Topic: Reset juicebox galleries to default

I've customized the juicebox gallery on some of my pages. Now I want to reset them all back to default settings (as in a fresh installation of Showkase). Is there a quick way of doing this without editing each individual page?

Re: Reset juicebox galleries to default

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy way to reset all Juicebox gallery settings to their default values within Showkase.
If you change gallery configuration options at theme level (under 'Site -> Customize Viewers'), then these values will be applied to all galleries. However, if any settings have been changed at page level (on individual gallery pages), then these values will override theme level settings and you will need to change the page level settings back to change the corresponding galleries.

Re: Reset juicebox galleries to default

Ok. As a follow-up question, how can I completely reset the site-wide Juicebox gallery configuration to what it was at default installation of Showkase? I'm thinking it must involve overwriting something with the original file via FTP.

Re: Reset juicebox galleries to default

Each theme uses its own default settings.
To reset the Kosel theme's Juicebox settings (for example), delete the 'showkase/_data/themedata/kosel/juicebox.xml' file.