Hi Steven,

thanks for your very fast support! :)

I know what you mean, and the eddit is done in the basetheme.tpl file.

Is this edit set to all my showkase pages when I push the publish-button?
Am I right, that I have to do this edit at the next showkase update?  1.3.6 to a higher version, maybe other lines than 109/110...


I'm using Google Analytics on my showkase Homepage. It's working perfect.
But there are some special laws in Germany. So the german law says, you have cut the last 8 bit of any IP adress by using the "anonymizeIP() function". Every webmaster have to add this to the Google Analytics Code on his website.

My questions:
Is this in showkase embeded?
Or is there a way that you could include this function? Maybe by using a Checkbox for activate the "anonymizeIP() function".

Cool :) It works now.
Thank you Steven.


I want to place an image in a basic-page (no Gallery) between text.
In the image properties window I choose width = 1000px and heigh = 680px.
But the image appears not in this width/heigh. The max width is about 550 px...
If I choose width = 400px, the image appears in 400px for example.
The image is 2388 x 1625px, uploaded in library.
In customize theme options, max site width is set to 1500px.

Can you help me?

Best wishes from Germany



(7 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hey Steven,

are there any news about the problem or Showkase-Update?

Best wishes from Germany