The website whose URL you posted was not created by Showkase.
The Acqua Photo demo site created by Showkase can be found here.
Showkase does not feature a drop-down menu system or a contact form.
The website you quoted was created by WordPress. The drop-down menu system looks to have been created with a custom theme and the contact form was created with the Contact Form 7 plugin.
It would not be possible to change Showkase's menu system for a drop-down alternative.
It would be possible to embed a contact form into a Showkase page but you would first need to find a suitable third-party form (try searching the internet with terms such as 'PHP contact form'). Whichever form you choose, follow their directions to embed it into a web page. When it comes to pasting the form's embedding code into a web page, you would past it into the text editor of a Showkase page in 'Source' input mode.