Hmm.. I don't know what the image order was previously and I don't know what it is now (alphabetical, date order, random) so it's hard for me to know what might be happening.

I'm a little unclear as to all the steps you've taken to get your new images into your existing gallery.
Is there any chance you could list everything you did in order so that I can better understand the situation?
(1) Re-uploaded 'large' images to an already imported gallery's source folder.
(2) Re-imported gallery to obtain a new imported gallery (with new images).
(3) Copied all image size files from the new imported gallery to the original imported gallery's 'images' directory.
(4) Deleted the new imported gallery (which was only created to generate new images in all sizes) via Showkase's interface (on the 'Pages' tab).

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you've done.
If it is, then I can't explain why the image order would have changed. The gallery's XML file which holds all the image data (including image order) would not have been modified.

With regard to image titles and captions, you could maybe embed them within your images as IPTC metadata so that the titles and captions are part of the images themselves and they travel with the images. Wherever the images go, their titles and captions go, too. Showkase can extract IPTC metadata (a limited subset but enough for titles and captions) for use as titles and captions. You can instruct Showkase to extract the IPTC title and/or IPTC description for all images at once.

Please see 'Editing Individual Captions' in the Pages section of the Showkase User Guide for details on how to extract the image's IPTC title and description.

There are some special codes that can be entered into titles, captions and descriptions:
{iptctitle} causes Showkase to look for embedded iptc metadata in the image and insert the contents of the title field if present.
{iptcdescription} is translated into the iptc description field if present.

If entering IPTC data via Adobe Photoshop, {iptctitle} corresponds to the IPTC 'Document Title' field and {iptcdescription} corresponds to the IPTC 'Description' field. I expect these labels will be the same for Lightroom (but I'm not 100% sure).


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

It sounds like a caching problem: either client side (in your browser) or server side.
Caching can be very useful but it can also be a hindrance when developing a web site.

First of all, try completely clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery's web page to ensure that your browser is using the latest versions of all the files fresh from your web server (instead of older, cached versions).
Alternatively, try viewing your gallery's web page using a different browser (one that you have not used to view your gallery's web page before): Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera or Safari.

There is a chance that your web host uses server-side caching and even though Showkase is updating the files on your website, older versions of those file could still be served to browsers for a certain amount of time.

I have an account with a web host that uses Varnish server caching. After I upload a new version of a file to my web server, the new version is not seen (and the old version is still served) for about 20 minutes afterwards. For this reason, I have Varnish disabled.

Ask your web host if they have server-side caching enabled on your hosting account and, if so, ask if they could disable it.

If neither of the suggestions above help, then please post the link to your gallery's web page and let me know what you see and what you expect to see.
I'll take a look myself, let you know what I see and hopefully figure out what the problem is.
Thank you.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I still don't know the exact cause of your problems but it appears that you've been able to sort things out which is good.

Avoiding any manual edits to the Showkase directory (making sure everything is done within the Showkase interface) should prevent things from breaking.

Also, when importing a gallery, upload the gallery folder to somewhere outside the Showkase directory if possible.
If this is not possible (e.g. your Showkase directory is your web server root directory), then create an 'import' folder (use a name that Showkase is not already using for a page folder name), upload your gallery folder to this new folder and import the gallery from there. This will allow Showkase to give the imported gallery folder the same name as the original gallery folder (as the two gallery folders will not be in the same directory) which might be less confusing than seeing a lot of folders with -2, -3, etc. suffixes. Also, it'll not matter whether or not you delete gallery folders after import as they'll all be in the 'import' folder which Showkase will have no knowledge about.

Incidentally, I've installed the Attachment extension to the forum so you should be able to add images to posts now.

I hope all goes well with the fixup.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with Showkase and that you were unable to upload a screenshot. (The best thing to do would be to just upload the screenshot elsewhere (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, your website) and provide a link.)

I think a mismatch between Showkase's page records and the actual contents in the Showkase directory is the most likely cause of this.

