(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

That sounds like a limitation imposed by your web host.
Maybe you could contact them and ask them to enable set_time_limit() in your PHP settings.

Do you see a "You have warning messages, continue with publishing?" alert box?
What happens if you click 'OK'?

As long as you don't have a huge number of pages or images in your site, it is likely that the publishing will complete successfully (within the default time limit) and you can just skip these warnings although there may come a time, if you plan to have a large site, when this becomes a problem. The solution is to allow Showkase to use the PHP set_time_limit() function to increase the time allowed to complete the publishing process so, ideally, it needs to be enabled in your PHP settings.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad to hear it's now working for you. Thank you for letting me know.
I expected my suggestion would work (but I couldn't test it as I could not replicate your problem) so I expect your most recent problem was, indeed, due to caching.

Thank you very much Stephen

You're welcome.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

OK. I'm sorry to hear that my suggestion did not work.
Please let me know how you get on with your web host. Thank you.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm not sure a permanent fix is going to be possible. It looks like the 'fitvids' JavaScript library might not have been designed with multi-column displays in mind.

However, here's another suggestion which you might like to try.

(1) Set the 'Body text layout' to '1-column wide'.

(2) Add your video iframe embedding code to the editor, such as:

<p class="vid"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CH880_VrxxU" width="560"></iframe></p>
<p class="vid"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CH880_VrxxU" width="560"></iframe></p>
<p class="vid"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CH880_VrxxU" width="560"></iframe></p>

(3) Add the following to your 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  .body-content .vid {
    width: 49%;
  .vid:nth-child(odd) {
    float: left;
  .vid:nth-child(even) {
    float: right;

The suggestion above, using a single-column layout for your video page or disabling 'fitvids.js' are possibly your best options. (I would probably edge towards a single-column layout for your video page as this will retain the responsive video functionality that 'fitvids' provides.)


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The contact form requires full PHP mail support and it sounds like your web host may have disabled some of this functionality.
You could perhaps contact your web host and ask if they would allow full PHP mail support on your hosting account (including the fifth parameter to the function which seems to currently be disabled).

Otherwise, you could try the following (although I do not know if it will work).
(1) Open the 'showkase/admin/plugins/contact/master/contactcore/class.phpmailer.php' file in a plain text editor.
(2) Change line 631 from:

$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params);

... to:

$result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header);

This should ensure that the fifth parameter ($params) is not used in the PHP mail function.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

New for v1.4.0:

Added contact form option for contact page. Requires php mail support on the server.

Please see the Version History for a full list of changes.
Instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Shouldn't it be sizing the image up to fill the width?

Juicebox will scale the image to fill the gallery's width only if there is sufficient height to do so.
The gallery needs to have enough space in both dimensions to scale the image so that it fills the gallery's width.
If your gallery was taller, then your wide image (Image #3) would be able to be scaled larger (in both dimensions, retaining its aspect ratio) and it would become wider (and taller).

By default, a Juicebox Galley Page will display the header at the required height and will then display the gallery with the bottom of the gallery resting at the bottom of the browser window. This is always the case whether the page is viewed in a desktop browser or on a mobile device.
Your logo is taking up more height than a standard text heading would, resulting in less height available for the gallery.
This will be most apparent on a mobile device in landscape mode.

You can compensate for this by instructing Showkase to increase the height of the gallery.
Edit your Juicebox Gallery Page, scroll down to the 'Override Theme Settings' section and enter a positive number for 'External fit px' to increase the height of the gallery by this number of pixels.
Try a value such as 200 for a starting point.

Hopefully this will help with your gallery's display on small screen devices.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for reporting this problem.
It looks like a CSS conflict between Showkase and Juicebox which manifests itself only when a Gallery Title is displayed on a thumbnail page in Small Screen Mode.
I have logged a bug report but workarounds would be to avoid the above combination of circumstances by either:
(1) not using a Gallery Title, or
(2) setting screenMode="LARGE", or
(3) setting showSplashPage="AUTO", or
(4) setting showSmallThumbsOnLoad="FALSE" and showSmallThumbsButton="TRUE".
I realise these are not ideal solutions but hopefully they will keep you on the right track until the bug is fixed.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Any chance that the developers will get to this anytime soon?

