(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

A grid of videos is not something that Showkase has native support for so you'd certainly need to find some kind of manual solution.

The first thing to bear in mind is that Showkase fits videos using the FitVids JavaScript library.
If you want to disable the loading of this JavaScript file, open the 'showkase/_themes/base/pagetypes/basetheme.tpl' file in a plain text editor and remove line 170:

<script src="{$ss_themesUrl}/base/js/jquery.fitvids.js"></script>

Now, your videos will no longer be resized by Showkase and will always be at whatever dimensions you assign to them in their iframes.
You should now be able to position your videos side by side using code such as the following:

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" mozallowfullscreen="" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/12345678?color=ffffff" style="margin-right: 20px;" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="300"></iframe>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" mozallowfullscreen="" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/12345678?color=ffffff" style="margin-right: 20px;" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="300"></iframe>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" mozallowfullscreen="" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/12345678?color=ffffff" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="300"></iframe>

Note the style attributes of the iframes (margin-right: 20px;), adding a little space between videos (not required for the last one).

Just use the regular '1-column wide' body text layout for this.

I hope this helps.

Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase (v1.6.1).


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The ability to auto-hide thumbnails was introduced in Juicebox-Pro v1.5.0 (please see the Version History for a list of changes between versions) but your gallery currently uses Juicebox-Pro v1.4.4.1.

Your Showkase-Pro v1.6.1 installation already comes bundled with Juicebox-Pro v1.5.0 so all you need to do to upgrade your gallery is re-publish your site (just click the 'Publish' button).
You may have to clear your browser's cache afterwards before reloading your gallery's web page.

This should solve your problem.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad you've been able to sort out your default email program.
Thank you for letting me know.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The "email us" link in the Support Overview is a 'mailto' link.
A 'mailto' link will open your computer's default email program and start an email to the specified email address.
If you do not use an email program (such as Outlook or Thunderbird) on your computer and, instead, use webmail (via a browser interface), then nothing will happen when you click on a 'mailto' link.

The email address for email support is showkase@simpleviewer.net. It can be seen in the browser's status bar when you hover over the "email us" link. You can also right-click the link and select 'Copy Email Address' which you can then paste into a new email to send to us. Alternatively, you can post any queries you have here and I'll do my best to help you out.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad to hear that you've been able to resolve your issue.
Thank you for letting me know.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I expect the grey color you are seeing is coming from line 386 of the '_themes/maribo/css/styles.css' file (the 'background-color' entry in the following section).

.gallery-listviewer .image-wrap {
  /* intrinsic ratios image sizing */
  position: relative;
  height: 0;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  margin-bottom: 2em;

I'm not sure about the origin of this 'background-color' entry (a neutral grey might have been chosen to prevent an even more distracting flash of either black or white in certain browsers) but try removing the 'background-color' entry, changing the color to match the background color of your website or change the 'rgba' value to be completely transparent: background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
This should hopefully solve your problem.

Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase (v1.6.1).


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Download the CKEditor 'Full Package' from this web page: http://ckeditor.com/download
Unzip the package and upload the complete 'ckeditor' folder to your 'showkase/admin/' directory (overwriting any existing files).
This, in conjunction with setting config.toolbar = 'Full'; as in my post above, should unlock all the features you are looking for.

Please note that although this should work OK, Showkase has not been tested with the 'Full Package' or this version of CKEditor (v4.5.11) so this modification should be done at your own risk.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

(1) You can change the configuration of the CKEditor toolbar in the 'showkase/admin/settings/ckeditorconfig.js' file.
If you'd like to use the 'Full' toolbar, change line 32 from:

config.toolbar = 'Showkase';

... to:

config.toolbar = 'Full';

Otherwise, you can configure a custom toolbar by changing one of the templates in the file ('Showkase', 'Basic', 'Full') and making sure that line 32 selects the template you wish to use.
Showkase incorporates CKEditor v4.5.7 so please refer to the documentation here: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_toolbar
Also, please note that the line number above refers to the current version of  Showkase (v1.6.1).

(2) The Showkase Library was designed to accept images only (files with extensions jpg, jpeg, gif and png).
All Library and upload functionality is based around images. When selecting the 'Library -> Images' tab or clicking a 'Browse Library' button, only images are displayed. It would probably take quite a lot of modification to several source files to allow other files types to be accepted by the upload module and for functionality to not be broken anywhere in the interface. Care would need to be taken to filter out non images for Library selections (such as the theme 'Logo') as the file may end up as a 'src' attribute in an <img> tag.
If you need to incorporate a pdf file in your site, the best thing to do would be to upload it to your web server manually and add your HTML code as necessary in the editor (as you are currently doing).

I hope this helps to clarify things for you.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The css worked great.

