Showkase is currently on version 1.7.6. Find out how to upgrade to the latest version.
Version 1.7.6 [25 March 2021]
- Compatible with PHP 8
- Updates to latest versions of Smarty, PHPMailer, jsTree and CKEditor.
- Upgraded Bebas Neue font to version 2 with more accented characters.
Version 1.7.5 [3 April 2020]
- New option to use latest version of Google Analytics
- Compatible with latest release of PHP 7.4
- Fixed option to show/hide the gallery index image in the gallery itself sometimes has no effect.
- Fixed gallery index page thumbnails can be too small for very wide sites.
- Updated to latest versions of PHPMailer, Smarty, CKEditor, jQuery UI, Plupload and jsTree
Version 1.7.4 [20 October 2018]
- Fixed bulleted list in body text not indented
- Fixed Juicebox version not showing in Customize Viewers and Change Viewers screens.
- Fixed uploader shows green success icon after an error.
- Fixed PHP memory limit of -1 (unlimited) not recognised. Memory test default increased to 128M.
- Fixed medium multi-size image can be overwritten by a smaller image.
- Updated Smarty template engine to 3.1.33 for better compatibility with PHP 7.2
Version 1.7.3 [22 March 2018]
- Faster publishing for sites with large numbers of galleries
- Fixed thumbnails sometimes remain when image is deleted
- Fixed warning message when setting up https site
Version 1.7.2 [5 December 2017]
- Compatible with PHP 7.1 and 7.2
Version 1.7.1 [15 September 2017]
- Updated to Juicebox 1.5.1
- SimpleViewer has been retired but is still supported for existing galleries
- Corrected some theme colors
- Fixed problem with ctrl-drag in pages screen
- Fixed inconsistent default page layout setting in Boma theme
- Updated CKEditor to version 4.7
Version 1.7.0 [30 May 2017]
- New ‘Featured Image’ option for Listviewer splashes first image at full page width.
- New theme option to upload an image for the gallery index page and hide it in the gallery itself.
- New look for page text editor.
- Added support for older Windows servers using UNC paths.
- Fixed some Juicebox colors and button styles not showing correctly.
- Upgrades to jQuery 1.12.4, Plupload 2.3.1, jsTree 3.3.4, Smarty 3.1.30 and CKEditor 4.6.2.
Version 1.6.1 [7 June 2016]
- Fixed multiple backslashes in saved paths (Windows servers only).
Version 1.6.0 [1 June 2016]
- Upgraded to Juicebox 1.5.0
- A navigation link page can now be grouped under another page.
- Improved handling of hidden gallery index pages.
Version 1.5.0 [21 March 2016]
- Completely new pages screen with drag and drop for page order, hidden pages and trash.
- New System menu Recover option to recover trashed pages
- Customize screens have collapsible sections to simplify data entry
- Customize screens have buttons to reset each option back to the default
- New Listviewer options to show titles and captions side-by-side with images
- Easier entry of longer image captions in Listviewer
- Gallery index pages can now have a page title
- Updates to Smarty 3.1.29, CKEditor 4.5.7, jQuery 1.12.1
Version 1.4.3 [29 January 2016]
- Essential update for compatibility with the new PHP 7
- Also recommended for users running PHP 5 to ensure future compatibility
Version 1.4.2 [15 December 2015]
- Maribo nav now compatible with background images
- Maribo default font now works with https pages
- Fixed uploader changes file size even if resize is turner off.
- Removed Flash uploader option – not needed with modern browsers.
- Improved tooltips and user messages
Version 1.4.1 [26 October 2015]
- Improved password security for recent versions of PHP
- Optional image count for gallery index pages
- Theme style improvements
- Juicebox pages updated for IOS 9
- Contact form now compatible with DMARC validation system
- Image size defaults more consistent
- Fixed flash of content before juicebox gallery loads
- Fixed gallery fitting not available in Maribo pages
- Fixed error message in change all viewers
Version 1.4.0 [9 September 2015]
- Added Maribo Theme. Maribo is a new, clean, minimalist theme using Open Sans from Google Fonts with large type sizes and an open layout.
- Added optional social media icon options for footers.
- Added contact form option for contact page. Requires php mail support on the server.
- Updated to Juicebox
- Pages screen UI improvements
- Library and browse library screens have a more helpful messaging
- Change Theme screen has been altered to make current theme more obvious
- Removed redundant FotoMoto settings
- Corrected some outdated default settings
- New versions of 3rd party software widgets
Version 1.3.6 [12 February 2015]
- Upgraded to Juicebox
- Fixed Juicebox pages not responding to screen width in IOS 8
Version 1.3.5 [30 January 2015]
- Upgraded to Juicebox 1.4.3
- Upgraded jQuery, jQuery UI, Plupload, CKEditor to latest versions
- Fixed library browse returns http on https sites
Version 1.3.4 [30 September 2014]
- More efficient use of server memory allows more galleries in one web site.
