(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hi folks. Hope you can help.
I purchased Showkase / SiimpleViewer / Juicebox back in 2015 and made a simple portfolio website to display my artwork. The site was listed on search engines and showed up no problem.  It was available online last year (and possibly this year but I can't quite recall).
However, yesterday I gave someone the web address so she could look at my artwork - something I did often - but she said she could not find it. So myself and a few friends also tried from different devices and browsers and sure enough, it has vanished! It is not even listed in search results anymore. I can understand a server 'gone down' but to be removed from search lists seems a bit odd is it not?

I also have it bookmarked on my pc. This link did take me to my site but now I get
"hmmm... can't reach this page. (website).co.uk's server IP adress could not be found.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS settings

Chances are it's probably me that has caused a problem as I'm not that tech-savvy, but I don't know.
Can someone please help me understand what has happened? I'd really, really appreciate it!
Many thanks.

Thank you Steven for your prompt, which definitely does explain things very clearly (as you always do).

Thankfully it seems I have made the correct purchase/s after all! I didn't realise that SimpleViewer was flash-based so I will stick with my JuiceBox Pro.
And another thanks for your refund offer. I was about to buy Showkase Pro but fortunately, I decided to post my queries in the forum first.

Also, I found my JuiceboxBuilder! It was in the zip file. I didn't install it because I didn't need it at the time. But, after experimenting with Showkase/Juicebox and learning more, I have decided I'd like to try JBBuilder, especially because it does watermarks.

So all in all, I am a happy customer.
But there's no doubt I shall return to the forum pretty soon when I attempt to upload my new files!!

Hi SK team!
As my topic suggests, I am a wee bit confused about my ShowKase (etc) purchases.
1) First I bought ShowKase Standard ($45 dollars - around £30 gbp).
2) Next I upgraded to Juicebox Pro ($54 dollars - around £35 gbp).

Now I am thinking I did the wrong thing: I should have bought ShowKase Pro instead (because that's exactly what I intend to do!)

If I purchase ShowKase Pro, does it mean I have basically wasted my money buying JuiceBox Pro? Or are previous purchases taken into consideration when buying / upgrading to pro? Or is each item sold individually - which starts to get a bit pricey. (So far I have spent around £65 gbp ($99) and there's still more to buy!).

For example:-
The info on the 'Buy Now' page shows two prices (in dollars): 45 dollars (£30 gbp) for SK Standard and 95 dollars (£62.00) SK Pro. I assume these prices are for buying outright either one or the other.

However, if I have already paid for SK Standard should the upgrade to Pro not be slightly less than the on-screen price? Maybe I have misread the info.
Like I said, I do intend to buy SK Pro soon - just wanted to fully understand the pricing.
So far I have spent around £65 gbp ($99).

And while I am here..
How do I obtain JuiceboxBuilder? I can't find a download link. 
Is it available in Lite / Pro versions? If so, what is the difference?
Does it cost or is it free of charge?

I think that's it for now. Sorry for all the questions - but thanks for reading!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thank you Steven. I think I get it! So it really does no harm to show a 'written' email?

I hope you don't mind but while I am here, I'd like to ask if there is a help section specifically for setting up the Contact page (other than the user guide)? Something more in-depth maybe? Or for beginners!
Again, I thank you - especially for your rapid response!

I must also add that I intend to upgrade to Juicebox Pro this week. It's just what I need!


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I'm in the process of creating my website using Showkase. (Btw, thank you for a wonderful program! My site is evolving slowly but surely.)

I have one issue so far: the email address is visible on the Contact page, even though I ticked the box to hide it. I have also checked it out from a pc at work and there it is - full email address.
How can I hide/disguise it but still keep the link?
Please note, I have only typed the email so far. I have still to setup/configure the rest but that's another bridge I have to cross!
Thanks again.

Firstly - thanks to Steven. I purchased Showkase Standard today!

I already have a website of my artwork (carol-lynn-penny) at (co.uk). Right now it's a test layout which I'm not entirely happy with. That's why I got Showkase. I want to start afresh.

Anyhoo, using ftp, I deleted everything from my site - except for index.html. (I was under the impression that it was not a good idea to remove this file.)

I followed instructions for unzipping and uploading the Showkase files to the root folder.
However, when viewed (Internet Explorer), the original index page was all I could see but in basic form ie. minus pics, background etc.

I don't know how to "Browse to .....example.com/admin/ and click the 'Setup' button to run the installer." 
Should I have removed my original index page? There is no mention of deleting original site files, so I just guessed it would be easier because I plan to start afresh anyway.

In all honesty, I'm a bit lost as to how to get started!
When I realised I was having problems, I thought it best to upload the original site files again and seek help!! I feel like a proper fool!
Thanks in advance.


(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hi. I have a simple but important question!
I'd like to buy ShowKase Standard but the price onsite is in dollars only.
How do I buy using British pounds £?