image would be to create a Juicebox gallery page and display your gallery in Small Screen Mode (usually used on mobile devices) where thumbnails and images are displayed on separate pages (so that the main images can be given as much space as possible on small screens).

When the gallery is initially displayed, the user will be presented with a grid of thumbnails from which a main image can be selected.
When a thumbnail is selected, the thumbnail page is replaced with the chosen image (and the user can then navigate through the main images).
The user can return to the thumbnail page by clicking the 'Thumbnail' button on the gallery's Button Bar.

You can force a gallery to be displayed in Small Screen Mode by setting screenMode="SMALL" (in the 'Pro Viewer Options -> General (Pro)' section).
Please note that screenMode is a Juicebox-Pro configuration option which is not supported by Juicebox-Lite, the free version.
For reference, a complete list of configuration options can be found here.

All thumbnails will be the same size as each other but you can determine the size via the thumbWidth and thumbHeight configuration options (in the 'Pro Viewer Options -> Thumbnails (Pro)' section).

More information about Screen Modes can be found in the Gallery Tour.

Here's a demo gallery using Small Screen Mode.

I hope this points you in the right direction.

Neither Showkase nor Juicebox currently supports a masonry style thumbnail layout (like in your first image) but, if you like, you could post this as a suggestion for a future version in the Feature Requests forum thread (for Showkase and/or Juicebox) where your idea will be seen by the developers.
Showkase Feature Requests:
Juicebox Feature Requests:

I do not know the likelihood of any suggestions being implemented in future versions but this certainly is the best place for all ideas.
Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Google Drive is a file sharing service rather than a regular web host and, as such, is not a suitable platform for Showkase.
Please check out the Showkase System Requirements (and install Showkase on a web server running PHP version 5.2.0 or later).

If you receive errors whilst using Google Drive (unrelated to Showkase), then please refer to Google's own support for technical help.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The Showkase Library accepts only image files (for use throughout the site) so I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you "have a library file which controls my side_nav_bar for my entire site".
Additionally, when you upload a file to the Showakse Library, Showkase copies the file to the 'showkase/_library/' directory (so Library files are not stored in the root directory).
If you can let me know exactly what type of file you are referring to and how it relates to your Showkase site, I might be able to help you further.
Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm not sure exactly what you are looking to do (your gallery images are already horizontally centered in your web page) but if you are looking to have the entire gallery image visible in the embedding page without the need for vertical scrolling, then you could either:
(1) Use the Kosel theme (which does this automatically).
... or:
(2) Edit the gallery page, scroll down to (and expand) the 'Override Site Options' section and enter a negative value (such as "-120") for 'External fit px'. This will decrease the gallery height by the specified pixel value (and allow the gallery images to be seen in full without the need for vertical scrolling).

I hope this helps.

No rush at all! Just give me a shout when you're ready.
I've resent the email. (Please check your spam/junk folder if you can't find it just in case it has been redirected to there.)

The action of creating a new Juicebox gallery page (and clicking 'Save') should not take long at all but each time you click 'Publish' (even after creating a new blank page), Showkase runs through the complete publishing procedure.

If you think that there is a problem with your site then I'd be happy to help further but I'd really need access to your web server and Showkase site in order to investigate further.
If you are agreeable to this, then please email me your FTP login details (host, username and password) and Showkase login details (URL, username and password). (I have sent you an email. Please check your messages.)
I'll not change or delete any existing files on your web server but I may create a test page in your Showkase site which I'll delete when I've completed my tests.
Thank you.

Showkase has a lot to do on publishing a site (for example building page records and generating thumbnails for gallery index pages) and, with a large site, this can take some time.
Unfortunately, there is little that a user can do to reduce the publishing time.

Work was done in Showkase v1.7.3 to minimize the publishing time. Please see the Version History page where you'll see this entry for Showkase v1.7.3:

  • Faster publishing for sites with large numbers of galleries

At the time, I created a test site with 128 galleries.
Publishing after changing the theme or the value for 'Customize Theme -> Gallery Index Page -> Thumb percent height' (which requires new thumbnails to be generated) took approximately 60 seconds.
However, subsequent publishes (without making any changes that would affect the thumbnails) took approximately 5 seconds.
Previously, thumbnails would always be generated and the publishing time for this sample site would always have been approximately 60 seconds.

If you are using a version of Showkase prior to v1.7.3, then please try upgrading to the latest version (v1.7.4) and you might see a difference in the publishing times.
For reference, full instructions for upgrading a Showkase site can be found here.

With Showkase v1.7.4, try changing the theme (for testing purposes... you can change it back afterwards), publishing your site and then try publishing it again immediately afterwards (without making any changes).
The subsequent publish action should be significantly faster than the initial publish action.
I realise that you will not be publishing your site without making any changes but this should at least check that the thumbnail generation is not happening when it is not necessary.

