Topic: larger pixel dimension galleries

The FAQ's say that optimized sized images for the Kosel gallery are 1024px x 768px. As resolutions for monitors continue to increase, I would like to show the portfolio images at a larger dimension, while still having it "auto" maintain a responsive size in relationship to the screen size. Other than a slower download speed, will I run into other potential problems if I increase the image dimensions to a larger size (on either monitors, tablets or phones)?

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

There are no real problems associated with having larger images in your galleries (other than the larger file sizes which result in the need for more server storage space and longer download times).

Assuming your galleries are Juicebox-Pro galleries:

(1) Images will always be dynamically scaled down to be displayed in their entirety, no matter what the size or shape of the user's viewport is (as long as imageScaleMode is set to SCALE_DOWN (the default value) or SCALE).

(2) Images are preloaded (according to the imagePreloading configuration option value) so while one image is being viewed, the next few images are being preloaded in the background so any delay associated with larger images will be minimal and may only be apparent on the first image. (The default value for imagePreloading is PAGE (whereby all images on the current thumbnail page are preloaded) but you can change it to NEXT (the next image only) or NONE, if you like.)

(3) You could have a Multi-Size Image gallery whereby your gallery can have up to 3 different image sizes and Juicebox-Pro will display the size most appropriate to the user's device and screen size.
GO to 'Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit)', then scroll down to 'Pro Viewer Options' and expand the 'Multi-size Images (Pro)' section for the options.

Short descriptions of the configuration options in bold above can be found in the Main Image Options section of the Juicebox-Pro Config Options page.

I hope this helps.

3 (edited by dennis 2022-12-28 23:32:40)

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

Thanks, I'm trying this now and must be doing something incorrect, just not sure what.

I took larger dimension jpeg images (ranging from approx 3000-4000px), went to the UPLOAD tab and the images all got reduced in size after they uploaded. None of them came in larger than 1024px wide or 768px high, even though I have the max height and width boxes populated with 2048 x 1536. I tried doing this with the RESIZE IMAGES box checked, as well as trying with it unchecked.   

In the customize viewer page, The multi-size images box is checked and the largest size is showing 2048x1536.   

Fyi, the monitor they are being viewed on is a 2560x1440 display so I would think the 2048px dimension would be what Showkase is serving up. 

Please let me know where I should be looking to figure out what I am missing.

Thank you!

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

I've just uploaded a fresh Showakse v1.7.6 site and checked the multi-image size functionality. It seems to be working OK for myself.

Here's what I did:
(1) Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit)
(2) Selected 'Large images', 'Medium image resize' and 'Small images' checkboxes.
(3) Created a new Juicebox-Pro gallery page (on 'Pages' panel).
(4) Clicked 'Upload' tab.
(5) Uploaded a single image (dimensions 4416 x 3312) via upload module (via HTML 5 method).
(6) Published site (clicked 'Publish').
(All image sizes and all other checkbox were left at their default values.)

Now, when I check inside the Juicebox-Pro gallery's folder (in the root Showkase directory), there's a folder named 'images'.
Directly inside this folder is the medium image (dimensions 1024 x 768).
Also, inside the folder is a subfolder named 'large' which contains the large image (dimensions 1280 x 960).
Finally, inside the folder is a subfolder named 'small' which contains the small image (dimensions 800 x 600.).

It is worth noting that Juicebox-Pro uses the medium images for a gallery being displayed on a desktop monitor (no matter what the size of the monitor is). Large images are reserved for when an image is opened in a new tab (via the Open Image button) or downloaded (via the Download Button). Small images are used on mobile devices, though (unless a retina/high pixel density screen is detected, in which case, medium images will be used).

Give it another go and hopefully it'll work OK for you as it does for me.

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

Ah, okay I see that it was working as designed and I was thrown off because I didn't see larger images displayed on a desktop monitor.

Moving forward, I do not want the images downloadable and would rather have them seen larger without having the visitor opening new tabs as they go through the gallery(s). I am guessing if I increase the image dimensions for the medium size files this may accomplish this, however probably with the downside of mobile device users (particularly cell phone users not using wi-fi) then being served files that are larger than necessary and impacting their download speeds.

Is there a simple workaround to accomplish what I am trying to do?

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

The logic that Juicebox uses to decide which image size to use is hardcoded into the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is obfuscated and cannot be modified so you'll not be able to do anything there.

The best course of action would likely be to increase the resolution of your medium images and perhaps reduce the quality percentage a little ('Site -> Customize Viewers -> Juicebox-Pro (Edit) -> Pro Viewer Options -> Multi-size Images (Pro)') in order to keep the file size at a reasonable level.
If you don't want your images to be downloaded, then a slight decrease in quality might be acceptable. The likelihood is that a slight quality percentage reduction will result in a smaller file size but the visual quality may be hard to notice(at least to a casual viewer). A little bit of trial and error might be required to find a balance but I hope that you can find a suitable compromise between resolution and file size.

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

Thanks, I'll give it a try!

Re: larger pixel dimension galleries

Thanks for posting in the Feature Requests thread.
As always, I really don't know what might be picked up for future versions but this is still the best place to post ideas to ensure that they are seen by the developers.