Topic: Installing SK & getting started - more help please!

Firstly - thanks to Steven. I purchased Showkase Standard today!

I already have a website of my artwork (carol-lynn-penny) at ( Right now it's a test layout which I'm not entirely happy with. That's why I got Showkase. I want to start afresh.

Anyhoo, using ftp, I deleted everything from my site - except for index.html. (I was under the impression that it was not a good idea to remove this file.)

I followed instructions for unzipping and uploading the Showkase files to the root folder.
However, when viewed (Internet Explorer), the original index page was all I could see but in basic form ie. minus pics, background etc.

I don't know how to "Browse to and click the 'Setup' button to run the installer." 
Should I have removed my original index page? There is no mention of deleting original site files, so I just guessed it would be easier because I plan to start afresh anyway.

In all honesty, I'm a bit lost as to how to get started!
When I realised I was having problems, I thought it best to upload the original site files again and seek help!! I feel like a proper fool!
Thanks in advance.

Re: Installing SK & getting started - more help please!

If you have unzipped the contents of the Showkase package to your root directory (and want your Showkase home page to be accessible in your root directory), then you will need to remove or rename your 'index.html' file.
If someone enters a path to a directory in a browser's address bar (without explicitly specifying a file name), the web server will usually look for a file named 'index.html' and display it.
Therefore, if you go to your root directory just now in a browser (, you will see your 'index.html' page.
If you remove the 'index.html' page (or rename it to something like 'index_old.html'), then Showkase's 'index.php' file should be the next default filename searched for and used.
Alternatively, you can go straight to the Showkase 'index.php' file by entering the following into your browser's address bar:
... but you will still need to remove or rename your 'index.html' file to ensure that visitors to your web site see your Showkase site and not the existing 'index.html' page.

Just go directly to in a browser and this should get you started.
You can then follow the Getting Started instructions here.

I hope this helps.