Topic: Error message when Publish updates


After changing hex value in : Site / Customize Theme / Custom Palette / Borders color, and then click the Publish button, I get the following error message :


Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set max execution time limit due to system policy

Error URL ends with :


Now this error appears each time I click the Publish button...

What can I do ?

Thank you in advance,


Re: Error message when Publish updates

That sounds like a limitation imposed by your web host.
Maybe you could contact them and ask them to enable set_time_limit() in your PHP settings.

Do you see a "You have warning messages, continue with publishing?" alert box?
What happens if you click 'OK'?

As long as you don't have a huge number of pages or images in your site, it is likely that the publishing will complete successfully (within the default time limit) and you can just skip these warnings although there may come a time, if you plan to have a large site, when this becomes a problem. The solution is to allow Showkase to use the PHP set_time_limit() function to increase the time allowed to complete the publishing process so, ideally, it needs to be enabled in your PHP settings.

Re: Error message when Publish updates

Thank you again Steven !

It is not a problem at the moment, since I'm only esting the website before feeding it for real with pictures.

I confirm that I see a "You have warning messages, continue with publishing?" alert box. And, yes, when I click "OK", this works.

I just sent a message to my hoster, asking them to enable 'set_time_limit()' in PHP settings of my website.

I'll let you know their answer for your information.

Kind regards,


Re: Error message when Publish updates

OK. Thanks for the update.
As I mentioned, this may only become a problem if or when your site becomes really large and Showkase needs a longer time to process all your pages and/or images.
If it does become a problem, you'll see an error message rather than just a warning.
Even if your web host in unable or unwilling to allow the use of set_time_limit(), as long as you do not see an error message, you should be able to continue using Showkase successfully.