(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


There's no custom.js in '_themes/kosel/js'.  Should there be, or was it eliminated?

Please ensure that you are using the current version of Showkase (v1.3.4).
Support for custom JavaScript (the 'custom.js' files in the theme folders) was introduced in Showkase v1.3.0.
Instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.
Please see the Version History for a list of changes between versions.

If I create a custom.js, will it be seen and used?

You will need to upgrade Showkase (to at least v1.3.0) in order to use a 'custom.js' file.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I created a webfont kit from fontsquirrel.com and followed the instructions in "Adding Custom Styles and Fonts", but I'm not seeing them.

I would really need to see your Showkase site in order to troubleshoot your problem so please upload the site to a web server and post the URL so that I can take a look and help further.

In the meantime, please double-check that you have added your custom CSS code to the correct 'custom.css' file (in the folder corresponding to the theme you are using) and that the paths in the CSS code correctly point towards the font files themselves.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I have Juicebox Pro, so I'll try the web fonts customisation with that first (I'm assuming it works in the same way as Showkase, of course).

Please see Juicebox's Using Custom Fonts support section.

One more question: is it possible to have multiple galleries on one page, as with the Juicebox demo showing this implemented with text links to each gallery at the top of the page?

If you really want to have multiple galleries embedded in the same page (like in this example), then you would need to create your galleries on your computer using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro and then embed the galleries into a Basic page manually using the baseUrl method of embedding documented here. (Showkase displays each Juicebox-Pro gallery on its own separate page.)

If you want to group together several galleries, then you can create a Gallery Index Page and then list whichever galleries you like on the page. After creating a Gallery Index Page, just edit a gallery page and in 'Site Navigation -> Group Under', select the name of the Gallery Index Page. Each gallery listed under the index page will be represented by a thumbnail image which, when clicked, will open the selected gallery on its own page. You can have as many Gallery Index Pages (and galleries) as you like.


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Yes. Please see the Adding Custom Styles and Fonts support section for details (specifically the Adding Web Fonts section).

Please note that each theme has its own 'custom.js' JavaScript file, e.g. '_themes/boma/js/custom.js' (as well as a 'custom.css' CSS file), so you can easily add custom JavaScript to each page if necessary, too.

The example in the support section involves downloading a font kit and adding it to your Showkase site.
However, you could use your theme's 'custom.css' and 'custom.js' files to add any custom CSS and/or JavaScript to all your Showkase web pages. You could just use these files to add the necessary code from fonts.com.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

(1) There is no input field to enter a themeUrl for a Juicebox gallery within the Showkase interface. However, you could simply swap the 'theme.css' file that Showkase uses for all Juicebox galleries (admin/plugins/juicebox/master/jbcore/classic/theme.css) with your own custom version.

(2) First of all, please ensure that you are using the current version of Showkase (v1.3.4) to ensure that any bugs which were present in previous versions but which have since been fixed are not contributing to your problem.
If necessary, full instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.
Please try viewing your gallery index page in different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari) to see whether the problem is browser-dependent or is present in all browsers.
Also, please post the URL to your gallery index page so that I can see the problem for myself and investigate further.

(3) The >> is part of the Boma theme's design and it is not changeable via the Showkase interface.
If you want to hide the >>, open the admin/_themes/boma/css/styles.css file in a plain text editor and change line 539 from:

content: "\00BB";

... to:

content: " ";

After making this change, you might need to clear your browser's cache before reloading your web site to ensure that your browser fetches and uses the new version of the CSS file.


(10 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Please try upgrading your site to Showkase v1.3.4 (released on 30 September 2014) which has improved memory management. Please see the Version History for a full list of changes between versions. Hopefully this will help.
Instructions for upgrading Showkase can be found here.
(Sorry for not posting back on this one. I seem to have overlooked this thread when v1.3.4 was released.)


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If you are adding Library images via the editor (by clicking the Image icon and then clicking the Browse Library button), then, after selecting an image, try changing the entry in the URL text field so that it starts with either https:// or just //.
e.g. https://www.beatafoto.nl/_library/files/beatafoto_white.png
... or //www.beatafoto.nl/_library/files/beatafoto_white.png
The URL for an existing image can be edited by selecting (clicking) the image within the editor and clicking the editor Image icon or by entering Source mode.

Thank you for reporting this issue.
As noted above, I have notified the developers.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I am not sure why images from within the Showkase Library ('_library') are not being served using the https:// protocol within your web site.
I have notified the developers who may be able to shed some more light on this issue.
In the meantime, I am glad that you have been able to find a workaround (although it seems strange that changing the name of the page should make a difference).


