Hi there,

I'm trying to add more images to a Juicebox gallery on my website using Showkase's back end.  I've already successfully created 3 galleries, and filled those galleries with a varying number of many images.  Unfortunately, when I try to make a 4th Juicebox gallery and add images to that; no matter how hard to try to add more than 1 image to that gallery, the rest of the images aside from the first image I chose to upload, fail to be added to the actual HTML5 code.  I get this error when attempting to upload:

"cannot get image size for images/filename.jpg in image.php line 107"

For ever subsequent image I attempt to upload to that gallery. I can add more images to the existing galleries I've created, I just can't create a new gallery and upload more than 1 image to that Juicebox gallery.  I've tried using the numerous rebuild and reinstall functions in the Showkase back end, but with no success.  I've tried using the Flash and Basic uploader and nothing either.  I've also noticed that all the images I've selected to upload, are actually physically uploaded to my FTP into the proper folder, but for some reason, Showkase can't create proper code for a Juicebox gallery? I'm pretty confused as to why.  I thought it was cause I ran out of space on my FTP; nope.

Any ideas?
