Topic: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

Looking to place (embed) a couple YouTube videos on a page in my Showkase website. I am currently using Showkase Pro with Juicebox galleries and believe the YouTube videos need to be put into iFrames. Can this be done with Showkase? Please provide some steps to get me started. For example, what type of page can this be put on? Is there anyway to show the starting video frame within a gallery page?

Thank you!

Re: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

You can embed a YouTube video into any Showkase page which has a text editor where you can paste HTML code (basically any page type except a Gallery Index Page or a Navigation Link).
I would recommend using a Basic page as other pages (such as About, Contact or Gallery pages) may have set layouts and expect other content to be displayed.

On a YouTube video page, you should see a 'Share' icon immediately below the video itself. If you click this, it should reveal the 'Share' section with 'Share', 'Embed' and 'Email' tabs. Click on the 'Embed' tab and YouTube will present you with the required iframe embedding code.
Just copy this code and paste it into the text editor on your Showkase page. Make sure that you click 'Source' on the text editor's toolbar first to enter Soure Mode (otherwise the embedding code will just be displayed on your Showkase page as plain text).

Showkase has its own video fitting routine so you shouldn't need to worry about changing any dimensions.

Is there anyway to show the starting video frame within a gallery page?

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Re: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

The only glitch I am encountering is regarding the size. You are correct in that YouTube does automatically list the size in the code to be pasted... or you can specify the size preferred. On my videos YouTube has it listed as 560x315 which would be fine, but on my page they are appearing 1024px wide.

Is this because in Showkase under "customize theme" it calls for my gallery pages to be 1024px? I did put the videos on a "basic" page... not a gallery one. How can I get Showkase to honor the dimensions for the video on this page?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

Showkase's own video fitting routine ensures that the video fits within the theme's 'Max site width (px)' and the user's browser window.
You can disable this by opening the '_themes/base/pagetypes/basetheme.tpl' file in a plain text editor and removing lines 150 to 153:

<script src="{$ss_themesUrl}/base/js/jquery.fitvids.js"></script>

(Republish your site after making this change.)
Your iframe will now always be displayed at the specified dimensions and the video will no longer be resized to fit within the user's browser window. (Please note that it is likely that the video will no longer fit well in narrow browser windows such as those on mobile devices.)

The line numbers above refer to the current version of Showkase (v1.3.6).

Re: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

Tried the fix and it works perfectly on PC, iPad, Android phone... thanks exactly what I was looking for!

Re: Embedding YouTube video in Showkase

That's great!
Thank you for posting back to let me know.