I'm sure they'll take a look as soon as they can (although, unfortunately, I don't have a timescale for you) and I'll post back here with any news as and when I have any.

Truly, I'm grateful that this works as an interim measure, but it would be much better if the videos did size responsively like the rest of the site.

In the meantime, if you really want to have responsive videos in your site, you could always revert to a single column layout (narrow or wide) for your video page (rather than remove the 'fitvids.js' code).


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

There is no configuration option to add padding to only one side of an image in a Juicebox gallery and I would advise against trying to do this with CSS as as Juicebox would not know of your modification and might expect gallery elements to be in certain places. This could have unforeseen and unwanted knock-on effects.
You might be able to reach a suitable solution with the available imagePadding and thumbPadding configuration options.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You can change the Caption Back Top Color (and Caption Back Top Opacity) either in 'Site -> Customize Viewers' (which will apply to all Juicebox galleries under the current theme) or in the Juicebox Gallery Page (which will override the theme-wide settings).
If you change the values in the Juicebox Gallery Page and then change the values in 'Site -> Customize Viewers', then custom values in the Juicebox Gallery Page will still be the ones used.

I have just double-checked using the latest version of Showkase (v1.4.0.1) and it seems to work fine.

Please try again (changing the values in the the Juicebox Gallery Page), click 'Update' and 'Publish' and try clearing your browser's cache after making the changes.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You could certainly remove lines 170-173 of the '_themes/base/pagetypes/basetheme.tpl' file which will prevent the 'fitvids.js' code from being included in all your Showkase pages (even after publishing).

<script src="{$ss_themesUrl}/base/js/jquery.fitvids.js"></script>

The 'fitvids.js' code should affect only videos within Showkase pages so removing the code should have no other adverse effects. Just republish your site after removing the code and the 'fitvids.js' code will no longer be used.
Please note that the line numbers above refer to the current version of Showkase (v1.4.0.1).


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you for reporting this problem.
I have been able to replicate the problem in a test site of my own and I have notified the developers who will investigate further.
In the meantime, it looks like a possible workaround might be to remove the 'fitvids.js' script from your page (as you suggest). The video dimensions will no longer be responsive but the videos should no longer be cut in half.
If you just want to remove it from your 'Video' page, open the 'video/index.html' file in a plain text editor and remove the following code (near the bottom of the page).

<script src="/showkase/_themes/base/js/jquery.fitvids.js"></script>

(Please note that if you edit the page and re-publish, the code will reappear.)


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If you change configuration options in the 'Site -> Customize Viewers' section, then they will apply to all galleries in the current theme. (Otherwise, if you just want to change configuration options for a specific gallery, you can do so by editing the gallery's own page.)
Either way, just be sure to click 'Update' and 'Publish' after making any changes.

I have just double-checked and the imagePadding is working fine when changed in the 'Site -> Customize Viewers' section. Please note that the imagePadding is applied to all sized of the image (not just the bottom).
Also, it should not be necessary but if you are not seeing the changes you make, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery's web page.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Try copying the file '_data/themedata/kosel/juicebox.xml' to '_data/themedata/maribo/juicebox.xml' and then republishing your site.
If the directory '_data/themedata/maribo/' does not already exist, then you could either create it manually or modify a Juicebox gallery setting under the Maribo theme (in 'Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox') in order for Showkase to create the directory.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase is already responsive and a Showkase site will adjust to the size of the user's browser window or screen.
Try viewing a Showkase site (demos can be found here) and reduce the size of your browser window or compare a desktop browser display with that of a mobile device. For example, on a small screen, the menu is hidden under a menu icon.

However, it is not possible to allow users to choose which display they want.
(I guess everything is technically possible but I expect it would require a huge amount of work and in-depth knowledge of the Showkase source code.)
Perhaps the best thing to do would be to post your suggestion in the Feature Requests forum thread.
This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
I do not know what ideas will be implemented in future versions but this is certainly the best place for all suggestions.
Thank you.