Have you ever deleted any galleries manually or renamed any gallery folders (via FTP) rather than using the Showkase interface?
If so, then Showkase would expect the gallery folders to be present (the galleries would still be listed in Showkase's page records) and might try to recreate them on a subsequent publish.

Also, if you have ever uploaded a gallery folder (via FTP) to the Showkase directory to import into that particular Showkase site, then have you ever forgotten to delete the gallery folder afterwards?

I'm not sure what else would cause such a problem.

When importing galleries, I'd recommend not uploading them to the Showkase directory to which they will be imported. Showkase would be forced to rename the imported gallery folder (as the original gallery folder would be there during import) and it might be confusing, at a glance, to know which folders within the Showkase directory are actually part of the Showkase site and which are not.
It's a good idea not to modify anything within the Showkase folder manually (via FTP)
I'm not suggesting that you are doing this (I simply don't know) but it's just a general tip for anyone reading this.

If you still need to sort things out, then first of all, I'd recommend taking a complete backup of your site, just in case anything further goes wrong and you need to reinstate your current files at a later date.

With a full backup in hand, try sorting the pages out on the 'Pages' tab (deleting whatever galleries you do not want) and then go to 'System -> Repairs -> Repair' to rebuild the page records.

If this does not help, then you could perhaps create a new Showkase site (in a separate directory from your original site) and then import the pages/galleries that you need from your original site (via 'Site -> Import').

You can retain the Showkase settings from your original site by manually copying the following files and folders from your original site to your new site (overwriting the default versions which will be in place after a fresh install).

  • _data/sitedata (folder)

  • _data/themedata (folder)

  • _data/pagesprefs.txt (file)

  • _data/theme.txt (file)

Do not copy the _data/pagesdata.txt file though, as this lists the pages present in each site (which will be different after a fresh install).

If you use a custom logo via an image stored in the library, for example, then you might also like to copy the _library folder from your original site to your new site.

If you have modified any Showakse source files or used the custom.css or custom.js files, then please remember that you will need to reinstate your customized files after a fresh install.

... after a site rebuild some of my galleries image order changed for no apparent reason...

I really do not know what might have caused this. A gallery's image order is stored in the gallery's 'config.xml' file and the file would have to be modified to change the image order. What I think might be happening is that the gallery you are looking at is one of the new phantom galleries which Showkase has recreated (from a missing or renamed gallery folder?) rather than the original gallery from which the phantom gallery was  based. Showkase might just see a folder of images and create the phantom gallery with no knowledge of the original gallery's image order.
It's just a guess (again, based on the assumption that a gallery folder might have been renamed or deleted manually via FTP).

I know this doesn't definitively pinpoint the cause of the problem or provide a quick and easy solution but I hope that my notes are at least able to shed some light on what might be happening.


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


I'll glad the fix helped. Thank you for letting me know.


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

That's good to hear. Thanks for testing!

I've notified the developers of this fix so it will be included in the next version (but I don't know when this might be).

Best wishes!


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you, once again, for all the information that you have provided. It really does make troubleshooting that much easier.

I was instantly able to replicate the problem by setting thumbnail dimensions of 81 x 54 and I see that I overlooked a couple of other variables (cropHeight and cropWidth) that could potentially not be integers (where integers are required).

However, rather than changing their definitions in the code (like I did previously for deltaX and deltaY in my original fix), it might be better to ensure that all numeric variables are integers for the two functions that require integers, which will also cover the edge case of a user entering decimal values for thumbnail dimensions in the Showkase interface (which, ideally, should not happen but is technically possible).

So, here's a new fix.
From a fresh, unmodified 'thumbnail.php' file:

(1) Change line 110 from:

$imageDest = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);

... to:

$imageDest = imagecreatetruecolor((int)$thumbWidth, (int)$thumbHeight);

(2) Change line 116 from:

if (!imagecopyresampled($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, $deltaX, $deltaY, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $cropWidth, $cropHeight)) {

... to:

if (!imagecopyresampled($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, (int)$deltaX, (int)$deltaY, (int)$thumbWidth, (int)$thumbHeight, (int)$cropWidth, (int)$cropHeight)) {

I hope this completely fixes the problem this time around.
Thanks again for your help and for reporting the problem in the first instance.


