Topic: https website but some sources are http

I have a website and I secured it with SSL, so my site is using https.
Unfortunately my browser gives a warning that some sources are not secure and using http.
In Chrome I found out what the sources are:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ' … _white.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
(index):122 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

For the main page there is no problem.
I already changed it to https on: Site - Customize Theme - Site header - Site Logo image URL.
I already changed it to https on the source of the page.

But I still get these warnings.
Strangely it worked on the main page, but not on subpages.

Re: https website but some sources are http

As a workaround I noticed that when I change the name of the subpage and than save it with the original name it worked for me.

Re: https website but some sources are http

I am not sure why images from within the Showkase Library ('_library') are not being served using the https:// protocol within your web site.
I have notified the developers who may be able to shed some more light on this issue.
In the meantime, I am glad that you have been able to find a workaround (although it seems strange that changing the name of the page should make a difference).

Re: https website but some sources are http

If you are adding Library images via the editor (by clicking the Image icon and then clicking the Browse Library button), then, after selecting an image, try changing the entry in the URL text field so that it starts with either https:// or just //.
... or //
The URL for an existing image can be edited by selecting (clicking) the image within the editor and clicking the editor Image icon or by entering Source mode.

Thank you for reporting this issue.
As noted above, I have notified the developers.