If you are already using Showakse v1.7.4, then, unfortunately, there may be little than can be done to speed up the publishing on your web server.

Please check with your web host to see what version of PHP your web server runs.
If you are using PHP 5, then try upgrading to PHP 7 (if your web host has this available for your hosting plan) to see if this results in a performance boost.

It might also help to know exactly how large your site is so please let me know how many pages of each type you have within your site and approximately how many images you have in each gallery page.
Thank you.

To display the Back Button in Small Screen Mode, set showSmallBackButton="TRUE" (in the 'Back Button (Pro)' options section).
Please note that in Small Screen Mode, the Back Button will be displayed only on main image pages (and not on thumbnail pages).


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Unfortunately, Showkase is unable to extract EXIF information from images.
However, Showkase can extract the IPTC title and/or IPTC description for use in the image titles and captions.
Please see 'Editing Individual Captions' in the Pages section of the Showkase User Guide for details on how to extract the image's IPTC title and description.

There are some special codes that can be entered into titles, captions and descriptions:
{iptctitle} causes Showkase to look for embedded iptc metadata in the image and insert the contents of the title field if present.
{iptcdescription} is translated into the iptc description field if present.

If entering IPTC data via Adobe Photoshop, {iptctitle} corresponds to the IPTC 'Document Title' field and {iptcdescription} corresponds to the IPTC 'Description' field.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You can set default values for Juicebox gallery pages within Showkase via 'Site -> Customize Viewers -> Edit (Juicebox-Pro)'.
After setting configuration options there (and clicking 'Save' afterwards), the new default values will be used each time you create a new Juicebox gallery page (but you can still tweak each Juicebox gallery individually on the Juicebox gallery page itself).


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!
I hope you get on well with Showkase.
If you have any further queries, just post a new topic in the forum and I'll do my best to help you out.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Unfortunately, as you have discovered, there is currently a problem with the installation of svBuilder-Pro whereby Adobe AIR reports that the installation file is damaged.
This is not strictly true (the file is not actually damaged) and I suspect that the true nature of the problem is either a certificate problem or an issue with the application trying to verify the publisher.

However, due to the demise of Flash, SimpleViewer has been retired (since July 2017) and there will be no more updates.
We now focus our attention on Juicebox (our HTML 5 image viewer) and Showkase.
It is unfortunate that SimpleViewer is no longer being actively being developed but web technologies move on and Flash has served us well as a gallery platform over the years.
Please see this blog entry entitled "The End of Flash and What this Means for SimpleViewer." for details.

Due to the problems current facing SimpleViewer and Flash in general (please see this forum post for details), I would not recommend creating SimpleViewer galleries and would suggest that you use Juicebox instead.

The ability to create new SimpleViewer galleries was removed from Showkase v1.7.1 (released on 15 September 2017) and SimpleViewer-Pro is included in the Showkase Pro Viewer Bundle more as a courtesy for users of older versions of Showkase with pre-existing SimpleViewer galleries than anything else (although I'd still recommend converting SimpleViewer galleries to Juicebox galleries within Showkase by editing a SimpleViewer gallery page, going to the 'Advanced' tab and changing the page type there).

Although, as I mentioned above, there is no way to install svBuilder-Pro, you can still build a SimpleViewer-Pro gallery (if you really want to) by using the Adobe Photoshop Plugin or manually.

I hope this helps to clarify things.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome! I'm glad it worked for you!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If there is already an existing page folder named 'abstracts', then Showkase will use 'abstracts-2' for the next page named 'Abstracts'.

If the original 'abstracts' folder no longer exists on your server (for example if the corresponding page has been trashed), then to change the 'abstracts-3' folder name to just 'abstracts', rename the page corresponding to the 'abstracts-3' folder (on the 'Pages' tab via the blue 'Rename' link) to something that does not already exist (like 'xyz') and then rename it back to 'Abstracts' (clicking the 'Save' button after each rename). As long as there is not already a folder named 'abstracts' in your Showkase root directory, Showkase will name the folder directly after the page name (without any number suffix) using lowercase.

I hope this helps.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad you've got it working.
Thank you for letting me know.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Make sure that you have done all three parts in Step #2 above (otherwise the input will still be validated as an email address).

If you are unsure about commenting out the lines of code I noted above (in Step #2 - Part #2 and Step #2 - Part #3) by adding // to the beginning of each line to be commented out, then you can delete the lines instead.

Be sure to republish your site and clear your browser's cache after making the changes and before reloading your site's Contact Form page.

