Thanks !

I went with that (.htaccess/.htpasswd), not very convenient but works just fine.


(93 replies, posted in Showkase Support)

35ol wrote:


2/ more than 2 level gallery index page

Sake wrote:

It has been on this list for ages, I am desperately waiting for it since I use ShowKase: please, please please gimme the possibillity to make an Indexpage of Indexpages! So I can build a site with multiple layers: like Abroad=>India=>Mumbai=>Slums. How hard can that be for you to build??? You are geniuses, right? Yeahhh, I'm sure, just do it! Please?

siriusgregg wrote:

Are there any plans to implement nested galleries in a future version?

Any news about that somewhat highly requested feature? Pleeeeeaaase!

Hello !

I've just purchased showkase and was in the process of including my juiceboxPro galleries in it.

I found out that the jbcore file that include the password.php is a global one, meaning the same for every gallery and not a separate one for each gallery as it was until using showkase.

Regarding that how can I manage to have a unique password for each of my galleries ?
There's an array in the password.php so I'm pretty confident you can work something out to set specifics passwords to specifics galleries but I dont know PHP :D

Help me Obiwan codingbee ;)