Topic: CKEditor & PDFs

Hi Steven and Fellow Compatriots,

I have two queries.

1) Trying to stylize text in a Gallery (ListViewer Page), I cannot get CKEditor to display its full toolbar as promised by their User Manual … ce/Toolbar. Is this disabled by design?

2) I notice that the Library Upload fails to recognize PDFs. I searched the User Guide in vain for a list of acceptable file types to include in Showkase. I can certainly create and include an external link for the PDF but I thought that it would be opportune to solicit clarification from you on this matter.


Re: CKEditor & PDFs

(1) You can change the configuration of the CKEditor toolbar in the 'showkase/admin/settings/ckeditorconfig.js' file.
If you'd like to use the 'Full' toolbar, change line 32 from:

config.toolbar = 'Showkase';

... to:

config.toolbar = 'Full';

Otherwise, you can configure a custom toolbar by changing one of the templates in the file ('Showkase', 'Basic', 'Full') and making sure that line 32 selects the template you wish to use.
Showkase incorporates CKEditor v4.5.7 so please refer to the documentation here:!/guide/dev_toolbar
Also, please note that the line number above refers to the current version of  Showkase (v1.6.1).

(2) The Showkase Library was designed to accept images only (files with extensions jpg, jpeg, gif and png).
All Library and upload functionality is based around images. When selecting the 'Library -> Images' tab or clicking a 'Browse Library' button, only images are displayed. It would probably take quite a lot of modification to several source files to allow other files types to be accepted by the upload module and for functionality to not be broken anywhere in the interface. Care would need to be taken to filter out non images for Library selections (such as the theme 'Logo') as the file may end up as a 'src' attribute in an <img> tag.
If you need to incorporate a pdf file in your site, the best thing to do would be to upload it to your web server manually and add your HTML code as necessary in the editor (as you are currently doing).

I hope this helps to clarify things for you.

Re: CKEditor & PDFs

That's great, Steven. As always, you are a Prince of Clarification.

I notice though that all the Full parameters are not available. After following your instructions (and purging the browser cache) the Toolbar has indeed expanded but just not fully. For example, in my 'ckeditorconfig.js' file

{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },

suggests that the Toolbar has justification options but these never appear.

Only the first 5 items are available in my site's editor: Lists, Indents, and Blockquote.

Can you help me further unleash the powers that lie within?

Re: CKEditor & PDFs

Download the CKEditor 'Full Package' from this web page:
Unzip the package and upload the complete 'ckeditor' folder to your 'showkase/admin/' directory (overwriting any existing files).
This, in conjunction with setting config.toolbar = 'Full'; as in my post above, should unlock all the features you are looking for.

Please note that although this should work OK, Showkase has not been tested with the 'Full Package' or this version of CKEditor (v4.5.11) so this modification should be done at your own risk.