Topic: Social Links to open in new tab/window [SOLVED]

Hi, I'd like the social links at the bottom to open in a new tab instead of the parent... didn't see an option for this, would I have to add code to a source file?


Re: Social Links to open in new tab/window [SOLVED]

There is no configuration option available in the interface which would allow you to do this but you could certainly achieve it quite easily using one of the two suggestions below.

You could either:

(1) Open the 'showkase/_themes/base/pagetypes/basetheme.tpl' file in a plain text editor and add a target="_blank" attribute to each of the <a> tags between line 180 and 188 inclusive.
For example, change:

<a href="{$facebookLink}" title="facebook"><span class="icon-facebook2"></span></a>

... to:

<a href="{$facebookLink}" title="facebook" target="_blank"><span class="icon-facebook2"></span></a>

... or:

(2) Add the following code to your theme's 'custom.js' file (e.g. 'showkase/_themes/kosel/js/custom.js'

$('.socmedia').children('a').attr('target', '_blank');

Option #2 is probably the easier of the two suggestions to implement and does not involve modifying source code but both suggestions should work equally well. The result is the same at the end of the day whether you add the 'target' attributes yourself (#1) or let the JavaScript code do it dynamically (#2).

Please note that the line numbers above refer to the current version of Showkase (v1.4.3).

Re: Social Links to open in new tab/window [SOLVED]

Great thanks that works.

Re: Social Links to open in new tab/window [SOLVED]

You're welcome!