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

That's strange.
I tested the fix with all three of your source images yesterday and all three images uploaded without issue.
I've just checked again today with 'Image2.jpg' from your most recent email and, again, it works without any errors or warnings at all.
(I've been testing with Showkase v1.7.6 under PHP

There must be some other difference between our setups that is causing the problem but not being able to replicate the problem makes troubleshooting difficult.

What version of PHP are you using? Is it PHP 8.1.0 or another version in the 8.1 branch?
Do you have any custom image sizes set within Showkase or are all image sizes defaults?
Do you have any other images that still fail (with the fix in place) that I can use to test with? Maybe I'll see a pattern in all the images that fail.

I'll keep looking at this but if you can provide any further information that might help me to pinpoint the problem (or replicate it), then that would be great.


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I have looked for your email address but I could not find it in the post.

That's odd. It should be located below my username to the left of each post.

Anyway, thank you for providing such a clear explanation of the problem and some source images.
I've been able to replicate the problem (it's due to the deprecation I noted above) and have formulated a fix.

Until the fix can be integrated into a new version of Showkase, here are the details:

(1) Open your Showkase site's admin/classes/thumbnail.php file in a plain text editor.

(2) Change line 83 from:

$deltaY = ($imageHeight - $cropHeight)/2;

... to:

$deltaY = (int)(($imageHeight - $cropHeight) / 2);

(3) Change line 88 from:

$deltaX = ($imageWidth - $cropWidth)/2;

... to:

$deltaX = (int)(($imageWidth - $cropWidth) / 2);

(4) Save the 'thumbnail.php' file with the changes above and re-upload it to your Showkase site's admin/classes/ folder, overwriting the existing 'thumbnail.php' file.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Incidentally, the line numbers above refer to the current version of Showakse (v1.7.6).


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Unfortunately, it looks like you've run into an issue which no-one has reported before (most likely due to this deprecation in PHP 8.1).

I've not been able to replicate the problem myself with a batch of test images running Showkase-Pro v1.7.6 under PHP 8.1.1.

You can find my email address in the column to the left of this post (just look for and click the word 'Email'). You'll need to be logged into the forum to see this.

I might be able to replicate the problem if I know the original dimensions of the source images that fail and your chosen resize dimension (but it would be better if I had access to the images that fail).

Please email me the images that fail if you can and I'll follow this up as soon as possible.
Thank you.


(16 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


Could you confirm if that could be the problem...

The only version of Showkase which is fully compatible with PHP 8.0 and 8.1 is the latest version (Showkase v1.7.6) so the use of Showkase v1.7.3 under PHP 8.0/8.1 could be the problem (though I can't be 100% sure).
Are you able to check your web server logs and browser developer tools console to see if you can find any warning or error messages that would give a reason for the problem? If we know exactly what the problem is, we'd have a better chance of figuring out how to fix it.

I'd certainly recommend upgrading Showkase to see if this resolves the issue.
Instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.

Upgrading is essentially just a case of uploading the new Showkase source files on top of the existing installation so it should be a fairly quick and easy (and risk-free) process. You should not lose any custom data or pages (only source files are overwritten). (See link above for full details.) Having said, that, I'd strongly recommend that you make a complete backup of your existing site first. Please check the notes below.


(1) When upgrading your Showkase site, please be sure to make a complete backup of your existing site first, just in case anything should go wrong and you need to reinstate your original files at a later date. You should not encounter any problems upgrading Showkase but it would be wise to have a backup of your site should anything unexpected happen. Also, if you have made manual customizations to any Showkase source files or have used your theme's custom.css or custom.js files, then please note that these will be overwritten when you upgrade and you'll need a backup in order to reinstate them afterwards.

