(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

edit: Update: I tried to change the password with Internet Explorer and it works. Before i tried it with FireFox and it won't.
So my problem is solved now... I hope so...

OK. Thank you for letting us know.
If you run into any further problems, please post back but hopefully things will run smoothly for you now.

For others reading this post, please see this FAQ:
I lost my password, how can I reset it?


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

As far as I am aware, there are no plans for a trial version of Showkase.

With regards to the money-back guarantee, please see this FAQ:
Can I try a trial version of Showkase?

For others reading this thread, the online 'Live Demo Admin' can be found on the Showkase - Demos web page.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

But there is no integrated security feature?

That is correct.

Is there something planed?

Not as far as I am aware.

It's also not possible to hide a album or? It should not be visible but accessable.

You could create a page (whether a basic page or a gallery) and then remove the link to that page from all other pages.
You would still be able to access the page itself directly via its own URL.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

* Can i make an Album like "2012" and below some other albums? So that the user can choose if they want to view the Photos of 2012 or 2013 and then they can choose an specific album? Because i have a lot of albums currently. And each year there will be like 30 or 40 new albums.

You could, for example, choose to have a Gallery Index page named '2012' and another Gallery Index page named '2013', with each index page containing as many galleries as you wish.

*Are there some restrictions about the amount of Albums?

No. You can include as many galleries as you like within a Showkase installation. The only limitation is that it is possible to have only one gallery per page.

*Can i make an album with password protection?

This can be achieved using .htaccess and .htpasswd files on your web server to protect individual pages (each of which is given a separate directory on your web server).

*What type of statistics are possible?

Google Analytics support will be included in the next version of Showkase.

*Are there Logfiles available?

Your server log files should hopefully provide you with any information you may require.

* Can i link to a specific album? I mean, currently i create an album in my CMS and then i post the link directly to the album on Facebook. So everybody can directly view the Photos and it's not necessary to browse through the different albums?

Yes. You can link directly to a gallery's web page within Showkase.

*Can i check or try some of these features on the demo sites?

Yes. Showkase Site Demos and a Live Demo Admin section (where you can try the Showkase admin interface) can be found here.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


Please see my reply to your query in this forum thread.


(29 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Could be switching browsers when I log in cause this issue - I'm using Safari and Chrome.

There should be no problem with either browser but I would recommend using only one browser per session.
Try using only a single browser to see this helps.

Also, have you tried all 3 possible modes for the upload module: HTML5, Flash and Basic?
Try changing the upload mode (using the links at the bottom-right of the upload module) to see if this makes a difference.


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

That's great! Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

That would be wise. Otherwise, subsequent Showkase installations would exist within your first one and that would cause problems.
Whatever you do, please be sure to make a complete backup of your existing site first, just in case things go wrong at some stage in the process and you need to revert back to the way things currently are.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is there somewhere in the Showkase admin to do this? If not, do I add it via ftp somehow?  _themes > kosel > js ?

No. The <head> section of the Kosel theme can be found in the '_themes\kosel\pagetypes\layout.tpl' file.
Insert your Google Analytics code immediately before the closing </head> tag in this file.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Or do I absolutely have to set up one site (e.g. the English version) at the root level, and make the other 2 sub-directories, (as in the live site/dev site examples in your support doc)?

If you would like a single Showkase installation to manage multiple sites, then the additional sites must be in subdirectories of the main site.
However, you could have multiple complete and separate Showkase installations on the same web server if you wish (as long as they are all on the same web domain within the Terms of Use).

If yes, do I have to fill in the Site > Site Settings > title (e.g. French) or is that optional

This is optional but recommended to notify you as to which site you are working on.

is there any way to create links in the Site Subhead field (under the logo)?

This is not possible within the Showkase interface but could be achieved by modifying the '_themes/theme/pagetypes/' template files.


(11 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

With regard to diacritics in Bebas Neue, please see this forum thread which should hopefully help in conjunction with the information in the Adding Custom Styles and Fonts section of the Showkase support pages.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

No, but if all three fields are empty, no text will be displayed on the Splash Page (other than the image count if splashShowImageCount="TRUE").


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Please make sure that you are using the latest versions of both Showkase (v1.0.1) and Juicebox-Pro (v1.2.0) in case any bugs that were present in earlier versions but have since been fixed are not contributing to your problem.
Instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.
Instructions for downloading the current version of Juicebox-Pro can be found here.

The Splash Page text should always be displayed (as long as splashButtonText, splashTitle and splashDescription are not empty) so that the user knows to click the text to view the gallery.
Please post the URL to the gallery embedded in your Showkase installation so that I can take a look and investigate further.
Thank you.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Previously, under the Public_html folder existed two items: the Showkase directory folder which has my website, and another htaccess.html file.  To rectify my problem, I simply moved all of the files from the showkase directory, and dropped them back into my public_html directory.  I then deleted the directory labeled showkase altogether.

That is correct. To install Showkase to the root of your website, it is necessary to upload the contents of the 'showkase' folder (not the 'showkase' folder itself) to your server web root folder.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I realise that you want Showkase to be installed in your root directory but have you tried installing Showkase to a folder of its own (e.g. the default setting of '/showkase/')? Are the same error messages displayed (i.e. are the problems directly related to trying to install Showkase to the root directory or more generally server-related)?

I have viewed your 'An India' gallery in Firefox 18, IE9, Chrome 23 and Safari 5.1.7 on my PC and the captions display in all browsers.
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web page.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

As a test, I have just tried installing Showkase to the root directory of a web domain and it worked fine.
Make sure that the 'Path to your web site folder' on the setup page shows a single slash character '/'.
If this does not help, try installing and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test on your server to check that it has all the features Showkase needs.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I am glad that your problem has been resolved.
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(12 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

To install Showkase to the root of your website (so that users can view it without using the '/showkase' subdirectory), please see the instructions here.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Any idea why images would successfully upload on the upload page, but not be retained after the upload?

Not unless something has changed with your web server. If it previously worked but now does not, it would appear that something may have changed to cause the problem.
However, there are 3 possible modes for the upload module: HTML5, Flash and Basic. Try changing the upload mode (using the links at the bottom-right of the upload module) to see if this makes a difference.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Is this a design feature?


Is there any intent to expand the capabilities at some point in the future?

I do not know if there are plans to extend the number of levels available (or how easy or difficult it would be to achieve) but you could post this as a feature request in this forum thread.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase supports only a top level and a secondary level of pages.
It is not possible to group new pages under any secondary level pages.

The page you wish to replicate is a 'ListViewer Gallery' page with a single image under the 'Kosel' theme (with no 'Page title' or body text).


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You can download the latest version of Showkase using the download link from your purchase email.
Instructions for 'Upgrading Showkase' can be found here.


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Try editing the 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/styles.css' file in a plain text editor, search for the term 'column-count' and change the values in the 3 instances found (on lines 651, 654 and 657) from '2' to '1'.
Please note that I do not know whether changing these values will have any unwanted knock-on effects.
(The line numbers above refer to Showkase v1.0.1.)

Alternatively, change your theme from 'Kosel' to 'Boma' on the 'Site -> Change Theme' page.
'Boma' uses only a single column for gallery description text.