NONE of the above suggestions work at all. I have spent well over a couple of months trying to get Showkase to function as advertised and have yet to achive that. PLEASE HELP.

I was logged in and editing my site hit save for the page I was working on. I then hit the Site button and was logged out. So I logged back in hit the same button and got the same results. I then wanted to test the other buttons in Showkase each button and edit button now instantly loggs me out. I also deleted all history and cookies in both Safari and Firefox with no change. Thanks for any help.


(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thanks so much Steven for the help.

Next question. Ive looked in the instructions but cannot find the answer. Is there away to adjust the lay out for the mobile side. For instance moving the drop down menu for the pages from the right to the left side. Im sure that im just missing something.

Thanks for any and all help.



(3 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hello all,

Im setting up a four image galleries. Is there away to save the settings from one page and apply those same settings across all gallery pages?

Im trying to get all the gallery pages the same i.e. images placed in the center, etc. One of the pages works great while another is off center. And I cant see what I need to do to move the image for instance to the right.

Thanks for any and all help.



(1 replies, posted in Showkase Support)


I am having a heck of a time getting Showkase to work on my site, which is php ready.
I have uploaded the Showkase folder to the root of my site. I went in to the Showkase folder but can not find how to get to the Set Up button that is mentioned in the instructions on set up.

In the Showkase folder I did go to Admin>Settings index.html and tried to open that but got a 530 and 403 error.

Current site is SV Pro but it is flash. Do I need to go ahead and upload my new JuiceBox gallery to get Showkase to function?

Secondly is this possible to do on your comp instead of working of the server?

I do know this is not much information. If you let me know what else you need to help I'd be happy to provide that info.

Update I got the Server Compatibility Test and got very confusing results. Here is what it said.

Basic tests
'; print 'TestResultOK?'; $overall = true; $ok = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '>='); $overall = $overall && $ok; print 'Php version'.phpversion().''.okTd($ok).''; $ok = (@ini_get("safe_mode") != 'On') && (@ini_get("safe_mode") != 1); $overall = $overall && $ok; $status = $ok ? 'off' : 'on'; print 'Safe mode'.$status.''.okTd($ok).''; $gdVersion = getGDVersion(); $ok = version_compare($gdVersion, '2.0', '>='); $overall = $overall && $ok; print 'GD graphics library version'.$gdVersion.''.okTd($ok).''; $ok = class_exists('DOMDocument'); $overall = $overall && $ok; $status = $ok ? 'available' : 'not available'; print 'XML DOM functions'.$status.''.okTd($ok).''; print ''; $message = $overall ? '

Success: your server meets the basic requirements to run ShowKase. You should now run the file handling tests to ensure that your server has the correct permissions for ShowKase to work with files and folders.
' : '

Sorry: your server does not meet the basic requirements to run ShowKase
'; print $message; ?>

Is it compatible or not?  Thanks for any help.

All the best,