Topic: Lightbox instead of open in new window

Hi, is it possible to open an image with a lightbox instead of open in a new window?
I tested serveral photo pblishing tools - thats the only feature that i missed in Showkase.

Thank you for your help

Re: Lightbox instead of open in new window

Showkase does not feature Lightbox-style functionality (and neither does Juicebox or SimpleViewer).

It is possible to open an image within a Juicebox gallery in a Lightbox-style pop-up window (please see this forum post for details) but you would need to create and upload this gallery manually (outside Showkase) and then embed it in a Showkase page.

Re: Lightbox instead of open in new window

Thank you for your answer.
I have managed to change my theme so that the Shadowbox css and js are loadet. Is there a way to configure the generation of the config.xml of a page so that the LinkURL and the linkTarget are set automatically when a album page is published?

Many thanks

Re: Lightbox instead of open in new window

You could hardcode the required linkURL and linkTarget values into the 'showkase\admin\plugins\juicebox\' file by changing lines 55 and 56 to something like the following (depending on the name of your JavaScript function):

$rootElement->setAttribute('linkURL', 'javascript: func();');
$rootElement->setAttribute('linkTarget', '_self');