That's great! Thank you for letting me know.

... any link I put in the body copy has a dotted underline.

If you want to remove the dotted line below links in the Maribo theme, add the following CSS to your 'showkase/_themes/maribo/css/custom.css' file:

a {
    border-bottom-style: none !important;


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I notice on the Maribo demo site, the Maribo Photo header font is larger than what the default is when using the actual theme.

Font sizes may be tweaked between versions (perhaps for layout reasons) but I have just created a sample Showkase site using the current version of Showkase-Pro (v1.6.1) and the Maribo theme and the 'Site heading' and 'Site subhead' are the same size in my test site as they are in the v1.5.1 demo site here.
If you are using a version of Showkase prior to v1.5.1, then perhaps upgrading to the current version will solve your problem without any further action.
Full instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.

If you still want to increase the 'Site header' font size but only when Showkase is in Large Screen Mode (when the browser window is wider than 768px), then you can use a media query. Please see this Mozilla Developer Network support page for more information on using media queries: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc … ia_queries

Try adding the following CSS (adjusting the 'font-size' as necessary) to your site's 'showkase/_themes/maribo/css/custom.css' file:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .hgroup h1 {
        font-size: 60px;

I hope this helps.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

— recently, even after changing their page titles both on the page list and in the page details, the folder name (URL) will not change.

Just to clarify, in the current version of Showkase (v1.6.1), the folder name is taken from the page name on the 'Pages' tab (shown in the tree) rather than the 'Page title' in the page settings.

I have just double-checked this functionality in a Showkase-Pro v1.6.1 site of my own and everything seems to work as expected. I am unable to replicate the problem you reported.

I do not know why your folder names are not changing to reflect your page names but here are a few things to check and try.

(1) You say the problem seems to have started recently. If you have not made any changes yourself (other than to your Showkase pages), then perhaps your web host has changed something on your server or web hosting account that is somehow contributing to your problem.
Please try installing and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to check that your server has all the features Showkase needs. If any of the tests fail, there are troubleshooting tips on the test's support page (link above).
Even if you ran the test before installing Showkase, please try again in case your web host has made any changes recently.

(2) Try going to 'System -> Repairs' and clicking the 'Repair' button to rebuild the page records. This might help.

(3) The problem could possibly be related to permissions. Try going to 'System -> Files' and click the 'make writeable' next to the folders in question.

(4) I notice that the pages you referred to in your post above are not represented in the navigation menu. Are they hidden or is this part of the problem? Try moving the pages in the tree on the 'Pages' tab to a different location (just temporarily), click 'Save' and 'Publish' and then move them back to where you want them to be (and, again, click 'Save' and 'Publish').

(5) After changing a page name (on the 'Pages' tab) is there a new folder with the new name as well as the old folder?

(6) Does the functionality of Showkase still seem to work OK (even though the folder name is not changing on your server)? If you make any changes to one of the Showkase pages whose folder names do not change, are the changes applied successfully?

Maybe the suggestions in #1, #2, #3 and #4 above will help.
Otherwise, the additional information from #5 and #6 might at least point us in the right direction.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Yes. Showkase should run absolutely fine on PHP 7.
I currently run test Showkase sites on PHP 7.0.6 without issue.
However, if you find any oddities that you think might be related to PHP 7, please let us know.
Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

It looks like your "October 8" gallery is a standalone Juicebox gallery (and not yet a Showkase page).

Have you imported the gallery into your Showkase site yet? If not:
(1) Go to 'Site -> Import'
(2) Enter '/' as your import path (to denote your root directory where your gallery folder, "october_8", is)
(3) Click 'Scan'
(4) Select the gallery
(5) Click 'Import'

Once the gallery has been imported into your Showkase site, you can drag and drop the gallery page onto your gallery index page on the 'Pages' tab (to have the gallery listed on the index page).

You're welcome.

If you want to try adding an ArtStation icon to the custom font that Showkase uses for the social media icons, then the following might be helpful.

If you do a Google image search for "artstation svg", you should be able to find a suitable ArtStation logo in svg format which you can import directly into the IcoMoon app as a new character.

You could then add it to the custom font that Showkase uses (using the IcoMoon app) and seamlessly integrate it into your social media sharing icons in your site's footer.

