Topic: Change color of mobile menu icon [SOLVED]

Is there a way I can change just the color of the menu icon (the 3 horizontal bars) on the top right of the mobile welcome page only. It's grey and not very obvious with current image. Can this be done easily? (With this fix, my website is perfect :-)

Re: Change color of mobile menu icon [SOLVED]

If you go to 'Site -> Customize Theme' and select 'custom' for the 'Color Scheme', the icon takes on the 'Link color' (and 'Hover color') which you can set in the 'Custom Palette' section.

If you just want to change the color of the icon (without affecting other links), try adding the following CSS code to your current theme's 'custom.css' file (changing the colors to whatever you like):

.icon-menu {
    color: #ff0000;
.icon-menu:hover {
    color: #00ff00;

For example, if your current theme is 'Boma' then the file you should edit is 'showkase/_themes/boma/css/custom.css'.

Re: Change color of mobile menu icon [SOLVED]

Awesome. Too easy. Thank you so much. Now my site IS perfect. :-)))

Re: Change color of mobile menu icon [SOLVED]

You're welcome!