Topic: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hi Steven
I am having the same problem, not being able to upload new images. I am using showkase 1.7.7 and PHP 8.2. I have downloaded the patch but can't get it to work. I am using Fasthosts and the folder that I have to upload my site to is called htdocs.
the original showcase folder is _showkase and when i try overwrite it it makes another folder called showkase without the underscore.
I have been trying with net2ftp to upload the patch now using FileZilla thinking that would make a difference but it hasn't.

Can i manually drop the contents of the folder into the existing or delete the old and rename the new showKase folder with an underscore.

Please help I have been coming back to this problem over the last few months when i have time and would like to update my website.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]


If your Showkase directory is named '_showkase' and is located directly in your 'htdocs' directory, then please try the following:
(1) Extract the patch zip file.
(2) Rename the extracted 'showkase' folder to '_showkase'.
(3) Upload the renamed '_showkase' folder to your 'htdocs' directory, overwriting the existing files on your web server.

... delete the old and rename the new showKase folder with an underscore.

You should not do this as the patch does not contain a full Showkase installation (it only contains new and modified files) from the full Showkase v1.7.6. You need a full Showkase installation and then you can apply the patch on top of it (following the steps above).

I'd also recommend taking a full backup of your existing site before applying the patch, just in case anything goes wrong and you need to reinstate your original files at a later date. Applying the patch should be trouble-free but it would be wise to have a backup.

I hope this helps to clarify things.
Please let me know how you get on. Thank you.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hi Steven
Thanks for the advice!
I did as advised -
(1) Extract the patch zip file.
(2) Rename the extracted 'showkase' folder to '_showkase'.
(3) Upload the renamed '_showkase' folder to your 'htdocs' directory, overwriting the existing files on your web server.
which looked like it overwrote the folder and updated the date from 2019 from when it was installed to the present date.

I tried uploading files in showkase, the file still loads to 100% with a yellow warning triangle see pic. when I go into images tab I don't have any new uploaded files.

As i have tried many ways over the past few months trying to upload the file, maybe I have done something wrong. Is it worth me deleting and reinstalling ShowKase then adding the patch as you mentioned?

Many thanks

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Sory couldn't send an image but it reads -

Creation of dynamic property Themeset::
$configis depreciated in themes.php, line 60


Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]


I'm sorry to hear you are still having trouble.
I've split your posts into a separate thread as it looks like your problem is not exactly the same as the original poster's (or, at the very least, requires more troubleshooting).

Could you please confirm which version of Showkase you applied the patch to? You say you were using v1.7.7 but the latest version is v1.7.6. (The patch should be applied to v1.7.6.)

The dynamic property error you reported was due to a deprecation introduced in PHP 8.2 (which you are currently using) but the patch should completely fix this issue.
There is no 'themes.php' within Showkase (as noted in the error message you reported) but there is a file named 'themeset.php' which does, indeed, contain a problem at line 60 which the patch addresses.
It sounds very much like the patch has not been applied correctly.
I'd recommend you try to apply the patch again (no harm in doing it more than once) and make sure that all pre-existing files are overwritten. (Check the date on the 'themeset.php' file afterwards, specifically, with regard to the error you reported.)
The patch does fix the error you reported so, after successfully applying the patch, if the error still occurs, then maybe your web server employs a method of server-side caching whereby older files are still used for a period of time instead of newly uploaded ones. It might be worth checking in with your web host to ask if they have server-side caching active on your web hosting account (and ask if they can disable it).

For reference, here is the link to the post containing the information about the patch:
... and here is the post containing more information about applying the patch:

I hope this points you in the right direction.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hi Steven

Thanks for your last reply. I am still having trouble with uploading images, and spent hours since your last message trying to sort it out.

I typed the last message on my phone before starting work so there were some type errors.

I am using Showkase V1.7.6 and typed themes.php and should be themes.php. in the error message

I have tried applying the patch many times with net2ftp and FileZilla and I still get the error message when trying to upload a new image. Yesterday i spent over an hour with my web hosting service support trying different ways to overwrite the file and make it work. He told me server side caching was turned off and on his last attempt, I checked out the showkase folder and he had dropped two versions of the patch inside each other and I had to reset my showkase password as I had been locked out.
Been having another go today with no luck.

Would it be best if I reinstalled showkase then applied the patch? I updated to 1.7.6 in July 2023 but don't have the download link anymore.