(2) Please remember that Showkase-Standard comes bundled with Juicebox-Lite (the free version of Juicebox) so, if you have purchased Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro separately, then after upgrading your Showkase site, you'll need to reinstate your Juicebox-Pro files by following the Installing Juicebox Pro instructions here.

(I included these notes are they might help others reading this thread. I know that you are a Showkase-Pro user and that Note #2 is not relevant to your case.)

I have sent you a new download link for your Showkase-Pro purchase so that you can download the latest version of Showkase (v1.7.6). (Download links always point towards the latest version rather than the version you purchased.)

I hope this helps but if you continue to experience difficulties, please post back to let me know (with further details of the problem, if possible) and I'll try to help further.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome! I hope you get on well with Showkase.
You should hopefully find that Showkase is easy to install and use but if you run into any difficulties, just let me know and I'll do my best to help you out.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I just have to use the desktop app and put the files on my server.

Not exactly... Showkase is not a desktop application. Showkase is installed and run on the server itself (in a web browser interface) and, as such, all Showkase pages are created directly on the server so there's nothing to transfer to the server (other than the initial installation files).
Here are the Installation Instructions.

It's certainly very easy to install and start using Showkase. Check out the link above and the Getting Started guide below the Installation Instructions.
It'll probably take you longer to set up your web server that it will to install Showkase.
Showkase requires PHP (minimum version PHP 5.2.0) so you'll need to install that as well as Apache HTTP Server.
Please use a version of PHP between 5.2.0 and 8.1.16. There's currently an issue with Showkase under PHP 8.2 (due to a deprecated PHP function) which I have notified the developers about. This should be addressed for the next release but, in the meantime, just use PHP 8.1.16 (the latest version in the PHP 8.1 branch) and you should be fine.

I don't know exactly how much time you might need to spend configuring Apache/PHP as I've never set up a home web server before. Most commercial web servers are set up with PHP ready to go and configured to give users the least amount of trouble.

After setting up your web server but before installing Showkase, I'd recommend installing and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to make sure that your web server has all the basic functionality that Showkase needs. Here are the basic requirements:

  • PHP version >= 5.2.0

  • Safe mode should be off

  • GD graphics library version > 2.0

  • DOM XML parser extension installed

Further information can be found in the link above.

I hope this helps to get you started.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

No problem!


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The current version of Showkase (v1.7.6) is fully compatible with PHP 8.0 and 8.1

There is, however, a compatibility problem with PHP 8.2 (due to a deprecated feature) but I have notified the developers of this and it should be fixed in due course.
Until such time, just use PHP 8.0 or 8.1 (or, indeed, any version of PHP between 5.2 and 8.1 inclusive) and you'll be fine.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thanks for posting in the Feature Requests thread.
As always, I really don't know what might be picked up for future versions but this is still the best place to post ideas to ensure that they are seen by the developers.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Unfortunately, I have no easy way of checking when a password was last changed but what we could do is this...

I could change your password (to a temporary password) and email you the password.
You would then log in with this temporary password and then change the password on your 'Profile' page via the 'Change your password' link (at the right hand side of the page below the second blue menu bar). This method does not require a confirmation email to be sent. (You'd have the temporary password as the existing password so you shouldn't encounter any unknown password errors.)

If you'd like to do this, then please email me to let me know (you can find my email address in the column to the left of this forum post).


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The logic that Juicebox uses to decide which image size to use is hardcoded into the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is obfuscated and cannot be modified so you'll not be able to do anything there.

The best course of action would likely be to increase the resolution of your medium images and perhaps reduce the quality percentage a little ('Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit) -> Pro Viewer Options -> Multi-size Images (Pro)') in order to keep the file size at a reasonable level.
If you don't want your images to be downloaded, then a slight decrease in quality might be acceptable. The likelihood is that a slight quality percentage reduction will result in a smaller file size but the visual quality may be hard to notice(at least to a casual viewer). A little bit of trial and error might be required to find a balance but I hope that you can find a suitable compromise between resolution and file size.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I've just uploaded a fresh Showakse v1.7.6 site and checked the multi-image size functionality. It seems to be working OK for myself.

