Topic: Kosel theme and Basic page [SOLVED]

How can there is equal space between picture and horizontal line (Kosel) above and below?
I work with Showkase on a basic page with a picture: the space below between the line and the picture is a bit larger than the space above (format DIV).

Re: Kosel theme and Basic page [SOLVED]

If you are not entering any text for the 'Page title', then the space at the top of the image will be slightly less than the space at the bottom.

Perhaps the easiest method to increase the space at the top would be to enter some non-visible content for the 'Page title' in the form of some empty HTML tags, for example <span></span>.
Entering a non-breaking space instead &nbsp; should increase the space some more.

If you want more control over the space, then you can use CSS in your theme's 'custom.css' file.
Open the '_themes/kosel/css/custom.css' file in a plain text editor and enter the following:

.type-basic .page-title:empty {
    margin-bottom: 18px;

This will add a margin (of 18px, which you can change if necessary) to the bottom of empty page titles on all 'Basic' pages.
You could use further CSS selectors to apply this rule to only one specific page if you like, for example:

.page-2 .page-title:empty {
    margin-bottom: 18px;

You can check which CSS class to use by viewing the source of your web page in a browser and checking the classes used in the <body> tag.

More information about 'Adding Custom Styles' can be found here.

If you find that this does not help, then please post the URL to the web page that you are referring to so that I can take a look at the code that you are using and help further.
Thank you.

Re: Kosel theme and Basic page [SOLVED]

Thank you. Very usefull. Now, it's what I wanted. Also, I edited footer and the space is 0.3em both (no objections?).
Perfect for me!

.type-basic .page-title:empty {
    margin-bottom: 0.3em; }


footer {
  margin-top: 0.3em;  
  padding-top: 0em;
  border-top-width: 1px;
  border-top-style: solid;

Re: Kosel theme and Basic page [SOLVED]

(no objections?)

No objections at all!
You are free to customize your site as you like.
I'm glad you're getting on well with Showkase!