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7 (edited by neil 2025-01-22 20:14:25)

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Showkase image upload message for the above problem.

Is the showkase folder as should be?

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:htdocs:_showkase.png 300.8 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

I'm not sure why you would still be having trouble with uploading images.
The error message is almost definitely something that the patch fixes.

I updated to 1.7.6 in July 2023 but don't have the download link anymore.

I've reactivated your download link and sent you a new receipt for your purchase (which includes the link).

Here's something to try before you reinstall Showkase over your existing site.
Try installing a fresh Showkase installation (with the patch) on your site in a completely different folder (so that it does not interfere with your current site and so that you can easily delete it afterwards) to see if everything works there.

(1) Extract the regular Showkase-Pro zip file (the one I've just sent in an email) to your hard drive. It'll extract to a file named 'showkase'.
(2) Now extract the patch zip file to the same location on your hard drive. It'll also extract to a file named showkase' so allow the extraction process to overwrite existing files.
(3) Now rename the 'showkase folder' to something different (e.g. 'showkase2').
(4) Upload the entire 'showkase2' folder to your web server.
(5) In a browser, set up this new Showkase site by navigating to and try uploading some test images.

If this works, then we'll know that the problem lies somewhere within your current site (and not with the Showkase source files).
If this does not work, then the problem could potentially be with your website's PHP installation (but the error message suggests otherwise).

This might not directly fix your problem but it should be in step in the right direction to see exactly where the problem lies.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Is the showkase folder as should be?

It's hard to tell from a screenshot if everything is OK or not.
The screenshot shows what looks like a Showkase root folder but some files are missing (apple-touch-icon.png, favicon.ico, index.php, readme.html and any/all page folders) and I'm not sure about the user.php file (I don't think it's part of the Showkase installation... maybe it contains PHP settings for your site).

Please try my suggestion above (try uploading images in a fresh Showkase v1.7.6 installation with patch in place) and let me know how you get on.
Thank you.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Oh thanks for that!
I will give it a try when I have a few hour to spare and let you know the outcome.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hi Steven

I have done the above 1 to 4
but when I navigate to
I get a message - welcome to your new showkase website
this is a temporary home page. To manage sign into Showkase Admin

When i click the link it says Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /showkase2/admin/ on this server.

I have accessed the original site but still can't upload images and not sure how to proceed.


Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hmm... Stuck at the first hurdle with the new test site. Sorry to hear that.

It might be worth taking a step back and running the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to make sure that your web server has all the basic functionality that Showkase needs, Even if you ran the test and it passed before initially installing your existing Showkase site, try running it again in case your web host has changed anything recently. After all, your first site worked (other than recently being able to upload images) but the 'showkase2' site does not (and the core files would be the same for both sites).

Also, the forbidden message suggests that the permissions of the folders/files on your server may be too restrictive.
Default permissions of 755 for folders and 644 for files should be absolutely fine. Please check (and change, if necessary) the permissions for the folders/files on your 'showkase2' site (either using an FTP program such as Filezilla or using your web hosting account's online control panel). You should be able to change permissions recursively (in all subdirectories) at once so you should not need to change the permissions of each file and folder individually.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Compatibility Test and/or changing permissions for your 'showkase2' site yields some results that point us in the right direction.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

Hi Steven
The showkase compatibility test worked ok and passed so all ok there.

I have checked the permissions on showkase2 the folders are 0755 and the files are 0644 i assume they are all in order? I am not sure if the zero in front of the number makes any difference.

The _showkase folders are 0777 and files 0755 and 0777 screenshots attached of both.

I haven't worked out how to change permissions on FileZilla if I need to, I will have to dig deeper or go on a call to the web servers call centre if i need to change them.

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Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

another screenshot attached

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_showkase.png 108.03 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

The permissions for 'showkase2' look fine (the leading zeros are OK).
The 777 permissions for '_showkase' should also work (they are less restrictive than 755 so should not be causing a problem).

I do not know why the patch does not work on your original '_showkase' site or why you are unable to set up a new fresh site.
Both should be quick and easy and I guess the answer lies somewhere on your web server.
Maybe you could contact your web host and ask if they have made any changes to your hosting account since you first set up Showkase which might somehow be contributing to your problem.

Re: Unable to upload new images [SOLVED]

For anyone following this thread, the problem was resolved by reinstalling Showkase v1.7.6 (follow the upgrade instructions but with the same version) and reapplying the patch (see this forum post for details).