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

A HTML div (such as a Juicebox gallery container) will not normally have its height changed when the browser window's width changes. If you want this to happen, then you will need to employ a solution such as that described in this forum post (which uses JavaScript to listen for a change in the browser window's size and then change the gallery container's width and height accordingly).


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Ok, I think I got it good enough in a browser.

That's great!

In answer to your questions above (which may help):

1.  How do I keep the right edge of the rotating images in line with the right edge of the separator and the nav items?

Make sure that imagePadding="0", stagePadding="0" and imageHAlign="RIGHT".

2.  The height of the JuiceBox area is too high.  How can I make the height be only what it needs to be?

Reducing the gallery's height (in the embedding code) should help.

Unfortunately, I do not have a Windows Phone on which to test so I'm not sure what you're seeing.
Setting imageVAlign="TOP" may help (to at least ensure that the gallery image is always at the top of the page rather than being vertically centered within the container).

If you want your text to wrap around your gallery (floated to the right side of the page), then try something like the following code (again, with a 'Body text layout' of '1-column wide').

<script src="/gallery/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
        baseUrl: "/gallery/",
        containerId : "juicebox-container",
        galleryWidth: "400",
        galleryHeight: "300",
        backgroundColor: "#222222"
<div id="juicebox-container" style="width: 400px; height: 300px; float: right;"></div>
<p>Text goes here.</p>


(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Showkase does not easily allow for such a layout on a Juicebox or SimpleViewer page.

What you could perhaps do is the following:
(1) Create a Juicebox-Pro gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (as an automated slideshow with no thumbnails or user controls).
(2) Upload the complete gallery folder (not just the contents) to your web server.
(3) Create a Basic page in your Showkase site with a 'Body text layout' of '1-column wide'.
(4) Configure the required containers in the Showkase editor and embed the gallery using the baseUrl method.

For example, if you created a gallery folder named 'gallery' and uploaded it to your web space's root directory, then the code you would enter into the Showkase editor (in 'Source' mode) would look something like the following:

<div id="wrap" style="width: 100%;">
    <div id="left" style="width: 60%; float: left;">
        <div><p>Text goes here.<p></div>
    <div id="right" style="width: 40%; float: right;">
        <script src="/gallery/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
            new juicebox({
                baseUrl: "/gallery/",
                containerId : "juicebox-container",
                galleryWidth: "100%",
                galleryHeight: "400",
                backgroundColor: "#222222"
        <div id="juicebox-container"></div>

You may not be able to create or edit the gallery within Showkase but it might be the easiest method of achieving the layout you are looking for without trying to modify the default layout of a Showkase Juicebox page.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

All copyright messages within Showkase should remain intact.
There should be no need to remove this text, though. It is seen only in the admin section (and not by visitors to your web site) and does not affect any functionality at all. It also helps us troubleshoot problems when we can see what version is being used.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

The Sara Lee homepage is a single-image ListViewer gallery page.
Create a new ListViewer gallery page, upload the image you would like to use on the 'Upload' tab and on the 'Images' tab, set the linkURL for the image to the URL that you want the image to open when clicked.


(2 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Perhaps the easiest solution would be to create Gallery Index Pages and group your galleries under the index pages (using 'Site Navigation -> Group Under' on each gallery page). Also, deselect the 'Show in Nav' checkbox on each gallery page.
Then, only the top level Gallery Index Pages would be displayed in the menu.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Juicebox-Pro does not support vk.com. The social media sites supported by Juicebox-Pro can be found here.

It would be possible to manually implement a vk.com (or other social media) share button but knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and the social media's own API would be required (and the share button would need to be positioned outside the gallery and would not be part of the gallery's Button Bar).

You would first need to create a HTML button (or text or image) to act as your share button.
You would then need to fetch the required information from the image currently being displayed in the Juicebox-Pro gallery (the image to be shared) using the Juicebox-Pro API.
You would then need to pass this information along to your chosen social media site via a share URL (the syntax of which would be determined by their own API) when your custom share button is clicked.

All this code would be entered within the text editor (in 'Source' mode) on your Showkase page.

This is certainly possible but perhaps not easy to achieve.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

No. Showkase supports only a single static background image (theme-wide in the 'Site -> Customize Theme -> All Pages' section or on a page-by-page basis in each page's 'Override Theme Settings' section).


(93 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


Are there any plans to implement nested galleries in a future version?

Unfortunately, not that I am aware of.

However, thank you for posting your suggestion in the Feature Requests thread where it will be seen by the developers.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm glad you have been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for taking the time to post your solution.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Rather than try to create multi-language pages within Showkase, it would be easier to create a separate site for each language.
Please see this forum thread which may help.

