thank you very much for your great help !

suggestion 2 seems a good way to solve the problem - didn't know, that this is possible via meta tags ..

best regards

addition ..

it happens only - and everytime .. in galleries of the first gallery index page
in other galleries ( in other gallery index pages or stand alone ) are all added pictures normal to see after 'publish' ..
spooky ..

ok,  thank you very much.

at first it was helpful, the missing picture is shown in the gallery after deleting the browser cache ..
never had such a "bug" ...
?? ist there a possibility to force a server-newload by clicking "publish" ?

if you give me your email, i could send you all informations about my showkase installation .. nearly 300 pages/galleries in the moment .. but growing .. al works fine ..

thank you
best regards

i also needed sub-galleries
i solved my problem with "sub - showkase" - folders and linked from main showkase to them ..
only one snag .. it shows a new index, so you must add a "back" link in the sub-showkase index to lead the user back to main ..   
But it works fine
i have three stages .. one main (with admin)  and two sub-folders (each with copies aof _themes, _data i.e. and index.php )


i am very satsified with your Showkase program. Last week i updated it with the new version.
All ok.
Now i added a picture in a gallery, worked ..
pictures ar in folders images, thumbs, large, small
i sorted it, i added caption  - all ok.
It is in config xml, in images.txt and index.html

BUT .. klick on "publish" and the pic does not appear .. 
No F5 or strg F5 helps.
-> if i look at page - source code - it is there ( in the 'non java schript' - part of code ) - but not on screen ... 

can you give me a help ?
thank you
best regards