Topic: configuration question [SOLVED]

I have "page title" showing on the bottom of my gallery pages (ie., however on my "basic" pages it is showing at the top of the page. Is there a way to get the "basic" pages to keep the placement at the bottom?

Since I am using the "page" title for a slightly different purpose at the bottom of the page (as mentioned above), is there a way that I can still have the actual NAV name show at the top of the gallery image for the gallery category it is in (ie. Architecture, Product, People)?

Is there a way to get the "caption" to be bolder and/or not dim when the cursor is not hovering over it as in this example at the bottom of the main image


Re: configuration question [SOLVED]

Is there a way to get the "basic" pages to keep the placement at the bottom?

Open the '_themes\base\pagetypes\basic.tpl' file in a plain text editor and change lines 4-7 from:

<div class="body-content {$pageBodyLayout}">

... to:

<div class="body-content {$pageBodyLayout}">

... is there a way that I can still have the actual NAV name show at the top of the gallery image for the gallery category it is in (ie. Architecture, Product, People)?

Open the '_themes\base\pagetypes\juicebox.tpl' file in a plain text editor and add the following code immediately below {block "content"} on line 2:

<section class="page-body">

Is there a way to get the "caption" to be bolder and/or not dim when the cursor is not hovering over it...

All links in a Showkase page (including those within Juicebox image titles or captions) are styled similarly.
However, you can override this automatic styling by using HTML formatting within your image titles or captions as documented in this FAQ:
How do I add HTML formatting to image captions and titles?

For example, you could use a caption such as the following:

<a href="" style="color: #ffffff; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">Click here.</a>

Re: configuration question [SOLVED]

These solutions worked great! I was worried that each time I re-published I would have to go back and redo these changes, but fortunately they all stay in place. Thanks!

Re: configuration question [SOLVED]

You will not lose any modifications if you edit the source files (that Showkase uses to generate your site's HTML web pages).
The only time you will lose any modifications when publishing is if you edit the HTML web pages themselves (in which case they will be overwritten with new versions each time you publish).