I contacted my host and they were able to fix it. I think it may have been something on their end. All is working now. Thanks!

Thanks, I did that too. Everything checked out. I did have to ask my host to fix a sessions error the first time I installed a while back. Not sure if that would have anything to do with it. It also will work if I move everything to a subfolder but then my home page url would have to change. If I were to try removing the site and starting from scratch, would i be able to re-upoad my site without having to rebuild it? If so, what's the best way to do that?

Thanks for your help!

Just tried that. Unfortunately no luck. Any other ideas?

When I go to my url ronimartin.com I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I can view my pages if I go directly to them ronimartin.com/portfolio/ but not the main index page. My Showkase files are in the root folder, not a subfolder.

That worked! Thanks!

I have the same problem. # symbol appears on Juicebox gallery page on the iPhone when using the Kosel theme.