(1) Open the IcoMoon app in your browser.
(2) Import the 'showkase/_themes/base/fonts/icomoon.svg' file into the IcoMoon app.
(3) Find a suitable ArtStation logo in svg format on the internet.
(4) Import this svg file into the IcoMoon app.
(5) Tweak the ArtStation logo if necessary using the IcoMoon editor (for example to change its scale).
(6) Select all icons (all icons from the original font and the new ArtStation logo).
(7) Click 'Generate Font' at the foot of the page.
(8) Swap the code for the ArtStation logo with the code for an icon that you do not use, e.g. Vimeo. (Otherwise, you'd need to edit Showkase source files to tell Showkase what the new code is for the ArtStation logo.)
(9) Save the font as a zip file. (It'll be named 'icomoon.zip' by default.)
(10) Replace the files in your 'showkase/_themes/base/fonts/' folder with the files from the 'icomoon/fonts/' folder (from the extracted font zip file).

Now you can use the Vimeo social sharing functionality as ArtStation instead.

The following links might help with using the IcoMoon editor.
IcoMoon Docs: https://icomoon.io/docs.html
Juicebox 'Using Custom Icons' (not 100% relevant but might be helpful): https://www.juicebox.net/support/theming/#icons

If you want to create or edit an svg logo, you could use Inkscape or SVG-Edit or Adobe Illustrator.

Of course, you could still just add your own ArtStation link in the {block "footer"} ... {/block} section.

1. Is there a way to change what picture shows up as the main image for each sub gallery on the main gallery page?? Looks like it just defaults to the first image of the subgallery, but is there a way to set it to a specific image permanently??

Yes. Edit your gallery page, go to the 'Images' tab and select the image you want to use for the thumbnail on the gallery index page in the 'Index' column.

2. Is there a way to set my site header text to always go back to the main index.php page no matter what sub page it is on?? Currently it seems to work that it just refreshes whatever page is currently being viewed, but I'd like that main header text to always default back to the main page.

Yes. Go to 'Site -> Site Settings' and enter the URL you'd like to use for your site header in the 'Site -> Site header link' input field.

3. I really love the page footer links for social media that y'all have pre-setup, but as an artist I'm going to be getting an artstation page set up as more and more in my field are beginning to have these pages, and showkase currently does not have one of these footer options pre made for that. How can I go about adding a similar artstation logo and link along with the other page footer URLs I currently have active?? Is this possible??

The sharing icons that Showkase uses are characters in a custom font (created by the IcoMoon app).
If the IcoMoon library had an ArtStation logo, you could maybe have added it to the font that Showkase uses, and change the logo for a sharing option that you do not currently use.
However, there does not appear to be an ArtStation logo within the IcoMoon library so you might have to just manually add an image link to your page's footer.
You can add custom HTML code to your footer by opening your 'showkase/_themes/base/pagetypes/basetheme.tpl' file in a plain text editor and modifying the {block "footer"} ... {/block} section at the end of the file.

Great stuff!
Thanks for the update.

Thank you for running the Server Compatibility Test.

Php version    4.4.9    ✘

The fact that your server has PHP v4.4.9 is almost certainly the cause of the problem. Showkase requires PHP v5.2.0 as a minimum (please see the System Requirements).
It is highly unlikely that you would have been able to setup or run Showkase at all on PHP v4.4.9 so I suspect that the PHP version that is running on your server has recently been downgraded.
You might be able to change the PHP version yourself in your web hosting account's online Control Panel.
Otherwise, please contact your web host and ask them if they can switch you over to PHP v5.2.0 (or later).
PHP v5.2.0 was released on 2 November 2006 so Showkase does not require a super-recent version of PHP but it does require v5.2.0 or later for certain functionality that was released in this version.

You're welcome!
Please let me know how you get on and if you need any further assistance.
Thank you.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /homepages/26/d233035426/htdocs/index.php on line 12

This sounds like your 'index.php' file may somehow have become corrupt (maybe through manual editing or your web host unsuccessfully reinstating your site from a backup).

And then when I try to go to the proper site for the showkase admin pages editor for my site, nothing loads...

However, this sounds like there is more to the problem.
Even if the 'index.php' file is missing, you should still be able to access the admin section of your site.
(The 'index.php' file is required to display the Showkase home page.)

Try extracting your 'showkase-pro-1.6.1.zip' file (you can download a fresh copy using the link from your purchase email if you need to) and find the 'index.php' file in the root 'showkase' directory.
Use this file to replace the 'index.php' file in on your web server (in your 'htdocs' directory).
If you are in any doubt that your existing 'index.php' file is being overwritten, try deleting it first before uploading the new version in its place.

This may help but as you are not able to access the admin section of your site, I suspect the problem may lie somewhere else.

Try installing and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test.
Even if you ran the test before installing Showkase, please try again in case your web host has made any changes recently which are affecting Showkase functionality.
If any of the tests fail, it might give us a clue as to the nature of the problem. Also, there are troubleshooting tips in the link above.

Also, please contact your web host to see if they have experienced any problems or have made any changes recently which might somehow be contributing to your problem.
It sounds like there's a chance that there is a problem with PHP on your hosting account. Maybe your web host has changed the PHP version or a PHP setting which is adversely affecting your website.