Here's what I did:
(1) Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit)
(2) Selected 'Large images', 'Medium image resize' and 'Small images' checkboxes.
(3) Created a new Juicebox-Pro gallery page (on 'Pages' panel).
(4) Clicked 'Upload' tab.
(5) Uploaded a single image (dimensions 4416 x 3312) via upload module (via HTML 5 method).
(6) Published site (clicked 'Publish').
(All image sizes and all other checkbox were left at their default values.)

Now, when I check inside the Juicebox-Pro gallery's folder (in the root Showkase directory), there's a folder named 'images'.
Directly inside this folder is the medium image (dimensions 1024 x 768).
Also, inside the folder is a subfolder named 'large' which contains the large image (dimensions 1280 x 960).
Finally, inside the folder is a subfolder named 'small' which contains the small image (dimensions 800 x 600.).

It is worth noting that Juicebox-Pro uses the medium images for a gallery being displayed on a desktop monitor (no matter what the size of the monitor is). Large images are reserved for when an image is opened in a new tab (via the Open Image button) or downloaded (via the Download Button). Small images are used on mobile devices, though (unless a retina/high pixel density screen is detected, in which case, medium images will be used).

Give it another go and hopefully it'll work OK for you as it does for me.


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

There are no real problems associated with having larger images in your galleries (other than the larger file sizes which result in the need for more server storage space and longer download times).

Assuming your galleries are Juicebox-Pro galleries:

(1) Images will always be dynamically scaled down to be displayed in their entirety, no matter what the size or shape of the user's viewport is (as long as imageScaleMode is set to SCALE_DOWN (the default value) or SCALE).

(2) Images are preloaded (according to the imagePreloading configuration option value) so while one image is being viewed, the next few images are being preloaded in the background so any delay associated with larger images will be minimal and may only be apparent on the first image. (The default value for imagePreloading is PAGE (whereby all images on the current thumbnail page are preloaded) but you can change it to NEXT (the next image only) or NONE, if you like.)

(3) You could have a Multi-Size Image gallery whereby your gallery can have up to 3 different image sizes and Juicebox-Pro will display the size most appropriate to the user's device and screen size.
GO to 'Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit)', then scroll down to 'Pro Viewer Options' and expand the 'Multi-size Images (Pro)' section for the options.

Short descriptions of the configuration options in bold above can be found in the Main Image Options section of the Juicebox-Pro Config Options page.

I hope this helps.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You can always post suggestions in the Feature Request thread.
I don't know what suggestions might be implemented in future versions but it's the best place for ideas to be seen by the developers.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Sorry, there are no new themes in the pipeline.
If you're adventurous and proficient in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you could perhaps create your own theme.
Check out the Creating Themes support section for details.

With regard to videos...

If you have a video uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube (or a similar service), then you can grab the video's embed code from the site and insert it into a Showkase page (e.g. a 'Basic' page).
You can insert whatever HTML code you like (e.g. a video's embed code) into the text editor on a Showkase page.
Just make sure that your text editor (on the Showkase page) is in 'Source' mode (click the 'Source' button in the text editor's toolbar).

Otherwise, if you want to host a video on your own web server and embed it into a Showkase page, then try the following:
(1) Upload the video file to your web server. In this example, we'll call it 'movie.mp4' and upload it to the root directory.
(2) Enter something like the following code into the Showkase page's text editor (in 'Source' mode), changing the width as necessary:

<video src="/movie.mp4" width="800" controls>Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>

The leading slash in the 'src' attribute denotes your root directory. If you upload your video file to a location other that your root directory, make sure that the path to the video file is correct. (If it is a relative path, then it should be relative to the Showkase page's location, i.e. one directory down from the Showkase directory.)