- Increase time limit for publishing large websites (if allowed by server).
Version 1.3.3 [11 September 2014]
- Additional checks and error messages for users who move the install directory.
- Medium image size quality settings now 80 for consistency with other sizes.
- Fix for Showkase Lite Juicebox images screen set multiple titles, captions and links.
Version 1.3.2 [3 July 2014]
- Support for changes to Flickr API
- Upgraded to Juicebox 1.4.2
- Upgraded to SimpleViewer 2.3.2
Version 1.3.1 [6 June 2014]
- New thumbnail sort screen
- Upgraded to Juicebox 1.4.1
- Support for multi-size images in Juicebox Pro
- Support for Purchase URL in Juicebox Pro
- Support for minimal-ui in iPhone IOS 7
- Theme updates for mobile devices
Version 1.3.0 [21 April 2014]
- Improved support for Asian characters in nav names
- Added resize quality setting to upload screens
- New theme customize option. Navigation home link can be removed if a link on the logo is preferred
- Contact page anti-spam options
- Improved gallery fitting allows for spacing differences in pro viewers
- New Juicebox 1.4 Pro viewer options
- New child themes feature makes new themes easier to create and maintain
- All theme html and css optimized and made more modular
- Boma theme auto-hides the navigation in small screens
- Added links for custom javascript
- Custom color scheme border color now affects all borders
- Removed fade transition on gallery index page thumbnails – incompatible with Chrome browser
- Zero theme is now deprecated and will not be updated
- Fixed italic text option in editor rendered as bold
- Fixed problems with links in Listviewer image title
- Fixed path problems in older Windows servers
- Upgrades to Juicebox, Smarty, Plupload and URLify
Version 1.2.0 [9 December 2013]
- Boma and Kosel theme settings for gallery fitting, body text layout and background images can now be overridden for individual pages
- Gallery Manager theme settings for background images can be overridden for individual pages.
- Faster loading of Juicebox and SimpleViewer galleries by cacheing the javascript code
- Includes Juicebox 1.3.3
- Updates to WYSIWYG editor and template engine
- Fixed white dotted border appearing below Juicebox splash screen
- Removed support for Showkase presets (customize viewer or individual page instead)
- Removed support for Internet Explorer 6
Version 1.1.0 [13 August 2013]
- Added support for variable number of index page thumbnails columns and size.
- Added new 'Gallery Manager' theme to manage galleries in an existing web site.
- Added page background image options.
- Added choice of image to use as the index page thumbnail
- Added more image sort options for galleries
- Added better viewer settings controls.
- Added support for importing Juicebox and SimpleViewer galleries.
- Added recovering trashed Showkase pages.
- Added gallery image links can be opened in a new window/tab
- Added support for IPTC title and description meta data embedded in images
- Added new options for Listviewer galleries
- Added page body layout options for galleries and basic pages
- Added drop shadow options for gallery image page thumbnails
- Upgraded all third party code to latest versions
Version 1.0.5 [25 June 2013]
- Upgraded Juicebox to 1.3.2
- Fixed lower case type descenders clipped in Kosel header for some fonts
Version 1.0.4 [9 May 2013]
- Added support for Juicebox 1.3.1
- Added search engine text in Juicebox and SimpleViewer pages
- Added OpenGraph tags
- Extended language support for navigation names
Version 1.0.3 [8 April 2013]
- Text input fields now accept special characters and html entities
- Improved home page selection for special cases such as links and hidden pages
- Fixed problems with some servers that pass the session id in the url
- Fixed gallery sometimes has reduced height when returning from fullscreen mode
- Fixed php error when all web pages are hidden in the navigation
- Fixed Kosel nav menu items with spaces split across lines in Chrome browser
- Fixed Kosel thumbnail caption font cannot be changed
Version 1.0.2 [26 Feb 2013]
- Added Google analytics support in Site Settings
- Added gallery fitting adjustments to Customize Theme
- Added change text color icon to WYSIWYG editor toolbar
- Added Showkase favicons
- ListViewer image alt attributes now contain image title
- Image upload creates thumbnails for new images only, rebuild re-creates all thumbnails
- Improved error reporting for problems during thumbnail creation
- Home page can not be a child page
- Fix for some servers reporting current working directory relative to web root not server root
- Fixed home page problem for subdirectory install
- Improved home page index.php for Windows servers
Version 1.0.1 [20 Dec 2012]
- Fixed possible set_time_limit warning on uploading images
- Fixed Kosel nav icon placement
- Fixed theme hover colors and fonts
- Improved default colors for Boma and Kosel themes
- Admin label updates
- Removed extraneous viewer options from Page Customize tab
- Added Logo max width option in Kosel theme customize screen
Version 1.0.0 [14 Dec 2012]
- Bon Voyage!