I'm not quite sure what the problem is but if you are using Showkase v1.5.0, please make sure you click 'Save' after renaming any pages on the 'Pages' tab (and before clicking 'Publish').
I do not see any page names changing after clicking 'System -> Repairs -> Repair' (although, if all is well, there should hopefully be no need to click 'Repair').
If you can reproduce a problem consistently, please post a list of steps (using the exact Showkase terms and button names) so that I can try to replicate the problem myself. Thank you.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the topic subject of 'uninstalling' but, if you install Showkase to a directory of its own, then you can uninstall Showkase by simply deleting that directory. Showkase stores all its files inside its own directory and does not use a database. Be careful if you install Showkase to your root directory as there may already be other files there which you might want to keep if you decide to uninstall Showkase.