More information about the <video> tag and its attributes can be found here: … ment/video

Showkase's own video fitting routine ensures that the video fits within the theme's 'Max site width (px)' and the user's browser window.

Hi. Thanks for checking in with us.

Related FAQs:
How many websites can I use Showkase on?
Does a single domain license cover multiple subdomains?

A Single Site License allows you to install an unlimited number of Showkase sites on a single website domain and all associated subdomains.
For example, if your domain name is, then all the following examples would be covered by a Single Site License (as they are all on





If you want to have a Showkase site on a difference domain (for example,, then you'd need to purchase a separate Single Site License.


(1) Alias domains which simply mirror content are not counted for license purposes. For example, if you have a Showkase site at and exactly the same content is mirrored at, then a Single Site License covers this scenario.

(2) Licenses are only required for publicly accessible domains, so staging and testing domains do not require an additional license.

I hope this helps to clarify things.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for the update.

I can't say definitively that the script is not the cause of the issue but Showkase uses an unmodified version of PHPMailer. (The Showkase source code just passes parameters to the PHPMailer script which does all the hard work.)

PHPMailer has been around since 2001 and is still actively developed (with the latest version, v6.6.4 released 12 days ago). I can't guarantee that it's completely bug-free but Showkase v1.7.6 currently uses PHPMailer v6.3.0 and we've not had any reports (other than your own) of the contact form failing recently.

You were good enough to try the latest version of PHPMailer (v6.6.4) but without success. If this had worked, then it would point towards a bug in v6.3.0 (the version that Showkase currently uses) but this is not the case.

Also, the contact form worked in your previous Showkase site so we know the script is capable of sending mail. The script did not change when you moved your site but, for the script to fail, then logically something else must have changed (on your web server) to have caused the problem.

I'm sorry that you've not been able to get the contact form working but I'm glad that you've at least found a suitable workaround.
Thank you for letting me know.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

#1 That should be absolutely fine.

#2 Thanks for trying. I'm sorry it did not work.

#3 Do the times on the warnings correspond to times that the 'Send' button is clicked? (I know you won't know if visitors to your site try to use the contact form but you could try it yourself a couple of times and note the times down.)

From reading the PHP warnings, it looks to me like your PHP installation is looking for the Ctype extension but cannot find it. It's possible that your site previously used the Ctype extension without any problems but the extension may not have been carried forward after a PHP upgrade. (This is pure speculation on my part but possible, I guess.)

I don't know if this is the reason that your contact form no longer works (did your web host upgrade your PHP recently?) but it would be good to resolve these warnings. I'd contact your web host about them. They should be able to help. I expect they'll likely have seen warnings like this before so they'll probably know the cause and how to fix it.

According to a quick web search "The Ctype extension provides a set of functions that are used to verify whether the characters in a string are of the correct type.". If your PHP installation is triggering this extension after the 'Send' button is clicked but the extension cannot be found (thus returning a fail), then it's certainly plausible that this could be at the root of your problem.
I'd certainly look into getting it fixed (at least to eliminate it from the equation) before moving on to other potential causes.

I know you said that PHP Mail is enabled on your web server but it might be worth checking in with your web host to see if there are any restrictions on this service.

Here are two other things to try:

#1 You could try using SMTP to send the mail rather than PHP Mail. PHPMailer already has the code in place for this but you'll need to modify the Showkase source file which sets the values being sent to PHPMailer to include all the SMTP credentials. Instructions are in this forum post.

#2 If there is a restriction in place whereby mail is not being sent on your web server due to the email address you use not matching the domain of your website, then you could try forcing PHPMailer to not set the Sender address.

(1) Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/contact.php' file in a plain text editor.

(2) Change line 88 from:

$mailer->setFrom('mailer'.strstr($siteEmail, '@'), $userName);

... to:

$mailer->setFrom('mailer'.strstr($siteEmail, '@'), $userName, false);

I don't know if this will make a difference but it is certainly a quick and easy thing to try.
Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of Showkase (v1.7.6).