Topic: Centering image under homepage juicebox


I'm trying to add an image below the juicebox viewer on my homepage but met with the following difficulties:

(1) On Firefox, I am unable change from  2-column to a 1-column format. On IE and Chrome, it shows up as 1 column.

(2) On Firefox, I am unable to centre the image (even within the column). The image is either aligned to the left or right margin of the column. On IE and Chrome, I am able to centre it using "margin: auto" or "text-align: center" in the CSS.

Can you help? Thanks very much!


Re: Centering image under homepage juicebox

If none of your custom CSS seems to be taking effect in Firefox, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page to ensure that Firefox is using the most recent versions of all your files.

Re: Centering image under homepage juicebox

Thanks Steven! That's what I did initially but the changes only showed the next morning. I'll keep this in mind as I continue to tweak the CSS. Thanks again!