Topic: Web Statistics

I am contemplating adding web stats to my domain. To do this I need to add tracking code to every page I wish to monitor.
On my site I have sub-domain of Showkase Galleries.
Now I am assuming if I put the tracking code in each index.html that is going to do the trick.

The question that I have is if I rebuild the Gallery with Showkase, say be adding or deleting images or changing the display parameters will the tracking code be overwritten?

Re: Web Statistics

Showkase supports Google Analytics.
You can add your Google Web Property ID into the 'Site -> Site Settings -> Google Analytics' section and the appropriate tracking code will automatically be added to all pages created by Showkase (and will remain when updating pages).

In answer to your question, if you wanted to do this manually, you would need to add the tracking code to each and every page you want to track (every 'index.html' page). If you updated a page (for example to change a gallery's configuration options), then the code would be lost and would need to be reinstated.

Re: Web Statistics

Thank you Steven. Google Analytics is just what I needed. Seems to work well too.