I have viewed your 'An India' gallery in Firefox 18, IE9, Chrome 23 and Safari 5.1.7 on my PC and the captions display in all browsers.
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

As a test, I have just tried installing Showkase to the root directory of a web domain and it worked fine.
Make sure that the 'Path to your web site folder' on the setup page shows a single slash character '/'.
If this does not help, try installing and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test on your server to check that it has all the features Showkase needs.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I am glad that your problem has been resolved.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

To install Showkase to the root of your website (so that users can view it without using the '/showkase' subdirectory), please see the instructions here.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Any idea why images would successfully upload on the upload page, but not be retained after the upload?

Not unless something has changed with your web server. If it previously worked but now does not, it would appear that something may have changed to cause the problem.
However, there are 3 possible modes for the upload module: HTML5, Flash and Basic. Try changing the upload mode (using the links at the bottom-right of the upload module) to see if this makes a difference.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is this a design feature?


Is there any intent to expand the capabilities at some point in the future?

I do not know if there are plans to extend the number of levels available (or how easy or difficult it would be to achieve) but you could post this as a feature request in this forum thread.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase supports only a top level and a secondary level of pages.
It is not possible to group new pages under any secondary level pages.

The page you wish to replicate is a 'ListViewer Gallery' page with a single image under the 'Kosel' theme (with no 'Page title' or body text).


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You can download the latest version of Showkase using the download link from your purchase email.
Instructions for 'Upgrading Showkase' can be found here.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Try editing the 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/styles.css' file in a plain text editor, search for the term 'column-count' and change the values in the 3 instances found (on lines 651, 654 and 657) from '2' to '1'.
Please note that I do not know whether changing these values will have any unwanted knock-on effects.
(The line numbers above refer to Showkase v1.0.1.)

Alternatively, change your theme from 'Kosel' to 'Boma' on the 'Site -> Change Theme' page.
'Boma' uses only a single column for gallery description text.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I bought Juicebox then if i wants to buy it, i don't need the Showkase Pro Version, then installing Showkase Standard and Juicebox, my version will be a Showkase Pro version ?

Essentially, yes, although the Showkase Pro Viewer Bundle includes both Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro.
However, if you intend to use only Juicebox-Pro in your Showkase installation, then Showkase Standard would be fine for you as the only difference between Showkase Standard and the Showkase Pro Viewer Bundle are the Pro viewers themselves.

About filenames, do you keep the names entered for the differents folders, images and thumbnails and are you finally full SEO ?

If a page is named 'This is a page', then the corresponding folder will be named 'this-is-a-page'.
Images uploaded to the 'Image Library' retain their original file names.
If using Juicebox and SimpleViewer galleries within Showkase, then any SEO issues which would apply to the galleries themselves will still apply (although Google should be able to index data stored in XML files).

It is possible to create subgalleries and sub-subgalleries for example :

It is possible to create a top-level 'Gallery Index Page' which features multiple galleries.
However, it is not possible to add a further 'Gallery Index Page' to an existing 'Gallery Index Page'.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I mean don't change the size of the image, but extend it 'down' the page, pushing all the stuff that's at the bottom of the page (like the copyright) lower.

This would mean dynamically changing the size of the gallery depending on the dimensions of the main image being displayed. Such functionality is not supported.
Perhaps your best course of action would be to continue to use 'SCALE' or 'SCALE_DOWN' for the imageScaleMode but to experiment with the size and quality of your source images so that 'the slight image softening that occurs' is kept to a minimum.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The default dimensions for the thumbnails are 85 x 85 in a Juicebox gallery and 75 x 75 in a SimpleViewer gallery.
However, with a Pro viewer you are able to set the dimensions of the thumbnails to whatever values you like using the thumbWidth and thumbHeight configuration options ('Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox/SimpleViewer Edit -> Thumbnails').
You could purchase Juicebox-Pro or SimpleViewer-Pro individually and upgrade Showkase to use the Pro viewer by following the instructions here.
Alternatively, you could choose to purchase the Showkase Pro Bundle which includes Pro versions of both Juicebox and SimpleViewer.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

2.a. To be perfectly clear here, this isn't text. This is a .jpeg I made in Photoshop of text, so that it can be anti-aliased. The graphic seems far too small for its actual pixel size. ShowKase appears to be 'scaling it down' (it is not 1:1 pixels to screen resolution) and I can't get to the bottom of what is causing that.

Showkase scales the Site logo depending on the size of the user's browser window.

To be clear on the issue with those folders, they are empty. There are no visible files in them. At least not according to CoreFTP. But it still wont let me delete the folders.

Make sure that your FTP program is set to show hidden files before checking that the directories are empty.
If this does not help, log into your web hosting account using a browser and try deleting the directories through the File Manager in your web hosting account's cPanel.