I hope this points you in the right direction.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

First of all, I should mention that you can quickly and easily change a gallery type (for example from SimpleViewer to Juicebox) within the Showkase interface. Edit the gallery page, go to the 'Advanced' tab and choose the gallery type your like to change the gallery to.
Just be aware that not all SimpleViewer configuration options have direct Juicebox equivalents (like the Watermark Options).

With regard to exporting a gallery from Showkase for use in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, each page in a Showkase site is given its own folder in the root Showkase directory (named after its page name on the 'Pages' tab).
You should be able to download a gallery page folder from the Showkase root drectory to your computer (via FTP) and open the folder as a gallery in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (via the 'Open Gallery' button on the 'Start' tab), where you can add a watermark (on the 'Images' tab) before uploading the folder to your server and importing it back into Showkase.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Your galleries are SimpleViewer-Pro galleries and what you are describing is the Mobile Player version of SimpleViewer galleries.

SimpleViewer-Pro is predominantly a Flash image viewer with an HTML 5 fallback (known as the Mobile Player) for mobile devices and browsers which do not have Adobe Flash Player installed and enabled.

It sounds like the Mac browsers you are referring to do not have Adobe Flash Player installed and enabled and SimpleViewer is using the Mobile Player to display the galleries.

Please see the note regarding Universal Playback here.
Universal Playback automatically ensures that all users are able to see your gallery images, regardless of whether or not they have Flash-enabled devices or browsers.
However, please note that the Mobile Player supports fewer configuration options than the Flash version of the gallery. Here is a list of options supported by the Mobile Player. (The Mobile Player does not support Watermark Options or imageClickMode.)

Please also see these FAQs:
When I view my gallery I see a grid of thumbnails, not the layout I specified. Why?
The mobile player layout does not match the Flash player layout. Why not?

As you have Showkase-Pro, you could use Juicebox-Pro instead of SimpleViewer-Pro for your galleries.
Juicebox-Pro is a fully-featured HTML 5 image viewer that does not require Adobe Flash at all.
More information on the differences between SimpleViewer and Juicebox can be found in this SimpleViewer blog entry.

Juicebox-Pro supports imageClickMode (like SimpleViewer-Pro) but does not support dynamic watermarking.
However, you could create your Juicebox-Pro galleries with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (the desktop application) which can watermark your images when they are resized for your galleries. Please see here for details.
You can then upload the gallery folders to your web server and import them into your Showkase site using Showkase's 'Site -> Import' functionality.
Once a gallery has been imported, it becomes a genuine Showkase page (just as if the gallery had been created in Showkase itself) and can be edited from within the Showkase interface if necessary.

(1) Upload the complete gallery folder to your web server using an FTP program. (I recommend uploading it to a location outside your Showkase directory.)
(2) Go to 'Site -> Import' in your Showkase site.
(3) For the 'Import path', enter the path to the directory containing the gallery folder (not the gallery folder itself).
(4) Click 'Scan' and choose the gallery folder (or folders - you can import several galleries at once if they are all in the same parent directory).
(5) Click 'Import' and 'Publish'.

The newly imported gallery page will have its own entry on Showkase's 'Pages' tab.

... and may change my galleries to all look like that (if I knew how)...

In SimpleViewer-Pro, you can force the Mobile Player to always be used (to display the grid of thumbnails), regardless of whether Flash Player is available or not, by deselecting the 'Use Flash' checkbox in the 'Standard Viewer Options' section.
In Juicebox-Pro, you can force Small Screen Mode (see here for more details) to always be used by setting 'Screen Mode' to SMALL in the 'General (Pro)' section.
Small Screen Mode is similar to the Mobile Player in SimpleViewer in that it displays thumbnails and images on separate pages (not together). (However, Small Screen Mode in Juicebox-Pro supports far more configuration options than the Mobile Player within SimpleViewer-Pro.)


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

GalleryTitlePosition does not change what I want.

It certainly sounds like you might be referring to the Showkase 'Page Content -> Page title'.
If the title you are referring to is the text that you have entered into the 'Page Content -> Page title' input, then please try the second suggestion from my post above. (It is the only way to have the body content above the gallery in Kosel.)

I tried to share a URL with an image sample but got this message, "Too many links in message. Allowed 0 links. Reduce number of links and post it again."

Now that you've posted a couple of posts, you should hopefully be able to post links. (Otherwise, you can disguise the links by inserting spaces between slashes or leaving out the http:// part.)

Is there a way I can post an image to this form?

Unfortunately, the forum is not set up to accept images but you can use an image or file sharing service to host the image and then post a link to it (disguising the link if necessary).