Topic: Entering slide gallery with particular slide selected [SOLVED]

Is there a way via URL to enter a slide gallery with a particular slide?  I have on my front page a slideshow which when you click on the image it takes you to the appropriate gallery but it would be nice to have the proper slide selected. 

Something along the lines of url="/gallery/index.html?slidenum=13"

If not, is there a way to have javascript/jQuery select a particular slide?

Re: Entering slide gallery with particular slide selected [SOLVED]

If your gallery is a Juicebox-Pro gallery, then you can set enableDirectLinks="TRUE" (in the 'General Options' section of the gallery page) and you can then link directly to a specific image within the gallery using a URL such as (where 12 in this example is the number of the image you'd like to display).
A description of the enableDirectLinks configuration option can be found here.

Re: Entering slide gallery with particular slide selected [SOLVED]

Works great... thanks!