Topic: balise alt

I have not found the alt tag in your software, it is a serious flaw and I think that's unacceptable. Your software is not serious.
You are doing nice, but it's not useful for robots. So I council people not to use your software, don't buy.It's better to use gallery in html and it's same same for look.
Best regards

Re: balise alt

Showkase makes extensive use of 'alt' attributes for images throughout a site.

(1) In a Site Header logo, an 'alt' attribute is used, populated by the web site title (from 'Site -> Site Settings').

(2) In a Library image inserted into a page via the editor, an 'alt' attribute is used, populated by the 'Alternative Text' input on the editor's Image pop-up window.

(3) In a ListViewer gallery, 'alt' attributes are used, populated by the image titles (on the 'Images' tab).

(4) In a Juicebox gallery, 'alt' attributes are used in the dynamically generated code (populated by the image titles) and in the SEO content code (populated by the image captions). If you want SEO content code to be included in your Juicebox gallery pages, be sure to select the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in the 'Gallery Lite Options' section. This is selected by default.

(5) Images within a SimpleViewer gallery are displayed as part of a Flash presentation and are not displayed using HTML <img> tags. However, you can still display SEO content code for SimpleViewer gallery pages and 'alt' attributes are used in the <img> tags here, populated by the image captions (on the 'Images' tab).

If you find any instances where 'alt' attributes are not used in <img> tags in a Showkase site, please let me know.
Thank you.

Re: balise alt

Thank you for your answer, I use only SimpleViewer and I have not found alt tag. So I do not understand why they created the alt tag? I think  it was created  to use ...
I do not know your other gallery software.
In any case, Google only indexes with the alt tag and does not index images in Simple Viewer. It is true that few people know how work Google Image, yet it is simple and there are no secret kept by Google ( the ignorant say this).
Thank you

Re: balise alt

SimpleViewer is a Flash image viewer and, as such, does not display images using HTML <img> tags. As there are no <img> tags, the 'alt' attribute cannot be used.
However, select the Add SEO content checkbox in the SimpleViewer Gallery Page's 'Gallery Standard Options' section and Showkase will add <img> tags (including 'alt' attributes) to the gallery page's HTML content specifically for search engines to index.
There will be an <img> tag with an 'alt' attribute for each and every image in your SimpleViewer gallery.
The 'alt' attributes will be populated by the image captions so be sure to add a suitable caption for each image on the gallery page's 'Images' tab.

I do not know your other gallery software.

You can find out more about Juicebox on the Juicebox web site and in this SimpleViewer blog entry.
I do not know if you have Showkase-Standard or Showkase-Pro but you will at least have Juicebox-Lite integrated into your Showkase installation so you can try creating a Juicebox Gallery Page if you like. Again, be sure to select the 'Add SEO Content' checkbox in the 'Gallery Lite Options' section for SEO content code to be included in your Juicebox Gallery Pages.