Thank you for posting your suggestion in the Feature Requests thread.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!
I'm glad I was able to help.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

You're welcome!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Try adding the following code to your theme's 'custom.css' file. For example, if you are using the Kosel theme, edit the 'showkase/_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file.

.type-galleryindex .content {
    min-height: 600px;

(You might need to clear your browser's cache before reloading your web site after making the change.)


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase can be purchased as Showkase-Standard (which comes with Juicebox-Lite and SimpleViewer-Standard, the free versions of the image viewers) or Showkase-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro).
The only difference between Showkase-Standard and Showkase-Pro is the bundled viewers.

For example, if you were to purchase Showkase-Standard, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro, you could integrate the Pro viewers into Showkase following the instructions here and you would essentially have Showkase-Pro.

When you purchase Showkase-Standard, you get a download link for only Showkase.
When you purchase Showkjase-Pro, you get separate download links for Showkase, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro.

Purchasing Showkase-Pro is less expensive than purchasing Showkase-Standard, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro.

However, if you have no need for SimpleViewer-Pro (the Flash image viewer), then purchasing Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro separately (as you have done) is less expensive than purchasing Showkase-Pro.

If you want SimpleViewer-Pro, too, then the best option would for you to purchase Showkase-Pro and for us to refund you in full for your Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro purchases. If you would like to do this, then please let me know and I will send you an email with further information.

If you do not want SimpleViewer-Pro, then there is no benefit in purchasing Showkase-Pro and you can just use your Juicebox-Pro files within Showkase.

How do I obtain JuiceboxBuilder?

JuiceboxBuilder-Lite comes bundled inside the Juicebox-Lite zip package and features only the Lite configuration options in its interface.
JuiceboxBuilder-Pro comes bundled inside the Juicebox-Pro zip package and features all Lite and Pro configuration options.

Juicebox-Lite and JuiceboxBuilder-Lite are free so you can download the Juicebox-Lite zip package from here and try it now.

I hope this helps to clarify things.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

i tried clearing browser history and it seems to work.

This suggests that the publishing (on the web server) might actually be actually working fine but that you are not always able to see the results (without first clearing your browser's cache).

Try using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari) to see if this makes a difference.

I'm certainly still willing to take a look at the setup on your web server (it might help) so I have sent you an email so that you can provide me with your login details.
Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

however, i cannot get my page to update now.

Do you see any error messages or any sign that things are not working as they should? If so, please let me know what they are.

It continues to show the old images, even though I've tried updating / and publishing multiple times.

Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your web site to ensure that your browser is using and displaying the most recent versions of your pages.

It also seems to be running slower than normal.

Showkase runs on your web server so any drop in performance could be due to web server issues.
Please contact your web host to see if they have been experiencing any issues recently which might be contributing to your problems. (They might have a 'server status' page on their web site which informs users of any problems they might currently be having.)

I'm a very basic user, I read that I could run a compatibility test to identify the issue, but I read the instructions and could not figure out how to do that.

Instructions for downloading and running the Server Compatibility Test can be found here. Please let me know which step you get stuck on and I'll try to help you out further.

If you are not already using the most recent version of Showkase (v1.3.6), you might like to try upgrading it to see if this helps. Full upgrading instructions can be found here.

If you continue to experience difficulties, then I would be happy to help further but I would need access to your web server and Showkase site.
If you are agreeable to this, then please let me know and I will send you a message with an email address where you can forward your FTP and Showkase login details to me. Thank you.

That's great!
Thank you for posting back to let me know.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad you've been able to resolve your problem. Thank you for letting me know.

For others reading this thread and experiencing a similar issue, a regular <a> tag (such as the one below) will work fine when you enter it in the Showkase editor as long as you are in source mode (by clicking the 'Source' button on the editor's toolbar) to tell Showkase that you are entering HTML code rather than just plain text.

<a href="http://www.example.com/index.html">Click here.</a>