1 (edited by moonbabe666 2015-09-01 02:01:10)

Topic: Confused about applications & pricing [SOLVED]

Hi SK team!
As my topic suggests, I am a wee bit confused about my ShowKase (etc) purchases.
1) First I bought ShowKase Standard ($45 dollars - around £30 gbp).
2) Next I upgraded to Juicebox Pro ($54 dollars - around £35 gbp).

Now I am thinking I did the wrong thing: I should have bought ShowKase Pro instead (because that's exactly what I intend to do!)

If I purchase ShowKase Pro, does it mean I have basically wasted my money buying JuiceBox Pro? Or are previous purchases taken into consideration when buying / upgrading to pro? Or is each item sold individually - which starts to get a bit pricey. (So far I have spent around £65 gbp ($99) and there's still more to buy!).

For example:-
The info on the 'Buy Now' page shows two prices (in dollars): 45 dollars (£30 gbp) for SK Standard and 95 dollars (£62.00) SK Pro. I assume these prices are for buying outright either one or the other.

However, if I have already paid for SK Standard should the upgrade to Pro not be slightly less than the on-screen price? Maybe I have misread the info.
Like I said, I do intend to buy SK Pro soon - just wanted to fully understand the pricing.
So far I have spent around £65 gbp ($99).

And while I am here..
How do I obtain JuiceboxBuilder? I can't find a download link. 
Is it available in Lite / Pro versions? If so, what is the difference?
Does it cost or is it free of charge?

I think that's it for now. Sorry for all the questions - but thanks for reading!

Re: Confused about applications & pricing [SOLVED]

Showkase can be purchased as Showkase-Standard (which comes with Juicebox-Lite and SimpleViewer-Standard, the free versions of the image viewers) or Showkase-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro).
The only difference between Showkase-Standard and Showkase-Pro is the bundled viewers.

For example, if you were to purchase Showkase-Standard, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro, you could integrate the Pro viewers into Showkase following the instructions here and you would essentially have Showkase-Pro.

When you purchase Showkase-Standard, you get a download link for only Showkase.
When you purchase Showkjase-Pro, you get separate download links for Showkase, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro.

Purchasing Showkase-Pro is less expensive than purchasing Showkase-Standard, Juicebox-Pro and SimpleViewer-Pro.

However, if you have no need for SimpleViewer-Pro (the Flash image viewer), then purchasing Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro separately (as you have done) is less expensive than purchasing Showkase-Pro.

If you want SimpleViewer-Pro, too, then the best option would for you to purchase Showkase-Pro and for us to refund you in full for your Showkase-Standard and Juicebox-Pro purchases. If you would like to do this, then please let me know and I will send you an email with further information.

If you do not want SimpleViewer-Pro, then there is no benefit in purchasing Showkase-Pro and you can just use your Juicebox-Pro files within Showkase.

How do I obtain JuiceboxBuilder?

JuiceboxBuilder-Lite comes bundled inside the Juicebox-Lite zip package and features only the Lite configuration options in its interface.
JuiceboxBuilder-Pro comes bundled inside the Juicebox-Pro zip package and features all Lite and Pro configuration options.

Juicebox-Lite and JuiceboxBuilder-Lite are free so you can download the Juicebox-Lite zip package from here and try it now.

I hope this helps to clarify things.

Re: Confused about applications & pricing [SOLVED]

Thank you Steven for your prompt, which definitely does explain things very clearly (as you always do).

Thankfully it seems I have made the correct purchase/s after all! I didn't realise that SimpleViewer was flash-based so I will stick with my JuiceBox Pro.
And another thanks for your refund offer. I was about to buy Showkase Pro but fortunately, I decided to post my queries in the forum first.

Also, I found my JuiceboxBuilder! It was in the zip file. I didn't install it because I didn't need it at the time. But, after experimenting with Showkase/Juicebox and learning more, I have decided I'd like to try JBBuilder, especially because it does watermarks.

So all in all, I am a happy customer.
But there's no doubt I shall return to the forum pretty soon when I attempt to upload my new files!!

Re: Confused about applications & pricing [SOLVED]

You're welcome!
I'm glad I was able to help.