(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Version is 1.3.4, put line in .htaccess file, cleared the cache and now....... It works!!
This is realy great!
Thanks Steven!


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Thanks Steven,
I did that and now I have it set to white but if I set it to an other color it won't change, I use SimpleViewer btw.
Also I put some text in the Caption section and also that is not showing on a running computer.
As I started up an other computer I saw the captions but if I change them and I klick Update, I don't see them change on the computers also not after refreshing the webpage.
Verry strange, do you know how I can make that work?


(5 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hello Everybody,

I am using the Gallery Manager theme and show the gallery in an existing page with an iframe and that works fine.
Now I have put some text in the Catption so it shows up when you go over the picture with your mouse.
But it is black text on a almost black background, I tried to change the text color of the caption but did not succeed in it.
Can anybody tell me how I do that?