(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

On the Sarah Lee demo that also uses the Kosel theme, how do the images fill that whole screen in the small screen version? The gallery seems to be expanding on load on the small screen.

*OK, I figured this out. A Splash page is needed to open the gallery in expanded screen mode. I wish that opening in expanded mode could be done without having a splash page.

You mentioned in another thread that since there's no place to put a link to a custom CSS file I should make my changes in
admin/plugins/juicebox/master…. the only problem is changes don't seem to "take' with that CSS file. But changes do appear when made to the CSS file in  _viewers/juicebox/jbcore/classic….
The only problem is any change I make to that CSS file is overwritten the next time I Publish anything. Am I missing something?


(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Well that sucks! Why does Apple do stuff like this? What was a nice feature to show more of s site goes away to show more toolbar? Grrr.

The end result is now my images are even smaller and more scrunched (13% less space from what I just read). The images look like postage stamps.

Could you look at my site and tell me how with Showkase I can get the footer type be as low as possible and have the image and caption to be situated right above?

On the left is what it looks like now, on the right is what I would like it to be:
http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii22 … snwgy8.jpg

Or maybe if there was a way to open Juicebox into Expand Gallery mode? Or a way to shrink the space the condensed header takes up?



(6 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I finally updated to the latest Showkase 1.3.6 from 1.3.4.
It seems that I now get a full size URL area and a bottom toolbar on the iPhone in iOS Safari when viewing my site. Did the iOS "minimal UI" viewport function get altered or turned off in this version? Really makes a big difference in how the site looks with those UI elements taking up so much room.


(93 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Please allow for the option of having all navigation appear on all pages in the Kosel theme. As it is right now only the parent areas in a navigation tree appear on pages that aren't children of those parents. For instance if I have:

Area1 Area2

as parent items, and:

Sub1 Sub2 Sub3

As Sub items under Area 1, then going to the pages Sub1 Sub2 Sub3, the full tree of navigation appears that includes all the sub page areas.

If I go to Area2 I see only:

Area1 Area2

Which means all those sub navigation pages under Area1 are not visible on that page.
I would like the option of seeing all navigation on all pages regardless of hierarchy.

I hope that makes sense!


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Steven @ Showkase wrote:

With regard to your original query, if you would still rather use your own thumbnail images for your gallery index page, then you could prevent Showkase from regenerating them (and replacing your own ones) each time you publish your site by changing line 60 in the '\admin\settings\constants.php' file from:


... to:

define('OVERWRITE_INDEX_THUMBS', false);


I can live with the nav the way it is, but I wish the display was the same for all pages regardless of hierarchy. Makes more sense to be on all pages. At least as an option. Maybe a Feature Request.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I created a Contact page and wonder why the 2 rows of navigation (Kosel theme) that are on the rest of the site get get cut to one row (The 2nd row elements are all sub navigation to the Main area).
Is there a way to have both rows show on the Contact page?


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I turns out that replacing the thumbnails was the way to go. Unfortunately every time I Publish anything I have to go back in an change the thumbnails again. In this type of case it would be nice to have the option of choosing no image for the Index page so the default thumbs are not regenerated.

Also, when I go to any page on my site, the page name I have given is preceded by the words Web Pages. So "Gallery" from the navigation is shown as "Web Pages | Gallery" in browser tabs. Is there a way to get rid of the "Web Pages"?


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

I've got most of my site together but the thumbnails on the main page still bother me as being not as sharp as the images they are taken from. They look OK small on an iOS device, but in a browser on a regular LCD they don't.

This is where I was going to post link to my site but the forum won't let me. Why? 0 links allowed?

Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:
Too many links in message. Allowed 0 links. Reduce number of links and post it again.


I wonder if it's the downsizing of the larger images to make them that is causing the issue. Yes I'm using the latest version of Showkase and have used different browsers. If you look at the thumbnail for Archive then go to the full size image (which is #11) then click Main and toggle back and forth, you can see how different the sharpness looks. The other thumbs are equally fuzzy.

I was thinking if there was no way around this downsizing I could make a thumbnail image to use. But I if I uploaded it to the page collection of images, it would end up on a page in the JB gallery (any way to turn of visibility?). Plus I don't know what size would be optimal.

The blurred thumbnails have me stumped.


(9 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

-I've been using a Juicebox for a while and have created a custom css theme that is linked to galleries. Is there a way to link that same css file in Showkase to the galleries made there?

-The large thumbnails on my gallery index page look a little blurry. If I scale the browser window they are tack sharp like they are in the gallery, but when I let go of the page something happens and they get blurrier. Is there something I can turn off so they don't change appearance?

-Is there a way to get rid of the >> in sub navigation links?
