(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Problem solved : I changed the caption position to Below_Image and now it works a desired.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

Hello Steven,

I use Juicebox-Pro v1.3.3, the Image Transition Type = Slide and the Image scale mode = Scale down.

Hereby a link to the affected Gallery : knoerifast.be/pic-of-the-day-2013
Only the first 5 pictures have captions, because I stopped inputting them when I discovered the problem.

Thanks already for the response.


(4 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

When I move to the next picture in a gallery, the caption isn't shown again for that next picture. When I expand the gallery, the caption appears again. In this way, when I autoplay a gallery, the captions are never shown. Does anyone else had this experience and has a solution for it ?  Thanks in advance for the feedback.