After creating an initial Showkase site (in one language), you could use Showkase's 'Site -> Import' functionality to import all pages from the first site into subsequent sites.

Pages and galleries would just need to be created once and then imported (copied) into subsequent sites.

You would then just need to tweak each site, translating text as necessary.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

If you want to host your own videos yourself, then you could upload the video files to your web server and use the HTML 5 <video> tag to embed them in your Showkase web pages.
Please see this web page for further details on the <video> tag.

Most modern browsers support the <video> tag but many older browsers will not.
Please see this web page for a list of browsers which support the <video> tag.

For example, if you had a MP4 video named 'movie.mp4' and uploaded it to a folder named 'videos' in your root directory, then you would enter the following code into the editor on your Showkase page:

<video width="640" height="480" controls>
    <source src="/videos/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Otherwise, you could upload your video to a video hosting service such as YouTube or Vimeo and paste the <iframe> embedding code that the service provides into the Showkase editor. This is how the Vimeo videos have been embedded in the 'Motion' page of the 'Patrick Surace' Showkase demo site here.

Whether you use the <video> tag code or <iframe> embedding code, be sure to enter the code into the Showkase editor in 'Source' mode. (Just click the 'Source' button on the editor's toolbar.)


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Each page in a Showkase site has its own folder in the root Showkase directory. As all the folders are stored in the same directory (no matter whether they are top level menu entries or grouped under a top level menu entry), they must all have unique names.

It is not possible to change the folder structure that Showkase uses or to have two pages with the same name (without manually editing the pages generated by Showkase). It would be possible to initially give your pages different names (so that folders with different names are created) and then change the page name text in the menu by manually editing the pages generated by Showkase but, if you do this, the changes will be overwritten when you next publish your site via the interface.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

First of all, please install and run the Showkase Server Compatibility Test to check that your web server has all the basic functionality that Showkase requires.
If any of the tests fail, this might give us a clue as to the cause of your problem and there are troubleshooting tips on the same page (link above) which may help.

I have to keep a couple of browser windows open, click the publish button, and refresh another browser window to see changes.

This sounds like a caching problem of some sort. Try completely clearing and then disabling your browser's cache to see if this helps. Also, please check with your web host to see if there is any server-side caching going on and, if so, ask if it can be disabled on your hosting account. Hopefully this will help.

Thank you for posting back with this information.
You certainly have the right to delete the thread if you wish but please feel free to leave it in place.
Strange problems often occur and it might actually help to reassure any other users who experience a similar issue.

First of all, please let me reassure you (and other readers) that Showkase does not contain any malicious code so the warning from Trend Micro is almost certainly a false positive report unless you have actually have content on your web site (other than Showkase) which might be triggering the warning or your web hosting account has been hacked.
It would certainly be interesting to know exactly what is causing the problem so, if possible, please upload a screenshot somewhere (perhaps an image hosting site of file sharing site such as Dropbox or Google Drive) or describe the warning message in more detail.
Please also let us know how you get on with Trend Micro when they reply to your appeal.
Thank you.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

When the 'Hide email address' checkbox is selected, the email address will be obfuscated in the source of the web page so that spam bots cannot crawl your page and easily find and harvest your email address for future spamming purposes. It does not hide the email address from view when visitors view your web site in a browser.

If you type an email address as email@address.com and do not select the 'Hide email address' checkbox, then when you view the source of the web page, the email address will be in plain text (and readable to everyone).

<p class="email">Email: <a href="mailto:email@address.com" class="email" title="Email">email@address.com</a></p>

However, if you then select the 'Hide email address' checkbox, the email address will be obfuscated and will appear in the source code of the web page as follows:

<p class="email">Email: <script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%65%6d%61%69%6c%40%61%64%64%72%65%73%73%2e%63%6f%6d%22%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%22%65%6d%61%69%6c%22%20%74%69%74%6c%65%3d%22%45%6d%61%69%6c%22%3e%65%6d%61%69%6c%40%61%64%64%72%65%73%73%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script></p>

(The email address will still be visible in the web page and there will be do difference to the look of your site to visitors whether you select the 'Hide email address' checkbox or not.)

If you want to have a link to allow users to email you but to hide your email address on the page, then you could enter something like the following into the Showkase editor (making sure that you are in 'Source' mode):

<a href="mailto:email@address.com">Click to email me.</a>

Please note that this will not hide the email address from spammers and visitors to your site will still be able to determine your email address as soon as they hover over or click the link.

I hope this helps to clarify things.