So is there away to get everything I worked on back to the default settings since I have them all mixed up now?
If you want to reset the 'Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro' settings to their default values, delete the following file from your web server: 'showkase/_data/themedata/boma/juicebox.xml'.
If you are not using the Boma theme, replace 'boma' in the path above with the name of your current theme.
It would be more difficult to reset a specific gallery's settings to their default values as the gallery settings are stored in a file alongside other settings for the page and you would need to edit the file (the 'page.xml' file in the page's folder) and delete only the Juicebox-specific entries.
Please note that I would not normally recommend manually deleting or modifying any Showkase files on your web server.
I noted the above as it's the only way to do what you are looking to achieve.
If you choose to do so, please make a full backup of your site first.
Is there away to have several masters in that theme current area?
No. There is only one theme-wide set of values that can be used.
2) Is there a way to back up the default settings in that master before I start working on it? Actually, is there a way to go back to the defaults on anything I change in ShowKase?
There is currently no quick and easy way to revert to default values.
However, if you would like to make any suggestions for future versions, then I would encourage you to post them in the Feature Requests forum thread. This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers. Thank you.