i want to up Juicebox Page footer
In a Juicebox gallery page, the body content includes both the body text and the gallery.
Also, in Maribo (the theme you are currently using), the body text appears above the gallery.
If you want to swap the positions of the body text and the gallery and insert the footer between the body text and the gallery, then this would probably involve modification to several Showkase source files.
I want to delete body content only in a specific gallery
This would me much easier to achieve than swapping the position of the blocks (and sections within blocks).
The easiest way to do this would be to edit the page in question and clear the 'Page title' and the editor's input text area.
If you really want to remove the 'page-body' container from a specific page, then please try the following:
(1) Find the number of the page in question. View the page's source in a browser, scroll down to the opening <body> tag and you'll find something like this:
<body class="light type-juicebox page-7 group-0 body-open-sans headings-open-sans ">
(The page number in this example is 7.)
(2) In your theme's 'custom.js' file (for example, in Maribo, use '_themes/maribo/js/custom.js'), add the following code:
$('.page-7 .page-title').remove(); // To delete the page title only
... or:
$('.page-7 .body-content').remove(); // To delete the body text only
... or:
$('.page-7 .page-body').remove(); // To delete the page title and the body text
... changing the page number as necessary.
(There is no need to republish your site after modifying a 'custom.js' file but you may need to clear your browser's cache before reloading your page.)
The top, gallery, and footer layouts on mobile are incorrect
Your site's Juicebox gallery page looks OK to me in Mobile Safari on my iPod Touch 6 (iOS 12.1).
Please let me know what you see and what you expect to see and maybe I can help further.