1 (edited by md.michel 2016-06-25 06:20:26)

Topic: Customize viewer for a child theme [SOLVED]

It’s easy to create a child theme from one of the existing themes such as Boma.
    Create a new folder inside _themes and give it a short simple name. It’s best to use lower case letters and numbers only – no spaces. Let’s call it example.
    Copy the content of _themes/boma into your new folder.
    Edit _themes/example/config.ini. Change displayName to "Example" and change the description to whatever you like – but keep it short.

I use a child theme of Kosel and Juicebox Pro 1.5.0 with the name "album".
When I created it (copy of Kosel), the viewer settings was a little different. I customized again the viewer for my theme album.
Where are saved the viewer's settings for each different theme ?
With a future upgrade, how to keep my settings for the viewer?

Re: Customize viewer for a child theme [SOLVED]

Gallery settings for individual themes are stored in files such as:


The _data folder is not part of the Showkase package. It is created when the gallery is setup. As such, it will not be overwritten if/when you upgrade Showkase.

Re: Customize viewer for a child theme [SOLVED]

Thank you! Useful information for all.

Re: Customize viewer for a child theme [SOLVED]

Yes, indeed. Useful to know if you're creating you own theme.
I'm glad it helps.