Topic: Not able to upload images using the latest version of Showkase

I re-made my site from scratch using the latest version of Showkase.
All worked well until I tried to upload images to a Juicebox page.  The first 2 or 3 worked then I got this error:
"uncompressed image../monochrome/image/Image_name.jpg exceeds 16 MB in thumbnail.php, line 77"
Nothing I have tried after that will work.  My test web on my local Windows 7 PC using xampp worked fine, no problems at all using
the same images.  I should mention that the previous showkase version ran fine.
Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks

Re: Not able to upload images using the latest version of Showkase

It sounds like your web host has set a resource limit (the maximum amount of memory that a script is allowed to allocate) of 16MB via the PHP 'memory_limit' configuration option (in your web server's 'php.ini' file).
If you have access to this file yourself, try increasing the 'memory_limit' value. If not, then contact your web host to ask if they can do this for you.
Otherwise, ensure that your images are less than 16MB each and try adding your images in smaller batches.

Re: Not able to upload images using the latest version of Showkase

Thanks for the answer to my problem. I found how to change the memory limit.  I have no php experience so this answer got me started.  I was trying to load single files of less than 3 MB each and wondered why the script needed 16+ MB?  All is well after batch uploading some files.
- Thanks again