Does your code have meta tag making the browser to cache some parts of it?
By default, all browsers cache web pages unless otherwise specified (by the browser settings or the web page).
Showkase pages do not inlcude any code to influence the browser's decision as to whether or not the pages should be cached.
If you make any changes to your web page whilst your browser is still open, you may need to clear your browser's cache before reloading your web page to see the changes you have made.
Browsers usually do not cache between sessions (the opening and closing of a browser window being a session) so users who view your web site are unlikely to experience any caching issues. Each time they open a browser to view your web site, the browser should fetch the most recent files from your web server.
The modems are both iPhones via usb.
Are you using a 3G connection? If so, please see this FAQ:
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?
A solution to this problem would be to create an .htaccess file containing the following code and upload it to your website's root directory. (Please note that this requires an Apache web server.)
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-transform"
This should prevent content modification on your site when visitors view your galleries over a 3G connection.
You could also contact your 3G provider to see if it is possible for content modification to be turned off on your account (although this will help only when you view other people's galleries and will not solve the problem of other people viewing your own galleries over their own 3G connections, which the solution above tackles).
If this is not the problem and your gallery still does not display, then it is possible that the browser is timing out whilst fetching the gallery files from your web server. Try contacting your web host to see if they can increase the connection time out limit.