As I mentioned previously, I tested my instructions out myself before posting them yesterday and it worked fine for me.
I've just double-checked my instructions from scratch today, copying and pasting from my post above and it still works fine.
If you follow the instructions exactly, then it should work for you, too.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If you want to change the 'Email' input box to a 'Tel' input box, then please try the following:

(1) Change input box label
Open the 'showkase/_themes/base/pagetypes/contact.tpl' file in a plain text editor and change line 70 from:

<label for="email">Email <span class="required">*</span></label>

... to:

<label for="email">Tel <span class="required">*</span></label>

(2) Prevent 'Tel' input from being validated as an email address
Part #1:
Open the 'showkase/_themes/base/pagetypes/contact.tpl' file in a plain text editor and change line 71 from:

<input type="email" name="email" required="true" class="input-field">

... to:

<input type="text" name="email" required="true" class="input-field">

Part #2:
Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.js' file in a plain text editor and comment out lines 21 to 24 inclusive as follows:

// if($(this).attr("type")==="email" && !emailRegEx.test($.trim($(this).val()))) {
        // $(this).addClass('invalid');   
        // valid = false;                
// }

Part #3:
Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.php' file in a plain text editor and comment out lines 81 to 83 inclusive as follows:

// if(!PHPMailer::validateAddress($userEmail)) {
      // throw new Exception ('Please enter a valid email');
// }

(3) Change full email body text for clarity
Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.php' file in a plain text editor and change lines 95 to 100 inclusive from:

$mailer->Body =

... to:

$mailer->Body =
    "Name: " . $userName
    . "\r\n\r\n"
    . "Tel: " . $userEmail
    . "\r\n\r\n"
    . "Message: " . $userMessage;

(4) Hardcode a specific user email address
Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.php' file in a plain text editor and change line 92 from:

$mailer->addReplyTo($userEmail, $userName);

... to:

$mailer->addReplyTo('', $userName);

... changing '' to whatever email address you would like to use. (This is where the email address entered in an unmodified contact form would be used.)

(5) Hide the site email address
On the contact form settings page, scroll down to and expand 'Spam Prevention' and select the 'Hide email address' checkbox. This will obfuscate the site email address in the contact form page.

(6) Republish site
Update the files within your site with the modified versions by clicking the 'Publish' button.

I've tested this myself and it works fine.

Please note that the line numbers noted above refer to the current version of Showkase (v1.7.4).


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad you've been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for letting me know.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

It sounds like a server configuration issue or a PHP mail restriction of some kind.

As I mentioned yesterday in this forum post, I checked exactly this functionality (a regular Contact Form without any modification using a Gmail address) and it worked fine for me (on my own server).

Showkase uses PHPMailer internally to send the Contact Form mail.
Here are PHPMailer's own notes on the "Could not instantiate mail function" message.

This means that your PHP installation is not configured to call the mail() function correctly (e.g. sendmail_path is not set correctly in your php.ini), or you have no local mail server installed and configured. To fix this you need to do one or more of these things:

  • Install a local mail server (e.g. postfix).

  • Ensure that your sendmail_path points at the sendmail binary (usually /usr/sbin/sendmail) in your php.ini. Note that on Ubuntu/Debian you may have multiple .ini files in /etc/php5/mods-available and possibly other locations.

  • Use isSendmail() and set the path to the sendmail binary in PHPMailer ($mail->Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';).

  • Use isSMTP() and send directly using SMTP.

Please confirm with your web host that PHP mail functionality is enabled on your hosting account.
Please also check that the sendmail_path is configured correctly in your PHP settings. (Your web host should be able to help you with this.)

There could also be a restriction in place whereby mail is not being sent on your server due to the email address you use not matching the domain of your website. (Your web host should be able to confirm this.)
If this is the case, then please try the following:

(1) Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.php' file in a plain text editor.

(2) Change line 91 from:

$mailer->setFrom('mailer'.strstr($siteEmail, '@'), $userName);

... to:

$mailer->setFrom('mailer'.strstr($siteEmail, '@'), $userName, false);

I cannot be sure that this will make a difference but it is certainly a quick and easy thing to try.

Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase (v1.7.4).


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

This looks like it might be a duplicate of your query here (looking to use Gmail to send the Contact Form emails rather than the server's own PHP mail functionality).

Unfortunately, Showkase was not designed to send emails via SMTP through a Gmail account and I'm all out of ideas.
The Contact Form within Showkase requires PHP mail support on the server and this is the only method that is officially supported.

I was happy to try to help by providing what looked like a possible solution direct from PHPMailer's own Gmail example but, as this did not work, then the best course of action might be to try to persuade your web host to enable PHP mail support on your hosting account so that you can use Showkase's Contact Form as it was designed to be used.

Incidentally, using a Gmail address in a Showkase Contact Form works fine (I have just double-checked this myself earlier today) but emails sent by the form might be delivered to your Gmail account's spam folder.
In order to see these messages, it is sometimes necessary to log into Gmail via a web browser as messages marked as spam are not always passed on to an email client program (such as Outlook or Thunderbird).